Archive for December, 2009

Major University Presenters visit China

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

by Cathy Barbash

Members of the Major University Presenters (MUPs) group on a recent China research trip could be excused for feeling culturally disoriented in more ways than one. Large-scale Christmas decorations were everywhere, even waitresses in Beijing’s iconic Quanjude Peking Duck emporium sported Santa hats. When I searched local markets for Year of the Tiger decorations, I was told I would have to wait until after Christmas!

This visit was the beginning of the long-awaited realization of a project that David Fraher (Arts Midwest) and I had created: the development of a pipeline that would bring high quality Chinese performances of various genres accompanied by contextualizing curriculum support to American university presenters. During our 8 days on the ground we saw performances by 24 different ensembles including theater, ballet, modern dance, traditional instruments, minority music, jazz, new media, in Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing.

I’m delighted to report that in the performing arts field in China a fresh breeze is blowing. David and I were able to pre-curate the performances in an equal partnership with the Ministry of Culture. There was not one ensemble we requested to which we were denied access, nothing was forced down our throats, and the quality and booking promise of the groups was very encouraging.

Hats off to my delegation-the best with whom I’ve had the privilege of sharing my passion for Chinese performing arts. They include Arizona State, Penn State, UFlorida, UKansas, UMaryland, UMichigan, UMinnesota, and UTexas-Austin. We will meet during the Arts Presenters conference to determine next steps. I’ll keep you posted.