Archive for May 16th, 2012

Off to Africa!

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

by Sedgwick Clark

I’m off for a two-and-a-half-week safari vacation in South Africa with PK and our favorite traveling buddies. From Cape Town and the wine lands to Kruger National Park to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, it will undoubtedly be a far cry from the MGM back lot and grainy second-unit location images impressed upon me since I was a kid. Whatever I’ll encounter, I may be sure it won’t be Maureen O’Sullivan, Grace Kelly, or Ava Gardner, although The African Queen and all those shots and malaria pills have made me a bit apprehensive of the smaller wildlife thereabouts.

One stop will be outside Cape Town to the Hout Bay Music Project, which teaches string and percussion students. We’re taking scores and sheet music from Schirmer Inc., t-shirts from the New York Philharmonic, caps from Lincoln Center, and plenty of CDs I’ve received over the years. I’ll bet the kids especially appreciate three of the multi-CD chamber-music sets released annually by Music@Menlo, which contain 73 works from the baroque to 21st century. But I’m also bringing CDs by Musical America honorees David Finckel and Wu Han, Gil Shaham, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Joshua Bell, and undoubted future honorees.

Steve J. Sherman graciously offered to show us how to use PK’s new digital single photo and video camera, so I’m hoping you will be seeing some photos of the music school next week.  In the meantime, its Web site is

How Do I Draft An Engagement Agreement For My Trio?

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Dear FTM Arts Law,

I am a manager who will be writing contracts on behalf of a trio. They don’t have a corporation and there is no “leader.” They just get together and perform together. How do I handle their engagement fees so that I do not look like their employer? None of the three wants to collect the money on behalf of the others. So, that leaves me to disperse the money.  I know I must be careful not to appear as a producer or employer, so I want to be sure that I write my contracts properly, as well, handle the payment of fees.  So, when writing the actual contract, do I make it out between all three musicians and the presenter?  What if one of them is paid to his/her corporation? Does this make sense?

This makes absolute sense…and the answer is pretty easy! You want each engagement contract to be between the presenter and each of the individual members of the trio. Something like this: “Presenter hereby engages Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3 to perform at ___________.” The same engagement contract would also specify that the engagement fee would be paid directly to you “as the agent of Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3.” You can even sign the engagement contract, provided it is clear that you are signing “as the agent of Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3.” (I know, you said you were their “manager”, but “manager” is a title that describes your duties. For purposes of determining liability, fiduciary duties, and other legal obligations, managers and agents are both legally considered to be “agents”).

Once you collect the fee, you can pay each of the artists directly. For you purposes, it doesn’t matter whether you pay an artist individually or pay the artist’s corporation. Nonetheless, you must issue a 1099 for the FULL FEE. In other words, if the total engagement fee is $3000, and you take a 20% commission, and everything is split evenly, then you would pay each artist $1000 and deduct a commission of $200 from each payment—but you would also issue a 1099 to each artist for $1000. Why? Because you are working for the artists, they are not working for you. If you don’t want to be perceived, either for liability or tax purposes as their employer or producer, then you need to set up the transaction so it is clear that it is the artists are paying you and you are not paying them. Technically, each artist should issue you a 1099 to reflect that they paid you a commission of $200. However, in my experience, as artists are even more adverse to paperwork and forms than managers and agents, it is highly unlikely that the artists will actually issue you the 1099. It doesn’t matter. You would hardly be the first person who received a payment without an accompanying 1099.  So long as you have issued a 1099 to each artist for $1000 and report your commissions on your income taxes, you are fine. It may drive your accountant a bit nuts, but they’ll deal with it!


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