Archive for June 19th, 2015


Friday, June 19th, 2015

Hi everyone

I realize that this is outside of our normal blog posting schedule. However, understandably, there is a growing concern over the recent…and ongoing…computer crash that has resulted in U.S. Consulates around the world being unable to issue visas. This means that even artists who have been issued I-797 approval notices from USCIS are currently unable to get their visas from a U.S. Consulate. 

This is a worldwide problem and is not limited to only a few consulates. It is also not limited to O and P visas.

Unfortunately, there are no contingency plans. An approval notice alone cannot substitute for a visa and without the visa, an artist cannot enter the U.S. and perform (even for delayed or no payment.)  Until the computer system is fixed, visas cannot be issued.

The U.S. Department of State recently updated its website to say that they did not expect the problem to be solved before next week. Once the system is back up, priority will be given to issuing visas for medical emergencies and humanitarian cases. Sorry, concerts and performances do not qualify as humanitarian cases.

Here is a link to the current update on the U.S. Department of State Website:

For additional information, here is a link to information on the website of the U.S. Consulate in London:

Most major U.S. presenters and venues are (or should be) aware of this problem and are making their own contingency plans. Nonetheless, you should advise them of this situation if for no other reason than to make sure that everyone understands that this situation is entirely the fault of the U.S. Department of State and could not have been foreseen. (Step #1 in any crisis: assess blame.)

In the meantime, we are advising everyone to monitor the U.S. Consulate and U.S. State Department websites daily and take the next available appointment. There is no point in contacting the consulate or requesting an emergency appointment. Because this has impacted everyone worldwide, there are no emergency appointments or priority channels available for artists with concert or performance dates.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!





Nielsen Feted at 150

Friday, June 19th, 2015

By Sedgwick Clark

Alan Gilbert’s recorded cycle with the New York Philharmonic of Danish composer Carl Nielsen’s symphonies and concertos was feted on Monday by the orchestra at SubCulture, the lower Eastside concert venue. The symphonies were released in pairs as recorded by the orchestra live in concert over the last four years by the Danish Da Capo label. The completed four-CD set includes the three concertos—for violin, flute, and clarinet, superbly performed in concert by Nikolaj Znaider, Robert Langevin, and Anthony McGill, respectively. I’ll report on the concertos and revisit the symphonies soon, along with two other recently completed symphony cycles I’ve yet to hear by Colin Davis and the London Symphony on LSO LIVE and Sakari Oramo and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic on BIS.

There was talk at the SubCulture event, to be sure, but there’s no doubt that a captivating pair of live performances will last longer in the memory. First, Nielsen’s distinctive humanity, warmth, and wit were ideally captured by five Philharmonic section leaders in his delectable Wind Quintet, Op. 43 (1921-22). I’ve marveled at the bold individuality of the Philharmonic winds on record and in concert for over 50 years, and it amazes me that this unrestrained projection of character and drama remains similar throughout many changes of personnel over the years. On this evening, Robert Langevin (flute), Liang Wang (oboe), Anthony McGill (clarinet), Judith LeClair (bassoon), and Philip Myers (horn) played impeccably, delightfully attuned to the composer’s cheerful sense of humor.

Nielsen’s four string quartets are considered more earnest than inspired; indeed, he abandoned the genre following the premiere of the Fourth Quartet in 1907, four years before completion of his Third Symphony, the work that established his repute as a major composer. But more performances like the impassioned one by Denmark’s Nightingale String Quartet of the first of his quartets, in G minor, Op. 13 (1887-88), might well cause some reappraisal among Nielsen scholars. Mark my words, given perspicacious management, the talented young women of the NSQ will be back again soon.

Walter Weller—Master of the Russians

News came on Wednesday of the death, at 75, of Walter Weller, a concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic and founder of the Weller Quartet before taking up conducting and making several memorable recordings for Decca-London. Among them, a noteworthy Prokofiev symphony cycle with the London Philharmonic included a revelatory performance of the composer’s bombastic Age of Steel Second (for once it didn’t sound careful). The end of his excellent Shostakovich First recording with the Suisse Romande, coupled with a delightful Ninth, featured one of those patented Decca bass drums that blows you out of the room. Nor did he hold back the savage timpani attacks in the finale of his Rachmaninoff First with the Geneva orchestra.

I only heard him in concert once, with the New York Philharmonic in February 1980—not a distinguished evening, I’m afraid. All I recall is that the strings fell apart in the closing diminuendo of the Mahler Fourth slow movement, and the Times’s Harold Schonberg turned around to me and exclaimed sotto voce, “Did you hear that? I’ve never heard that happen before!”

Weller held several European posts, including music director of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, Scottish National Orchestra, and most recently the National Orchestra of Belgium. “He was so well-liked in Scotland,” reports, “that the government printed his image on a special £50 note.” Now that’s class!