Archive for November 4th, 2010

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

by Cathy Barbash

Within the last six months, a Ministry of Culture subsidiary actually hired a local foreign media expert to advise them on the use of social and other internet media tools to improve its cultural diplomacy (aka soft power) initiatives. Foreign expert told them to use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and the like.

Ministry of Culture tossed the recommendation.

Within a day of my learning the above, a senior Chinese corporate director asked my advice on VPNs, the software devices that let the user bypass the Great Firewall of China.

Return of the King?

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

by Cathy Barbash

Last weekend in Xi’an, my local cultural official friend, discreetly told us that artists in Shaanxi Province are quietly telling each other that “spring is coming.” Why their optimism? Shaanxi native Xi Jingping will become the next president of China. “The Tang Emperor is returning,” they say.

They will need all the help they can get–the local revival/repatriation of Ping Chong’s Cathay: Three Tales of China, was, albeit a huge artistic success, fraught with nightmarish production problems. This was a sobering reminder of how the interior still lags behind the coast, and how government affiliated culture companies lag behind private entrepreneurial companies in the same city.

The One-Eyed Man

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

By James Jorden

The New York City Opera’s production of the Bernstein/Wadsworth A Quiet Place won what are called “mixed” reviews. A few critics hosannaed “Thanks be to Great God Lenny for smooching us once more with his plump, moist genius,” but the majority echoed Cecil B. DeMille’s tactful reaction to Norma Desmond’s bizarre comeback screenplay, “There are some good things in it…”  (more…)