Archive for October 5th, 2015

MPhil: €24,200 for Refugees

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Poster by Graphism for the Munich Philharmonic

Published: October 5, 2015

MUNICH — Members of the Munich Philharmonic, positioned as the “orchestra of the city,” have privately raised money for work and supplies in the refugee crisis here. Together with colleagues at the Philharmonischer Chor München, their management teams, and new MPhil chief conductor Valery Gergiev, the musicians amassed a generous €24,200, or $27,000, which they handed over Friday to four local groups aiding Germany’s mammoth refugee effort.

Munich this summer and fall has been a key arrival point for Syrians and Muslims from other countries fleeing violence. The Starnberg wing of Munich Central Station, further burdened until yesterday by the contrasted spectacle of Oktoberfest revelers, remains cordoned off to manage the ongoing influx.

Photo © Graphism

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