Archive for September, 2013

Inspiration and Mentoring in the Workplace

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

by Edna Landau

To ask a question, please write Ask Edna.

Over the summer months, I had the opportunity to speak with a number of young people who are currently working in artist management, as well as others who have moved on to different areas of the classical music business. Having felt for a long time that we are not doing enough to nurture the next generation of artist managers, I asked for their opinions and suggestions. Overall, they tended to concur with my supposition; however, they all felt that the situation could be improved despite changes in the industry and the minimal profit margins that many artist managements face. The most immediate problem for those entering the field is the limited opportunities for upward mobility. They often have a music background and are willing to start at a low salary with entry-level responsibilities, with the hope that their situation will improve before too long. They soon learn that there is no built-in system for advancement, and that promotions are often dependent on someone leaving the company since the budget rarely allows for adding new positions unless there are significant new artist signings or touring attractions. What can make a real difference during this indefinite “apprenticeship” period is if those senior to them take advantage of opportunities to inspire and mentor them in ways that will nurture their talents and groom them for future higher positions within the company as they open up. Often this doesn’t happen and when word gets out to other agencies about their promising potential, they are snatched away at a higher salary (which might only be $2500 to $5000 more). Might there not have been a way to trim the expense budget enough to hold on to them? The process of training a new person can be lengthy and time-consuming, and there is always the danger of a dip in morale with staff departures. How can we do a better job of nurturing and mentoring gifted younger talent to avoid the disruptions that regular turnover causes in our businesses? Here are some ideas that we came up with together:

Senior staff should check in on junior employees at least once a week to see how they are doing. They should make sure to offer praise for work well done. They should inform them when visitors might be coming into the office and make every effort to introduce them to one another. Just about everything in the artist management business revolves around personal relationships. People at every level will work harder if they get to meet people with whom they interact on a regular basis. It should go without saying that every individual who works on behalf of an artist at any level should have the opportunity to meet that artist when they visit the office.

If possible, managers should give their associates/assistants opportunities to listen to conversations that might be particularly enlightening (at least to one side of the conversation, if using a speaker phone is awkward). There is no better way to learn how to negotiate fees than to eavesdrop on a manager adroitly navigating their way through a demanding negotiation. Managers should also share with their assistants details of some of the challenges they have been encountering, asking how they might have dealt with such challenges and leaving ample time for questions. Once managers and their assistants have worked together for a while, it becomes especially meaningful if they invite them to artist meetings. It demonstrates to the artist that they have a team to turn to at all times and it is very gratifying to the assistants to feel trusted in this way. An additional way to convey a sense of trust is to give the assistant a small project to handle on their own, with the prior understanding of what is to be undertaken and the desired goal. Constructive feedback (and hopefully praise) at the end of the project helps enormously to build confidence and a sense of achievement.

An incalculable amount can be learned by being cc’d (or blind copied) on e-mails.  When Charles Hamlen and I headed up Hamlen/Landau Management and later IMG Artists, we circulated our daily correspondence to anyone who felt inclined to read it. Managers tend to travel a great deal and sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with everything while on the road. An informed junior colleague will be up to date on their activities and will be familiar with their style of dealing with artists and presenters—a great advantage during the manager’s absence.

No matter what challenges crop up on any day, it is important for the senior artist manager to present a positive and upbeat demeanor to junior employees. If they often come across as exhausted and frustrated, they could seriously cause a young colleague to wonder if this is a direction they should personally be contemplating. All of us who have spent a great deal of time in the artist management business and the classical music industry in general undoubtedly feel that the joys of our work far outweigh any possible drawbacks. Our only hope in attracting new gifted talent to the field is to demonstrate that joy and communicate it regularly to those around us.

In thinking about colleagues of mine with the greatest longevity in our business, I was drawn to contact R. Douglas Sheldon, the greatly respected Sr. Vice President and Director of Columbia Artists Management Inc. (CAMI). He kindly agreed to meet with me and share some personal insights gained over 47 years with the company. He came to CAMI in 1966 from the Rochester Philharmonic and started out as the Midwest booking representative. There was no formal training but he learned from watching Ed Kneedler, who ran the booking department, and later from Sheldon Gold and Ronald Wilford. He also cites as mentors such legendary presenters as John Edwards (Chicago Symphony), Bill Dawson and Fan Taylor (both managers of the University of Wisconsin cultural presentations), Al Edgar (with whom he founded the Ames International Festival in 1969) and Chicago impresario, Harry Zelzer. After four years, Mr. Sheldon became Director of Booking, a position he held until 1979. His subsequent work has focused on management of leading artists and orchestras, as well as developing younger talent. Anyone who comes in contact with Doug Sheldon surely has no doubt of his total dedication and passion for the business, which must have played a big role in keeping an associate such as Mary Jo Connealy working alongside him for 25 years (until her untimely death in 2005). She began as his second secretary, handling itineraries, logistics and tour budgets, but brought with her a strong musical training and an acute ear for talent. In her seventh year at CAMI, he asked her to travel with violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter for three Canadian dates during a recital tour. The respect that had begun to develop between the two solidified during that time and led to close work together over many years, yet at no point did Ms. Mutter question Mr. Sheldon’s ongoing dedication to her and the development of her career. Ms. Connealy went on to become a Vice President and beloved artist manager at CAMI.

Doug Sheldon spoke to me about young people applying for jobs at CAMI today. Their first question is often about the path for promotion at the company. He tells them that there is no “path,” but offers to introduce them to a good number of people who started at the most basic entry level and now occupy significant positions. He explains that they succeeded in earning the company’s and its artists’ confidence and created their own path. I asked how he personally helped some of them along the way. He spoke of the importance of sharing information, philosophy and context. He further explained that there is no point in asking someone to handle their first fee negotiation if they don’t possess background on the artist and presenter and understand the significance of the date and the depth of the relationship that led to the negotiation. He was also quick to add that one should always remain open to hearing from younger colleagues as “their ideas can be better than your own.”

Doug Sheldon spoke of his team of six as “helping him accomplish what he could never do on his own.” For that reason, he feels they should know as much as possible about his work. He has daily interaction with them and they have total access to his e-mail correspondence. One imagines that with this style of working, everyone wins. I recall attending Doug Sheldon’s 60th birthday party during which Zarin Mehta, among others, made a toast. He said that he could sum him up in just one word: integrity. I am sure that all of us who have been privileged to work in the artist management field for a long while strive to bring integrity, first and foremost, to everything that we do. We must dedicate ourselves to sharing that goal with our younger colleagues and give them the tools with which to achieve it.

To ask a question, please write Ask Edna.

© Edna Landau 2013

Please note that this column will henceforth be posted biweekly.

Salon Style Dance: Miro Magliore’s Chamber Ballet

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

By Rachel Straus

Small is beautiful. That has been Miro Magliore’s approach to dance making since he created the New Chamber Ballet in 2004. On September 6 and 7, at New York City Center’s Studio Five, Magliore presented five short ballets. His selection of a salon-size cast—five female dancers and two musicians—and his decision to annually present his two-night seasons in a bare bones studio are not just practical responses to the dire state of U.S. arts funding. They express his aesthetic vision. Magliore’s ballets cleave to modesty. His City Center evenings, which offer neither sets nor lighting, bear a similarity to the experience of sitting in one of the spare Lutheran churches of his German homeland. In contrast to the baroque spectacle of Roman Catholic churches (and Broadway theaters a few blocks west of City Center), Magliore’s presentations, which always feature live music, are the opposite of the razzle and dazzle. A large number of his sixty plus dances explore classical ballet as modernist minimalism (think Mondrian’s grid paintings or Balanchine’s Agon). His works demonstrate how ballet can occupy a space, and develop a small, loyal audience, beyond its visible position as an elite opera house entertainment for the rich and powerful.

Magliore’s newest work Oracle, seen on the 7, is for three dancers and it’s a departure for this trained composer, who has a penchant for dissonant classical music. The only sound in Oracle comes from the rhythmic rattles and propulsive stabs produced by the dancers’ African-style anklets and by the wooden blocks of their pointe shoes. The Oracle of the ballet’s title is Traci Finch. She rushes onto the stage and throws herself onto the floor. When she enters the dance space, marked by a square of white tape, she places the rattles, made of dried seeds, around her ankle. She disturbs a pastoral tableau created by the supine Sarah Atkins and Holly Curran, who, like she, are wearing Greek-style tunic dresses and golden bands in their hair (created by Sarah Thea Swafford). Finch spurs the sleeping pair into dance, and when she does, the trio performs triplet rhythms reminiscent of galloping horses. But instead of running, the lithe women execute échappés (open and closing of the legs) and passes (balances on one leg), which in pointe shoes develop pliable and steely pointe dancing. When the three women circle the space in sets of three unison lunges, which pause long enough for their rattles to cease their echoing of the movement, they resemble three Greek muses, floating.

The subject of Oracle certainly references ancient mythology. Finch, who is as an outsider and is abandoned at the ballet’s end, is the soothsayer. She sees a dire future, becomes frenzied (her ankle rattle becomes possessed by a shuddering invisible demon), and then she drops dead. She’s seen the worst, but what it is is anyone’s guess. Magliore’s approach to these events isn’t particularly interesting. It’s difficult to create epic drama without music, a sizable cast, and danceable music. But this new work should be perceived as a failure. It’s a highly imaginative use of two traditions: pointe work from Europe and instruments from Africa (or the Middle East). When the dancers break into Dionysian solos, each undulating their torso to the accompaniment of their fellows dancers’ rhythmic stamping, Magliore is in new territory. I hope he continues this cross-continental pollination.

The other works on the program were Klaverstück (2008) to Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Klavierstück IX (as played by pianist Melody Fader and danced by Elizabeth Brown and Holly Curran). In A Simple Black Dress (2010) to Pierre Boulez’s Anthèmes (as played by violinist Doori Na and danced by the remarkable Amber Neff), Anna’s Last Day (2013) to Rebecca Saunders’ Duo for violin and piano (with a cast of Na, Fader, Sarah Atkins and Neff) and The Letter to Joseph Haydn’s Piano Sonata No. 50 in D Major (with Fader, Brown and Curran). In each ballet, the musicans performed with or next to the dancers.

In Magliore’s world, music and dance are given equal weight, both visually and aurally. In Magliore’s world, small isn’t just beautiful, it expresses something of the divine.

* The New Chamber Ballet’s 2013 season isn’t finished. For more information, go to Magliore’s company website or click upcoming performances.

Popularizing the Classics

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

by Sedgwick Clark

In a thought-provoking article in the August 25th issue of The New Republic, Philip Kennicott addresses the crisis of American orchestras. “How an effort to popularize classical music undermines what makes orchestras great,” reads the deck. What exactly does “popularize” mean, and what will it undermine?

Is it “popularization” for the New York Philharmonic to play two pre-subscription season film-music programs in tandem with the films — the first being excerpts from five Hitchcock films (8/17 & 18) and the second a complete showing of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey with Alan Gilbert conducting the classical foreground score (8/20 & 21)? Or is popularization driving Carnegie Hall’s opening-night mix (10/2) with the Philadelphia Orchestra under Yannick Nézet-Seguin: classical bon-bons by Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saëns, and Ravel, with Josh Bell as soloist, followed by Esperanza Spalding in new arrangements for double bass from her latest CD? Or would orchestral arrangements of pop music be attempts at popularization? Well, of course they are, and what of it? Did members of the Philharmonic sully their artistry when they moonlighted in Bernstein’s Deutsche Grammophon recording of West Side Story? No comment necessary.

All I know is that I plan to go to the pre-season NYPhil concerts because I love those films and their music, and that won’t stop me from going to several of the orchestra’s subscription concerts if I like the programs. I especially look forward to hearing the Hitchcock cuts in full orchestral dress. My major concern is whether the Philharmonic gets good copies of the films. Several years ago, John Williams led a concert of his film music at the Phil, and the film sources were washed out and grainy. (I was told when I complained to management that he brought his own films, tailored for the concert.) I’ll go to the Carnegie opening too, enjoy the “classical” selections of the program, and (if deadline permits) maybe even stick around for the Esperanza Spalding part. But I don’t think I’ll be attending a complete Spalding concert or the Philly playing arrangements of Bruce Springsteen hits. New Jersey Governor Christie can have my seat if that ever happens.

We’ve Been Hacked!

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

By Robyn Guilliams

Dear Law & Disorder: Performing Arts Division,

We are a small presenting organization, and we use an outside company to handle our ticket sales.  The company provides us with cloud-based software, which we use to process both online and box office ticket sales. We were recently informed by the software company that they’d been hacked!  The company told us that all of our patrons’ relevant information may have been compromised, including their credit card information. A lawyer on our board said that we are responsible for notifying all of our patrons of the security breach.  Is this true?  There are over 8,000 patrons in the system, going back quite a few years!  We don’t have the personnel to devote to this type of project.  One of the reasons we out-sourced our ticketing was to avoid handling and storing this type of sensitive information.  If we don’t handle the credit card information, why are we responsible if that information is stolen?

Oy, what a headache!

Unfortunately, I would guess that the terms of your organization’s contract with the ticketing software company require your organization to notify its patrons in the event of this type of security breach.  In fact, the contracts I’ve seen for this type of service require that the presenting organization indemnify the software company in the event of a breach.  This means that you are not only responsible for your own legal expenses and damages should one of your patrons suffer a loss as a result of the breach, but you’ll have to pay the software company’s legal expenses and damages as well!  And usually, these types of provisions are not negotiable.

In addition, you may want to take a look at the website of the PCI (Payment Card Industry) Security Standards Council, which sets the standards for companies who process credit card transactions (like your ticketing software company.)


Because your organization doesn’t actually handle or store credit card data, it’s not required to be “PCI Compliant.” However, as stated on this site, “it is the responsibility of the merchant to ensure that the data they share with third parties is properly handled and protected – just because a merchant outsources all payment processing does not mean that the merchant won’t be held responsible by their acquirer or payment brand in the event of an account data compromise.”

The good news here (such as it is) is that most states provide a mechanism for an organization like yours to protect itself in the event a third party credit card processor is hacked.  Generally, if you provide timely notice to your patrons of the breach, you can’t be held liable for your patrons’ damages (the theory being that if your patrons know about the breach, they can take steps to protect themselves.)  For instance, in New York (and many other states), your organization is protected from liability if you notify your patrons of the security breach “in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay.”  The notice can be made in writing, electronically, or by phone.

Also, there are insurance policies that cover this type of cyber liability.  These policies usually cover the cost of notifying your patrons, as well as any legal expenses or damages you may have due to the breach.

In short, the volunteer lawyer on your board is correct. (As we don’t often agree with most lawyers, this is a rare occurrence, indeed!) Given the vulnerability of identification fraud and the potential exposure of your organization, you’d be wise to find a way to notify your patrons.


Brian Goldstein and Robyn Guilliams will be attending the 2013 Midwest Arts Conference in Austin, Texas next week.

Our next blog will be on September 17, 2013.


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