Archive for April 30th, 2016

David Harrington: Advice for Musicians? Make Lists!

Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Kronos Quartet founder and 1st violinist David Harrington says that he doesn’t like to give advice. But, in this Noted Endeavors video, David offers profound advice for anyone embarking on a new endeavor. Also featuring Kronos managing director, Janet Cowperthwaite, and Noted Endeavors’ Eugenia Zukerman and Emily Ondracek-Peterson.

Stay tuned for more vidoes with David Harrington!

David Harrington founded the Kronos Quartet in 1973. The quartet has since gone on to become one of history’s most important new-music ensembles, having commissioned over 850 works.

For more about the Kronos Quartet, go to:

For more Noted Endeavors videos, go to: