Archive for December 24th, 2014

Noted Endeavors with Paola Prestini: Balancing Work and Life

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

Paola Prestini talks with Eugenia Zukerman and Emily Ondracek-Peterson from Noted Endeavors about balancing her extensive professional demands with her home life, which includes a young child.

Noted EndeavorsPaola Prestini is a composer/producer/entrepreneur/teacher who balances her own artistic endeavors while running several companies – VisionIntoArt and Original Music Workshop in Brooklyn. Her cross disciplinary projects, residencies, and collaborations bring disparate points of view together and redefine boundaries. She says, “I believe strongly in creating artistic communities and fostering new art,” and she is starting a new contemporary music label, VIA Records, which will present collaborations between composers and artists in different fields.

To read more about Paola Prestini and her work go to: and