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Jul 27, 2024

2008 Musical America Awards Reception
December 13, 2007
(All photos by Peter Schaaf)

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 (left to right) Angela Duryea, Instrumentalist of the Year Charles Rosen looks at his tribute by Stuart Isacoff in the new issue of MA Directory, Rachel Zerner.
  •  (left to right) Angela Duryea, Instrumentalist of the Year Charles Rosen looks at his tribute by Stuart Isacoff in the new issue of MA Directory, Rachel Zerner.
    (left to right) Angela Duryea, Instrumentalist of the Year Charles Rosen looks at his tribute by Stuart Isacoff in the new issue of MA Directory, Rachel Zerner.
  • (l. to r.) Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho and Jane Moss, Artistic Director of Lincoln Center, enjoy a joke by opera director Peter Sellars.
    (l. to r.) Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho and Jane Moss, Artistic Director of Lincoln Center, enjoy a joke by opera director Peter Sellars.
  •  Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center director Norma Hurlburt and composer David Chesky.
    Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center director Norma Hurlburt and composer David Chesky.
  • (l. to. r.) Musical America publisher Stephanie Challener, Commonwealth Business Media President Alan Glass, Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko, MA editor Sedgwick Clark.
    (l. to. r.) Musical America publisher Stephanie Challener, Commonwealth Business Media President Alan Glass, Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko, MA editor Sedgwick Clark.
  • (l. to r.) Buryl Red, music arranger, Joseph Jennings, music director of Chanticleer, Ensemble of the Year, Cia Toscanini, ASCAP.
    (l. to r.) Buryl Red, music arranger, Joseph Jennings, music director of Chanticleer, Ensemble of the Year, Cia Toscanini, ASCAP.
  • Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho accepts her award.
    Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho accepts her award.
  • Conductor of the Year Robert Spano contemplates his award.
    Conductor of the Year Robert Spano contemplates his award.
  • Instrumentalist of the Year Charles Rosen muses that 'It's funny to get an award for something you enjoy doing.'
    Instrumentalist of the Year Charles Rosen muses that 'It's funny to get an award for something you enjoy doing.'
  • Joseph Jennings, music director, and Christine Bullin, President, of Chanticleer, Musical America's Ensemble of the Year, with MA editor Sedgwick Clark.
    Joseph Jennings, music director, and Christine Bullin, President, of Chanticleer, Musical America's Ensemble of the Year, with MA editor Sedgwick Clark.
  • Metropolitan Opera general manager Peter Gelb and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko, one of the Met's top stars.
    Metropolitan Opera general manager Peter Gelb and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko, one of the Met's top stars.
  •  (l. to r.) MA editor Sedgwick Clark; Magdalena Herrgard, Finnish Consulate Media Relations; Osmo Lipponen, Finnish Consul General; Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho; Ilkka Kalliomaa, Finnish Cultural Attaché; Pekka Hako, Cultural Counselor of Finnish Embassy, Washington, D.C.
    (l. to r.) MA editor Sedgwick Clark; Magdalena Herrgard, Finnish Consulate Media Relations; Osmo Lipponen, Finnish Consul General; Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho; Ilkka Kalliomaa, Finnish Cultural Attaché; Pekka Hako, Cultural Counselor of Finnish Embassy, Washington, D.C.
  • Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko.
    Composer of the Year Kaija Saariaho and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko.
  • (l. to.r.) Musical America designer Robert Bertrand, editor Sedgwick Clark, and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko.
    (l. to.r.) Musical America designer Robert Bertrand, editor Sedgwick Clark, and Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko.
  • (l.to.r.) Joseph Jennings, Chanticleer; Kaija Saariaho, Composer of the Year; Charles Rosen, Instrumentalist of the Year; Anna Netrebko, Musician of the Year; Sedgwick Clark, MA editor. Missing is Robert Spano, Conductor of the Year, en route to Chicago to lead opening night of
    (l.to.r.) Joseph Jennings, Chanticleer; Kaija Saariaho, Composer of the Year; Charles Rosen, Instrumentalist of the Year; Anna Netrebko, Musician of the Year; Sedgwick Clark, MA editor. Missing is Robert Spano, Conductor of the Year, en route to Chicago to lead opening night of "Dr. Atomic" the next evening.
  • Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko engrossed in the new Musical America Directory.
    Musician of the Year Anna Netrebko engrossed in the new Musical America Directory.


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