Archive for January 10th, 2013

Szell’s Sublime Walküre

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

by Sedgwick Clark

We were driving bumper to bumper out to the country last Friday and checked out the Met Opera station on Sirius XM. It was about 20 minutes into Wagner’s Die Walküre, and Hunding had just come home from a hard day at the office to discover his lovely wife, Sieglinde, with a stranger, Siegmund, at the dinner table. Hunding’s leitmotif had a particularly nasty staccato bark in the lower brass, and I pushed the info button to find out who was conducting. “George Szell, Dec 2, 1944,” it said, and I nearly plowed into the rear of the car in front of me. A few moments later Siegmund spoke up, and I exclaimed, “That’s Melchior!”

It’s difficult to imagine a superior vocal lineup in the Age of Recording: Herbert Janssen (Wotan), Helen Traubel (Brünnhilde), Lauritz Melchior (Siegmund), Rose Bampton (Sieglinde), Alexander Kipnis (Hunding), Kerstin Thorberg (Fricka). And they’re all at the top of their form. Melchior is a known phenomenon to anyone who has heard the 1935 Vienna Philharmonic recording of Die Walküre’s Act I with Lotte Lehmann as Sieglinde and Bruno Walter at the helm – the Ur-recording of the music for any Wagnerian. As for Traubel, without shortchanging the great Nilsson, the American soprano on this occasion was the plummiest-sounding Brünnhilde I’ve ever heard; sheer, rich-toned beauty, with absolutely no forcing whatsoever.

But it was Szell’s fire and brimstone, taut pacing, and fresh tempo relationships that electrified at least one pair of ears accustomed to the weighty, slo-mo Wagner performances at the Met over the last four decades. Under Szell, the conclusions of the first two acts veritably lifted me from my seat, and the Magic Fire Music that ended the opera brought tears to my eyes.

Szell led two complete Rings at the Met, but this performance of Die Walküre was the only one to be broadcast. Unbeknownst to me, a CD set had been released in 1994 as a fundraiser in the Met’s Historical series. Hmmmm.

Postscript: Returning to Manhattan after Sunday midnight, we turned on the radio to hear – you guessed it – Szell’s Walküre, at the same moment in Act I as on Friday afternoon! But this time there was no traffic, and we arrived at our destination with the fall of Act II’s curtain.

Reaching Out to Past and Potential Supporters

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

By: Edna Landau

To ask a question, please write Ask Edna.

The end of 2012 has brought a deluge of e-mails into my Inbox. Some were holiday greetings, coupled with updates on an artist’s current activities. Others were invitations to a showcase or to visit with an artist at the conferences which take place in New York in January. I will share the best and the worst of them with you since I think there are valuable lessons to be learned.


Subject: Dreams DO Come True!


Dear friends…

Ever since our show, “White Christmas,” opened in November here in Arkansas, we’ve been “dreaming of a white Christmas” about eight times a week.

Well, we got what we wished for– a very rare white Christmas in Little Rock!!

In fact, I’ve heard it’s the first one in 80 years. It was beautiful.

And yes, the show went on!

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season wherever you are!

I also am delighted to announce some upcoming engagements around the country and in the UK for early 2013. If you’re in the area,

I would love to see you!!

Jan. 11th & 12th – The Juilliard in Aiken Festival benefit concerts (Aiken, SC)

Jan. 18th & 19th – Electric Earth Concert Series (Peterborough, NH)

Jan. 27th & Feb. 9th – “Hopelessly in Love: the Lyrics of Tom Toce” (NYC)

February 12th – 16th – The Crazy Coqs (London, UK)

March 24th – 26th – The Savannah Music Festival, double bill with Jane Monheit (Savannah, GA)

May 4th – The Caramoor International Music Festival (Katonah, NY)

Details on my website and Facebook page.


Keep warm and take care, friends..

and know that I wish you all a very happy new year!


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Facebook Page
You Made Me Love You CD

The e-mail from Jennifer Sheehan (featured in my blog of March 30, 2011, The “je ne sais quoi” of Great Talent) immediately caught my eye with its nice positive title (Dreams DO Come True). I enjoyed the human interest story about the first “White Christmas” in Arkansas in 80 years. It related to what Jennifer was doing at the time and the beautiful photo of the snow immediately put me in a holiday mood. I liked that Jennifer’s tone was warm and welcoming and that she shared information about a half dozen upcoming, significant engagements, while avoiding overwhelming me with detail by providing links to her website, Facebook page, YouTube channel and CD. Well done!


The subject of The Hasty Ensemble’s (fictitious name) e-mail to me was “CMA Conference Meeting?”. The text was as follows: Greetings! Let’s meet at the CMA Conference. The Hasty Ensemble is currently booking concerts for 2013-14 and beyond. Do you have time to talk on Friday or Saturday, January 18th or 19th? A rather bizarre picture of the ensemble followed, which, in my view, would never entice anyone to book them. The face of one member of the ensemble wasn’t at all visible and there were no instruments in the photo. I had no idea what type of ensemble it was. Beneath the photo were two phrases from reviews and a link to a new record release. That was it. I find it hard to believe that the sender would expect any responses to such an e-mail.

If you are writing a mass e-mail to people you don’t know, your first order of business should be to ascertain if they are in a position to help you. (I am not a presenter and hence I don’t book any concerts.) You should attempt to strike a cordial and even humble tone that doesn’t assume anything, but rather expresses appreciation for the reader’s consideration. The e-mail should be attractive, with an appealing photograph and enough information to give the reader a basis for deciding whether to respond. The Chamber Music America (CMA) conference is small enough that a targeted, personalized communication, perhaps mentioning a mutual contact within the industry, would have a far greater chance of success. The bottom line is that if you write to a potential supporter or presenter, you have to make that person care about you and what you have to offer. Try sharing your draft message in advance with a few people whose judgment you trust. Their feedback may prove valuable as you continue your efforts to network and promote your ensemble.

To ask a question, please write Ask Edna.

© Edna Landau 2013