Archive for April 21st, 2014

This Week: Yeahwon Shin in Concert in the US

Monday, April 21st, 2014

Vocalist Yeahwon Shin is appearing in New York City, Philadelphia, and Baltimore this week, performing material from her ECM recording Lua Ya. Joined by versatile pianist Aaron Parks and accordionist Rob Curto,  Shin crafts elegant lullabies (many of the pieces incorporate Korean children songs) that are one part classical music, one part free improvisation, and one part folk music. There is a delicate elegance to the music on Lua Ya that prevents the material from ever feeling cloying or sentimental. On the contrary, the long lyrical lines and supple interplay explored by these musicians leave a most favorable impression.

Event Details
April 23 – NYC – Rubin Museum:
April 24 – Baltimore – An Die Musik Live!:
April 25 – Philadelphia Museum of Art: