Archive for January 4th, 2011

Dance History in the Age of Marketing

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

By Rachel Straus

Humanity has passed through the age of reason, innocence, anxiety, imperialism, paradox, and turbulence (according to Alan Greenspan). Now we are in the age of marketing. For confirmation look no further than Goldman Sachs’ $450M to Facebook.

Not wanting to be left behind, I market the following ten articles. I wrote them over the past year, they are published by Dance Teacher magazine, and cover major dance figures from 1890 to 2009.

1.  Russian Ballet Icon Vaslav Nijinsky (1890-1950)

2. West Side Story Choreographer Peter Gennaro( 1919-2000)

3. Martha Graham Principal Dancer and Choreographer Pearl Lang (1921-2009)

4. Movement Therapy Founder Marian Chace (1896-1970)

5. Dance Composition Teacher Bessie Schönberg (1906-1997)

6. Precision Dance Pioneer Gussie Nell Davis (1906-1993)

7. Neo-Realist Choreographer Maurice Béjart (1927-2007)

8. Radio City Rockettes Creator Russell Markert (1899-1990)

9. Hollywood Musical Dance Arranger Robert Alton (1906-1957)

10. African-American choreographer Talley Beatty (1918-1995): Coming in February!