Archive for January, 2015

Justin Peck’s New Graffiti Ballet

Saturday, January 31st, 2015

By Rachel Straus

Justin Peck’s ballets are athletic, spirited, musical.  The 27-year-old choreographer is pushing the technical envelope of today’s dancers. Far from looking stilted in ballet’s three-century-year old language, Peck’s dancers appear unleashed by, and often euphoric in, his ballet-rooted aesthetic. Yet despite Peck’s adherence to tradition, he is nothing but a contemporary choreographer. His combination of steps are so complex that 20 years ago the dancers might not have been able to realize them.

Peck, who has been dancing with New York City Ballet since 2007, was named resident choreographer of the company in 2014. His third first piece for City Ballet was Paz de la Jolla, inspired by and is set to Bohuslav Martinů’s Sinfonietta la Jolla. Peck is returning to the music of Martinů for his first commission from Miami City Ballet, a company founded by the former Balanchine principal Edward Villella and now heralded by former Balanchine ballerina Lourdes Lopez. Yet the inspiration for the work, which will premiere at Palm Beach’s Kravis Center on March 27, appears to be less about Martinů’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1 in D Major (1925) and more about the graffiti art found in Wynwood, Miami. That is, if the promo-video for the new ballet, called Heatscape, is an accurate rendering of the spirit of the work.

Justin Peck and Miami City Ballet dancers in Wynwood

Justin Peck and Miami City Ballet dancers in Wynwood

In the first moments of Ezra Hurwit and Peck’s Heatscape video, Peck puts on his ear phones, we hear Martinů’s concerto, and we see the tall, boyish choreographer enter Wynwood Walls graffiti park, created by the late real estate mogul Tony Goldman. What follows is the appearance of Miami City Ballet dancers, sailing through the air like dolphins in front of various graffiti murals.

One wonders whether Peck, who is not a Miamian, knows the story behind Wynwood’s recent and massive gentrification, and if he did know it, whether he would choose this place as the backdrop for his promo video.

The story of Wynwood begins in the 2000s. Looking for a place to invest his money, the real estate mogul Goldman took note of the creativity of area’s graffiti muralists. They were illegally using the sides of Wynwood warehouses to showcase their art. Goldman decided to give them legal wall space for their work. And, so, Wynwood Walls were born. More recently, another real estate mogul named David Edelstein began buying up Wynwood’s warehouse neighborhood. Thanks to Edelstein, the working class area has become a hipster mecca. Edelstein’s approach is as follows: buy large swaths of a poor neighborhood, promote urban artists as the symbol of the neighborhood, rapidly gentrify the area into a playground for nightlife and the bourgeois consumption of art, and then kick out old residents. All of this is described in Camila Álvarez and Natalie Edgar’s Right to Wynwood, which won the Best Documentary Short at the 2014 Miami Film Festival.

With this in mind, Peck’s decision to put ballet and Miami graffiti together is problematic. His joining of the two arts occurs not just in his promo video, but also in the soon-to-be-completed stage version of Heatscape. Shepard Fairey, a former graffiti artist, known for his Barack Obama “Hope” poster, is creating the work’s graffiti-esque set design.

Putting ballet and graffiti together is hardly new. The first graffiti ballet was Twyla Tharp’s Deuce Coupe (1973) for The Joffrey Ballet. Back in the 1970s, when Tharp was making Deuce Coupe, graffiti was still considered anti-social. It illegally altered public spaces. By hiring graffiti artists to spray paint the stage backdrop, while Tharp’s ballet-meets-social dance unfolded, she threw into question the notion of high and low art.

Peck, who is a classically trained ballet dancer, rightfully wants to mix the “high” and the “low”; to blend sanctioned and rebellious art forms together. Unfortunately, graffiti is no longer a rebellious art. The establishment has embraced it. In the case of Wynwood, real estate moguls are using graffiti to gentrify the neighborhood. Consequently, Peck’s Heatscape video promo doesn’t express bohemian culture as much as it reveals the corporatization of culture, marketed to young people in spaces owned by real estate titans. Let’s hope Peck’s actual ballet doesn’t fumble so drastically into contested urban spaces, where art and big business are meeting. Let’s hope Heatscape is just a hot dance.

Edusei’s Slick Elias

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

Münchner Symphoniker members at Munich’s Olympic Park

Published: January 25, 2015

MUNICH — Although it brings together skilled players, the Münchner Symphoniker has operated as something of a fifth wheel in the musical scene here. That may be about to change. Kevin John Edusei, the orchestra’s new Bielefeld-born chief conductor, 38, revealed impressive capacities as musician and personality in a Dec. 17 Elias (Elijah) at the Herkulessaal, suggesting he will garner more attention for Symphoniker projects. Elegant and precise, Edusei is cool as a cucumber on the podium. He gestured his wishes for Mendelssohn’s 130-minute oratorio (1846) with startling economy, finding crisp tempos that flattered the lyricism of the Victorian score, and he moved almost seamlessly between its many numbers without conveying haste. He did not, however, appear much interested in dynamic nuance or in probing below the work’s surface, at cost to the drama. The orchestra’s strings lacked unity in their body of sound, something Edusei might improve over time, but the winds responded to his beat with ample virtuosity. Elias showcases any chorus; here the freelance Kammerchor München were on luminous form. Sophia Brommer, Ursula Thurmaier, Attilio Glaser, and the more senior (and more tonally expressive) Alejandro Marco-Buhrmester made up the firm-voiced and agile principal vocal quartet. Impeccable boy soloists, possibly from the Tölzer Knabenchor but uncredited, sang the Drei Engel.

On Friday (Jan. 23) it was announced that Edusei will take over as Chefdirigent des Musiktheaters at the Konzert Theater Bern, the opera company of the quaint capital city of Switzerland, starting this fall. He has worked there since 2012 and is currently leading a production of Salome. Pit ensemble for the job is the Berner Symphonie-Orchester, which gives concerts at the Kultur Casino Bern under its own Chefdirigent, Mario Venzago. No contract end date for either conductor is publicly shown.

Photo © Marco Borggreve

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When Happy Cookies Lead To Bad Decisions!

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

We recently had an incident where the Executive Director of an organization that presented one of our artists gave him a cookie with a controlled substance in it at a reception after the performance. Admittedly, the substance was legal in the presenter’s state, but it made the artist (who was young and didn’t think to ask) very ill. The artist recovered and because nothing serious happened, we didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it because we frequently book artists with this presenter. However, it got us thinking, are we liable if someone injures one of our artists at an engagement?

As you can imagine, while we have the privilege of working with some of the most respected professionals in the arts industry, we are also often confronted with the denizens of the lower fathoms of the gene pool: from the children’s theater who knowingly hired an actor listed on a sexual predator list (because the Artistic Director agreed to “keep an eye on him”!) to a diva who offered an immigration officer sexual favors in exchange for letting her into the US without a visa (cash would have been more prudent!) And now, we can nominate this Executive Director for this year’s award. He or she has demonstrated not merely a lack of judgment, but a lack of common sense at the most basic and rudimentary level, putting everyone at risk.

Offering an artist, or anyone, candy or food containing any substance not reasonably expected to be in food not only constitutes a reckless disregard for safety, but could also constitute criminal negligence. What if the artist had been on medication that interacted with the illegal substance? Or what if the artist had an allergy? Had, God forbid, the artist died as a result, this would have constituted a felony. It has nothing to do about the legality or illegality of the particular substance. Glass is legal, but you can’t put broken glass into a cupcake without a label saying “Warning, this cupcake contains bits of glass.” The fact that the artist was young and didn’t think to ask is also irrelevant. No one, child or adult, is expected to ask: “Excuse me, are their drugs in this cookie?” It’s one thing if someone is allergic to peanuts or is lactose intolerant. More or less, it’s up to them to make the necessary enquiries. However, it’s another scenario entirely if someone is offered aspirin, snake venom, staples, paper clips, or bat wings—all of which are legal substances—masquerading as common baked goods.

It’s great that the artist recovered and was not seriously ill. And I’m not suggesting that you overreact. However, you also can’t simply ignore the situation. Moreover, as an artist representative with a legal, as well as moral and ethical, duty to protect the interests of your artist above all others, which do you think takes precedence: your own, personal and professional relationship with the presenter or the fact that the presenter could have killed your artist? (Don’t answer this. Its rhetorical.)

You are not liable if one of your artists gets injured at an engagement unless you knowingly expose them to a risk, disregard a negligent or dangerous situation, or otherwise fail to exercise a reasonable duty of care. Assuming you or your organization had no reason to suspect that the Executive Director was dabbling in kitchen chemistry, then you would not be liable. However, should you book another artist with this presenter, and should this same Executive Director offer another artist a “happy cookie”, causing another artist to get sick, and you failed to warn your artist in advance not to eat anything, then by disregarding the prior situation, and knowingly exposing your artist to a potentially dangerous encounter, not only would your organization be liable, but you could be personally liable as well.

At the very least, assuming the presenting organization is a non-profit, you should contact the Chairman of the Board and let them know what happened. It would then be the responsibility of the Board of Directors either to fire the Executive Director or take steps to prevent a future occurrence. If the board decides that having an Executive Director who makes terrible decisions is the right person for the post of ultimate decision maker, and this happens again, then not only would the presenting organization be liable, but the individual members of its Board of Directors could be liable as well. Arts organizations, both for-profit and non-profit, should be organizations that foster, encourage, and support the very best and brightest in our industry, not refuges that provide job security to those who simply can’t find employment elsewhere.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Noted Endeavors with Members of Imani Winds – Your Music is Your Brand

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

Valerie Coleman and Monica Ellis of Imani Winds talk with Noted Endeavors about branding.

Noted EndeavorsSince 1997, the Grammy nominated quintet has taken a unique path, carving out a distinct presence in the classical music world with its dynamic playing, culturally poignant programming, adventurous collaborations, and inspirational outreach programs. Imani Winds enjoy frequent national exposure in all forms of media, including features on NPR’s “All Things Considered,” appearances on APM’s “Saint Paul Sunday” and “Performance Today,” BBC/PRI’s “The World,” as well as frequent coverage in major music magazines and newspapers including The New York Times and Wall Street Journal. More than North America’s premier wind quintet, Imani Winds has established itself as one of the most successful chamber music ensembles in the United States.

For more information about Imani Winds go to

For more about Noted Endeavors, go to:


Noted Endeavors with Dorothy Lawson of ETHEL: Artistic Justification for Amplification

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

Eugenia Zukerman and Dr. Emily Ondracek-Peterson of Noted Endeavors talk about the artistic justification for using amplification with cellist Dorothy Lawson, a founding member of ETHEL.

Noted EndeavorsETHEL is one of the most acclaimed string quartets in the contemporary classical scene. Formed in1998, ETHEL has kept an eye on tradition and an ear finely tuned to the future. A leading force in multi-genre exploration, ETHEL mixes classical works with cutting-edge repertoire. Commissioning new pieces and creating their own music, the members of ETHEL are all dedicated to collaborations, educational outreach and engagement with audiences. With improvisation and often with amplification, ETHEL’S performances are electrifying. As the New Yorker put it, ETHEL is the “…avatar of ‘post-classical’ music – the virtuosic alternative string quartet …vital and brilliant.”

For more about ETHEL please go to:

For more Noted Endeavors videos, go to:

Carydis Woos Bamberg

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

Constantinos Carydis

Published: January 4, 2015

BAMBERG — When the Bamberger Symphoniker replaces its Chefdirigent next year, it could do worse than hiring Constantinos Carydis. The intense but discreet Athenian secured creative and technically superb playing in a Nordic and Impressionist program Nov. 29 here at the Joseph-Keilberth-Saal, confirming skills he has shown in Munich.

Choosing won’t be easy, and there is a preliminary question for this conservative north Bavarian town. Artistry or stability? Bamberg has enjoyed plenty of the latter in incumbent Jonathan Nott, who began in 2000. But unique interpretive approaches are another matter. The Lamborghini-driving British conductor has not forged a strong international profile for the orchestra — Edinburgh performances in 2011, for instance, lacked insight and vigor — and the claim of an “audible leap in quality” under his leadership versus the standards of predecessors Keilberth, Eugen Jochum and Horst Stein is hard to accept.

The job has attractions, not least the direct backing of the orchestra by the Free State of Bavaria, which encourages its deep tradition of touring. (Formed by German musicians expelled from Czechoslovakia, the Bamberger Symphoniker has given 6,500 concerts in 500 cities and still performs mostly away from home.) State broadcaster BR records the ensemble’s work and a few years ago the state helped pay for sound tweaks by Yasuhisa Toyota to its 1,380-seat hall. Built in 1993 with cheap materials and named after Bamberg’s grumpy first Chefdirigent, who held the post from 1950 to 1968, the Joseph-Keilberth-Saal sits on the Regnitz River below a onetime monastery. It probably is “Bavaria’s best concert hall” (another claim) if only because Nuremberg and Munich are so deficient in this regard. The sound is warm, balanced and natural, though high frequencies project relatively feebly.

Carydis, 40, definitely not to be confused with his vain compatriot Teodor Currentzis, 42, will be unlike anyone else the orchestra is considering and may or may not fit Bamberg’s concept of “maestro.” He is selective in the projects he takes on, i.e. not known for a heavy workload. For this debut he was without a jacket and looked disheveled. When in 2011 he was somewhat distressingly handed the Carlos Kleiber Prize — established on Kleiber’s 80th birthday and awarded only once to date, to Carydis — he disappeared for a year’s sabbatical. Not surprisingly he has never held a major music directorship and it is unclear whether he could commit to the scope of such a job. On the other hand, all that he does turns to musical gold. He is highly imaginative and perceptive, meticulous in preparation, equally accomplished in opera and symphonic music, adept in scores by such dissimilar composers as Shostakovich, Falla, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mozart and Offenbach. He is admired where he is best known, in Munich: tomorrow he will conduct a Brahms and Debussy concert, later this month a run of Don Giovanni, and during this summer’s Opernfestspiele a new staging of Pelléas et Mélisande.

This Bamberg concert followed runouts of the same program the previous two evenings in nearby Erlangen and Schweinfurt, part of the orchestra’s duty as a state ensemble. Refinement in the playing, no doubt lifted by repetition, came across immediately in Sibelius’s brute tone poem Tapiola (1926). The conductor reveled in its mostly quiet dynamics, lavishing attention on the woodwinds and propelling its long lines. Loud passages had considerable impact and the sense of purpose never flagged, though tension at times gave way to deathly stillness. In Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (1894), which followed, Carydis appeared to let flutist Daniela Koch pace and shape the music. She practiced the virtue of playing gently all through the concert, so that her instrument always sounded exquisite; in the Debussy she was guilefully supported by her woodwind colleagues and flattered by the satiny strings, but at its end it was the conductor’s collaboration she went out of her way to acknowledge.

Nielsen’s brooding nine-minute pastorale for orchestra Pan og Syrinx (1918) opened the second half of the concert as a preamble to Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé Suites 1 and 2 (1911 and 1913). Like the Ravel, it relies on a sensuous string sound but places the interest in the woodwinds (clarinet and cor anglais personify the protagonists); agitated outbursts prop up the longer ruminative material. The Bamberg musicians achieved delicacy and much expressive character here, and in the Ravel, always with attention to mood. Carydis permitted no applause before Ravel’s opening Nocturne and looked irked that the Danse guerrière — brilliantly controlled, indeed electrifying — caused an eruption of applause before he could proceed into the Second Suite.

No decision date has been publicly set for the Bamberg appointment (in contrast to the Berlin Philharmonic job, for which a successor to a different Briton will be named in May, to start in 2018 after an equal 16-year tenure). If the new chief on the Regnitz can artistically stretch the musicians, as Carydis did on this visit, he or she will have been better chosen than any long-staying routinier.

Photo © Thomas Brill

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