Archive for October 7th, 2014

Noted Endeavors with Eliran Avni: You Can’t Do This on Your Own – Building a Successful Team

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Eugenia Zukerman and Emily Ondracek-Peterson of Noted Endeavors inverview Eliran Avni, founder of Shuffle Concert.

Noted EndeavorsPianist Eliran Avni was on the elliptical machine at the gym when his mp3 player jumped from a Pretenders song to the first movement of Prokofiev’s Fifth Symphony, nearly causing him to lose his balance. That experience of extreme stylistic juxtaposition morphed into his idea for Shuffle Concert.The audience is handed menus at the door, as in a restaurant, and selects the musical items that it wishes to hear. A “musical deck of cards” is shuffled randomly each night and the ensemble serves what the audience requests. The result is a surprising, entertaining and unique event. In a short time Shuffle Concert has become an international success.

To read more about Shuffle Concert, visit their website: