Archive for October 20th, 2019

Good News Backstage at La Monnaie

Sunday, October 20th, 2019


By: Frank Cadenhead.  It is not a news item demanding the attention of fans of opera around the world but it is important for opera in Brussels. The Théâtre de la Monnaie stage and the workshops where productions are prepared and stored are now linked by a tunnel under Leopold Street. There was only about 100 yards between the two buildings but transferring productions in storage to the famed theater was a huge logistical effort. It was noted that, with an average of 250 square meters of scenery for each production, a series of trucks needed to be scheduled, loaded, and travel only a short distance before unloading. The new direct access will obviously save time and money.

During the construction, some of Brussels’ archaeological heritage were uncovered. Foundations and tombs from a 15th Century Dominican cloister were found under the surface. The regional archaeological unit was called in so they could excavate and record what was found.

In addition to the connection between the opera house and the warehouses, work has just commenced on a roof extension to provide additional space to store costumes. This space, some 350 square meters on two levels, will not be visible from the road.