Archive for November, 2017

Fall Discs

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Recommended CDs and DVDs

Published: November 26, 2017

MUNICH — Post is under revision.

Photos © Arthaus, BelAir Classiques, Querstand, Supraphon, Warner Classics

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Gärtnerplatztheater Reopens

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Die lustige Witwe at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich in October 2017

Published: November 4, 2017

MUNICH — With a shrill, pretty Hanna, a shriller, pretty Valencienne, a Camille of uneven tone, but a tight, fluent chorus and much charming orchestral work, Die lustige Witwe ended six years of darkness at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz Oct. 19. This city’s second opera company, of the same name, had been homeless all that time while painfully slow laborers spiffed up the 1,000-seat venue’s front-of-house and essentially rebuilt its backstage.

Both of the bosses were on duty for the return: Anthony Bramall, the company’s new Chefdirigent, buoyant of rhythm and propulsive in Lehár’s 1905 score; and Josef Köpplinger, the Staatstheater’s Intendant, who took it upon himself to stage Victor Léon and Leo Stein’s bubbly book within a tragic frame, adding a dark-angel mime (Adam Cooper) to lace the action and sustain his “concept” as if unaware that living without anxiety had been the authors’ message.

Pontevedro’s assets had been secure from the start in Danilo’s love for Hanna, but the alliance of Bramall and Köpplinger going forward could prove far from secure. For Gärtnerplatz remains all about the “show,” not so much the singing, just as before the years of closure. The embassy, the garden, the animated pavilion, the “Maxim’s” theme-party in Hanna’s ballroom looked terrific, while only Daniel Prohaska’s nuanced Danilo, of the principals, sounded worthy.

Photo © Marie-Laure Briane

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The President at the Opera

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

By: Frank Cadenhead

On October 30, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, made an appearance at the Opéra de Strasbourg. No, it was not a gala or a special occasion. It was just to witness a rehearsal of the opera Carmen in its “participatory version.”

The Strasbourg opera forces, along with their chorus, Maîtrise de l’Opéra du Rhin and the children’s chorus, Petits Chanteurs de Strasbourg, were joined by the opera orchestra (playing on period instruments of Bizet’s time) in a new and impressive project. Together, they will “bring together an intergenerational and intercultural audience of amateur and professional singers” and free workshops have been set up since September 30. One session each month will culminate with an outdoor concert performance of Carmen in June. “Hundreds of performers, amateurs and accomplished, young and old, school children and parents” were assembled with the goal of performing this opera with major soloists. Macron came down from the balcony and greet the participants and joined in with them for a reading of the Toreador Song.