Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

• A National Ban on Performance Exclusivity Clauses   • Posting Recordings on Websites • Artist Visa News, Nausea & Updates  • Your Contract Playlist    

Monday, June 24th, 2024


Performing Arts Division

June 25, 2024  


• A National Ban on Performance Exclusivity Clauses  

• Posting Recordings on Websites

• Artist Visa News, Nausea & Updates 

• Your Contract Playlist    


Legal Issue of the Month:

Will a New National Ban on Non-Compete Agreements Also Apply to Performance Exclusivity Clauses? 



You may recall (or not, that’s ok, too) that in our last newsletter we discussed that on April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a nation-wide ruling banning non-compete clauses in all employment contracts, regardless whether an individual is hired as an actual “employee” or as an independent contractor, paid or unpaid, an intern, or a sub-contractor hired to provide service to another party’s client or customer. You can read the announcement HERE.

Further review and analysis have shown that this new ruling, should it go into effect, will also prohibit venues and presenters from including any language in their engagement agreements restricting or prohibiting where an artist can perform before or after an artist’s performance. In other words, should the Grunion Run Performing Arts Center engage the Willy Tugger Jazz Band, they could not prohibit the band from performing two days later at the Annual Grunion Run Mayonnaise Festival where admission is free. Of course, regardless of the future contractual enforceability of a performance exclusivity clause, any artist who actually did this would be hammering a nail deep into the coffin of their touring career. 

Whilst the official effective date has yet to be announced, unless the new regulation is pre-empted by a lawsuit or other judicial action, then the ruling will likely go into effect sometime in Fall 2024.




Dear Law and Disorder:

Actual questions we get asked and the answers people actually don’t want

“With thanks, your friendly, neighbourhood car thief”

Dear Law & Disorder:

I want to post a video on my website that I found on the internet that would be perfect for my new project. I will give full credit to the musician, including the musician’s original link, would this be legal? And can you please specify on what full credit means.

A “copyright” is literally the right to make copies. A copyright “infringement” is when you make a copy of something without the owner’s permission. Almost everything you can find on the internet (photos, images, videos, text, etc.) is someone else’s property. Part of the challenge of understanding digital rights is that the ease with which we can download and copy materials on the internet tends to make us forget that copying any materials without permission is still copyright infringement. Without question, many people post pictures, videos, and other materials and are more than happy to have others repost and share them; but that decision is entirely up to the person who owns the materials. In other words, just because a car is parked on the street, doesn’t mean it’s free for the taking. As for giving “full credit,” that’s like stealing a car, but leaving a thank you note on the owner’s door. It doesn’t make it any less a crime.

If you want to get actual permission to post a video, photograph, or any other copyrighted material on your website, then you need to get permission (aka “a license”) from the owner—which may or may not be the artist. The better option would be for you to post a link to the video rather than post the video itself. In other words, you would be inviting your readers to go to YouTube or the artist’s own website to view the video. This way, the owner can control whether or not they want the video to be shared.

And now, the part you’ve all been waiting for……

Artist Visa News, Nausea

& Updates


Most of you know by now that between December 2023 and April 2024, USCIS implemented a number of new filing fees and policies purportedly designed to “maintain adequate service.” Please Note: I did not make that part up. This is direct quote from the preamble to the Final Rule issued by USCIS on January 31, 2024 in which it sets out the goals of its new rules and policies: Not to “improve service” or even “increase processing times,” but to aspire to the lofty and inspired goal of “maintain adequate service.” You can read it for yourself HERE. That’s only slightly less disingenuous than a mobile service touting a 6G upgrade of two tin cans and piece of string.

USCIS, far from its delusions of adequacy, instead has taken an already broken system, smashed it into more pieces, glued it back together with spit and crushed graham crackers, and tossed it into a soggy carboard box of berserk cane toads. After two months in the toad box, here’s where we are:


1. Standard Processing Times Are Getting Slower 

Processing times are getting longer, slower, and more intense, which is good news only for those of you who fantasize about USCIS visa examiners. Though we have seen a few instances of standard processed petitions taking 4 months or longer, most seem to be taking 2 – 4 months from the date of filing. Whilst the Vermont Service Center appears to be processing more quickly than the California Service, as USCIS is no longer assigning petitions to service centers based on jurisdiction, there is no way to know where your petition will wind up or exactly how long it will take to be processed.

Premium Processing appears to be taking 7 – 15 business days, with, again, Vermont processing more quickly than California.

2. USCIS Is Losing P Petitions

For those of you unfortunately forced to file multiple P petition to cover large groups, such as four P-1 Petitions to cover an orchestra of 80 musicians, USCIS is splitting them up and sending them to different service centers who adjudicate them at different times. Even when a single P-1 Petition is filed concurrently with a single P-1S Petition or an O-1 Petition is filed with an O-2 Petition, USCIS is splitting them up and sending them to different examiners at different service centers. In the interest of further proving that they aren’t even competent enough to trust with scissors, USCIS is also losing a few along the way. In one particular case, three P-1 Petitions for a large group were filed concurrently with premium processing. USCIS approved 2 and lost 1. Eventually, they found it 30 days after it had been filed, emailed the receipt notice with a thoughtful note saying, “thanks for your patience,” and approved it 2 days later. (Yes, USCIS has to refund the premium processing fee for that one.) So, allow even more time when filing petitions for large groups.

TIP: If you do not receive an I-979 Receipt Notice for a filed petition, then go to your bank and see if USCIS cashed the filing fee check. If so, on the back of the cancelled check will be the receipt number for the petition. You can then use this to deride them when they try to claim it was never filed. 

3. USCIS Is Improperly Rejecting Petitions

There have been numerous instances reported of USCIS rejecting petitions for incorrect filing fees even where the filing fees were correct. This appears to be due to the fact the separating the total filing fee of a petition into multiple different fees based on the business status of the petitioner has not worked as seamlessly as they had hoped. USCIS reports that this is a “training issue,” which presumably means this will improve with rolled newspaper and better treats.

TIP: If you are a non-profit of an employer of 1 – 25 employees, then be sure to address this in your cover letter and explain why you qualify for a reduced fee. Also remember to provide the appropriate documentation of your status.

REMINDER: To qualify as a “small employer” you must have at least 1 full-time employee on a payroll and from whose pay checks taxes are withheld. Otherwise, you are a “small business” or “self-employed” and must pay the maximum filing fees.

4. USCIS Is Issuing Barmier RFEs

USCIS has always been renowned for issuing tragically comical Requests for Evidence (RFEs) when it comes to displays of their obliviousness of anything that occurs on a stage—which, of course, always raises the question of whose idea it was to give them the final say on the casting and booking decisions of major opera companies, theatres, and presenters in the first place. Nonetheless, unattended USCIS Examiners have recently been burrowing into new depths of obtusity in their soiled sand box and issuing more preposterous RFEs. In particular, we have seen a disturbing increase in RFEs for P-1S (Essential Support Staff) Petitions in which they are asking for individual employment contracts for each person with specific employment terms and conditions, more information on why the services provided are necessary for a performance, and why the group can’t just hire US workers to do the same thing. To pluck just a few pearls:

  • What do stage managers do and why are they necessary for a performance?
  • Why can’t an orchestra engage a US-based Orchestra Manager to manage their orchestra when they perform in the US?
  • If the group is performing in New York City, will the group’s lighting designer and stage technicians be providing their services at the same venue at the same time?

Other notable RFE’s we have seen over the last few months include USCIS contending that:

  • An “audience prize” given to an artist at a competition does not count as an “award” because he was selected by the audience and not by experts, critics, or judges in his field.
  • Competitions for “Young Artists” do not count as significant awards or competitions because young artists are only competing against other young artists. For such an award to be “significant”, the competition must include older artists.
  • An opera conductor is not in the same field as an orchestral conductor because one conducts orchestras and one conducts operas, thereby requiring two union consultation letters.
  • An artist performing at a festival cannot be a “lead and starring artist” if there are other artists also performing at the same festival. To be a “lead and starring artist,” the artist must be the only artist performing at the festival.

And my personal favourite: a request for “independent, third-party proof” of the formal name and full street address of Carnegie Hall, as well as proof that, just because the artist has been engaged to perform at Carnegie Hall they will physically be performing on-site.

Fortunately, all of these petitions were ultimately approved, but not without extra expense, lost time, and digging ever deeper into the repository of linguistic condescension in responding to the RFEs—including printing out Google Maps driving directions from the address of the California Service Center to the front door of Carnegie Hall.

TIP: Trying to explain or induce USCIS to appreciate the impact of their ineptness on the Performing Arts will produce only slightly less meaningful results than a zip log bag of toenail clippings. Rather, work around them. Know that they are extraordinarily paranoid, as well as painfully literal. Never explain or make them think. Give them what they want to know, regardless of how stupid or rudimentary it may seem, and in the simplest of terms possible. If what they want doesn’t exist, draft simple, specific documents just for USCIS that addresses the specific things they want to know.


Want To Listen To More About Contracts?


My friend and longtime client, Laura Colby, a performing arts manager based in New York City, hosts a podcast entitled The Middle Woman. In The Middle Woman, Laura discusses best practices for managing, touring, and presenting the performing arts from the lens of a working artist and shares her collected learnings with the new generation of performing arts professionals.

She recently invited me to join her in a discussion about contracts in the performing arts.

Here are the links to access the episode on SpotifyAmazon MusicAudible, and Apple Podcast.

Whilst it may or may not be the best thing to listen to before going to bed, it was a great discussion.




Deep Thoughts


“Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid.”

― Ricky Gervais


Send Us Your Questions! 

Let us know what you’d like to hear more about.
Send us an email, post on Facebook, mail us a letter, dispatch a messenger, raise a smoke signal, reach out telepathically, or use whatever method works for you.



The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a threatening email, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about or one size fits all!

199 Operas You Need to Experience

Sunday, July 9th, 2023

The French website Forum Opera has just given us a list of 199 operas that you should experience before you die. There are a “few” on the list that I have not yet experienced and there is not an extraordinary length of time left for me to finish this task.  Did they miss anything? Has anyone experienced them all?

Monteverdi : L’Orfeo (1607)
Monteverdi : L’Incoronazione di Poppea (1642)
Cavalli : La Calisto (1651)
Cavalli : Eliogabalo (1667)
Lully : Atys (1676)
Lully : Armide (1686)
Purcell : Dido and Aeneas (1689)
Purcell : The fairy Queen (1691)
Charpentier : Médée (1693)
Marais : Alcyone (1706)
Händel : Agrippina (1709)
Marais : Sémélé (1709)
Mouret : Les amours de Ragonde (1714)
Scarlatti : Griselda (1721)
Händel : Giulio Cesare in Egitto (1723)
Vivaldi : Farnace (1727)
Vivaldi : Orlando Furioso (1727)
Rameau : Hippolyte et Aricie (1733)
Porpora : Polifemo (1734)
Händel : Alcina (1735)
Vivaldi : Griselda (1735)
Händel : Ariodante (1735)
Rameau : Dardanus (1739)
Händel : Semele (1743)
Rameau : Platée (1745)
Gluck : Orphée et Eurydice (1762)
Rameau : Les Boréades (1763)
Traetta : Antigona (1772)
Gluck : Iphigénie en Tauride (1879)
Mozart : Idomeneo (1781)
Salieri : Les Danaïdes (1784)
Mozart : Le Nozze di Figaro (1786)
Mozart : Don Giovanni (1787)
Mozart : Così fan tutte (1790)
Mozart : La Clemenza di Tito (1791)
Mozart : Die Zauberföte (1791)
Cherubini : Medea (1797)
Beethoven : Fidelio (1805)
Spontini : Julie, ou le pot de fleurs (1805)
Spontini : La Vestale (1807)
Rossini : Otello (1816)
Rossini : Le Barbier de Séville (1816)
Rossini : Armida (1817)
Weber : Der Freischütz (1821)
Rossini : Semiramide (1823)
Marschner : Der Vampyr (1828)
Rossini : Le Comte Ory (1828)
Auber : La Muette de Portici (1828)
Rossini : Guillaume Tell (1829)
Donizetti : Anna Bolena (1830)
Bellini : I Capuleti e i Montecchi (1830)
Bellini : Norma (1831)
Meyerbeer : Robert Le Diable (1831)
Donizetti : L’Elisir d’amore (1832)
Auber : Gustave III ou Le bal masqué (1833)
Donizetti : Lucrezia Borgia (1833)
Bellini : Beatrice di Tenda (1833)
Bellini : I Puritani (1834)
Wagner : Die Feen (1834)
Donizetti : Lucia di Lammermoor (1835)
Halévy : La Juive (1835)
Meyerbeer : Les Huguenots (1836)
Donizetti : Roberto Devereux (1837)
Mercadante : Il Bravo (1839)
Donizetti : La Favorite (1840)
Lortzing : Die Wildschütz (1842)
Donizetti : Don Pasquale (1843)
Verdi : Ernani (1844)
Verdi : I due Foscari (1844)
Wagner : Tannhäuser (1845)
Verdi : Macbeth (1847)
Donizetti : Poliuto (1848)
Verdi : Luisa Miller (1849)
Meyerbeer : Le Prophète (1849)
Wagner : Lohengrin (1850)
Verdi : Rigoletto (1851)
Verdi : Il Trovatore (1853)
Verdi : La Traviata (1853)
Verdi : Simon Boccanegra (1857)
Offenbach : Orphée aux enfers (1858)
Gounod : Faust (1859)
Verdi : Un ballo in maschera (1859)
Berlioz : Les Troyens (1863)
Offenbach : La Belle Hélène (1864)
Wagner : Tristan und Isolde (1865)
Smetana : La fiancée vendue (1866)
Verdi : Don Carlos (1867)
Gounod : Roméo et Juliette (1867)
Massenet : La Grand’Tante (1867)
Boito : Mefistofele (1868)
Thomas : Hamlet (1868)
Wagner : Rheingold (1869)
Offenbach : Vert-Vert (1869)
Lecocq : La Fille de madame Angot (1872)
Strauss : Die Fledermaus (1874)
Moussorgski : Boris Godounov (1874)
Ponchielli : La Gioconda (1875)
Bizet : Carmen (1875)
Wagner : Siegfried (1876)
Wagner : Götterdämmerung (1876)
Saint-Saëns : Samson et Dalila (1877)
Chabrier : L’Étoile (1877)
Tchaïkovski : Eugene Oneguine (1879)
Tchaïkovski : La Pucelle d’Orléans (1879)
Offenbach : La fille du Tambour-major (1879)
Massenet : Hérodiade (1881)
Offenbach : Les contes d’Hoffmann (1881)
Wagner : Parsifal (1882)
Reyer : Sigurd (1883)
Delibes : Lakmé (1883)
Massenet : Manon (1884)
Holmes : La Montagne noire (1884)
Sullivan : The Mikado (1885)
Verdi : Otello (1887)
Mascagni : Cavalleria Rusticana (1890)
Tchaïkovski : La dame de Pique (1890)
Massenet : Werther (1892)
Leoncavallo : Pagliacci (1892)
Verdi : Falstaff (1893)
Humperdinck : Hänsel und Gretel (1893)
Puccini : La Bohème (1895)
Giordano : Andrea Chénier (1896)
Puccini : Tosca (1900)
Charpentier : Louise (1900)
Dvořák : Rusalka (1901)
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande (1902)
Cilea : Adriana Lecouvreur (1902)
Chausson : Le Roi Arthus (1903)
Puccini : Madama Butterfly (1904)
Janáček : Jenufa (1904)
Strauss : Salome (1905)
Lehár : Die lustige Witwe (1905)
Bloch : Macbeth (1906)
Smith : The Wreckers (1906)
Zemlinsky : Une tragédie florentine (1906)
Ravel : L’Heure Espagnole (1907)
Delius : A village Romeo and Juliet (1907)
Messager : Fortunio (1907)
Massenet : Thérèse (1907)
Strauss : Elektra (1903)
Strauss : Der Rosenkavalier (1911)
Strauss : Ariadne auf Naxos (1912)
Fauré : Pénélope (1912)
Kálmán : La Princesse Czardas (1915)
Pfitzner : Palestrina (1917)
Puccini : Gianni Schicchi (1918)
Schreker : Die Gezeichneten (1918)
Bartok : Le château de Barbe-Bleue (1918)
Strauss : La femme sans ombre (1919)
Braunfels : Die Vögel (1920)
Korngold : La ville morte (1920)
Janáček : Kat’a Kabanova (1921)
Zemlinsky : Der Zwerg (1922)
Yvain : Ta bouche (1922)
Janáček : La Petite Renarde rusée (1923)
Hahn : Ciboulette (1923)
Schoenberg : Erwartung (1924)
Szymanowski : Le Roi Roger (1924)
Berg : Wozzeck (1925)
Ravel : L’enfant et les sortilèges (1925)
Puccini : Turandot (1926)
Janáček : De la maison des morts (1928)
Weill : L’opéra de quat’sous (1928)
Abraham : Viktoria und ihr Husar (1930)
Lehár : Giuditta (1934)
Chostakovitch : Lady Macbeth du district de Mtsensk (1934)
Zemlinsky : Le Roi Candaule (1935, création en 1996)
Gershwin : Porgy and Bess (1935)
Enesco : Œdipe (1936)
Berg : Lulu (1937)
Hindemith : Mathis der Mahler (1938)
Strauss : Capriccio (1942)
Britten : Peter Grimes (1945)
Menotti : The Medium (1946)
Poulenc : Les mamelles de Tirésias (1947)
Dallapiccola : Il Prigioniero (1949)
Britten : Billy Budd (1951)
Stravinsky : The Rake’s Progress (1951)
Poulenc : Dialogues des Carmélites (1953)
Britten : Le tour d’écrou (1954)
Floyd : Susannah (1955)
Bernstein : Candide (1956)
Poulenc : La voix humaine (1959)
Ligeti : Le Grand Macabre (1978)
Messiaen : Saint-François d’Assise (1983)
Glass : Aknathen (1983)
Adams : Nixon in China (1987)
Boesmans : Reigen (1993)
Adams : I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky (1995)
Previn : A streetcar named desire (1995)
Adès : Powder her face (1995)
Eötvös : Trois sœurs (1998)
Saariaho : L’amour de loin (2000)
Hosokawa : Hanjo (2004)
Saariaho : La Passion de Simone (2006)
Chin : Alice au pays des merveilles (2007)
Benjamin : Written on Skin (2012)
Kurtag : Fin de partie (2018)
Defoort : Le temps où nous chantions (2021)

What Are Contracts for?; Non-Profit By-Laws Made Simple; Are Union Strikes Force Majeure events?; Artist Visa Updates

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023


Performing Arts Division

June 7, 2023 


• What Are Contracts For? 

• Non-Profit Laws Made Simple 

• Are Union Strikes Force Majeure Events? 

• Artist Visa Updates


Legal Issue of the Month:

What Are Contracts For??? 

It’s no secret that a vast expanses of artists, venues, managers, presenters, and agents prefer to have engagement contracts with all the “fun stuff” (dates, fees, travel, repertoire, etc) confirmed and signed on the front and the “terms and conditions” left alone, shunned, cold, abandoned, and forsaken on the back. Such “terms and conditions” are often dismissed as “just all the legal stuff” or “the legalese” or “stuff we had a lawyer draft for us years ago and we have no idea what it means, but we can’t change it.”

First, whether it’s the time of the sound check, 4 bags of raspberry Haribo gummy bears the Artist wants in the dressing room, or the number of comp ticket, everything put in a contract becomes “legal stuff.” Second, though, indeed, boring (even for me), the “legalese” typically addresses important issues such as whether or not the venue can make an archival recording and what they can do with it, rights and licenses, cancellation terms and conditions, who’s responsible if someone gets injured, what constitutes force majeure/Acts of God (remember how everyone suddenly started reading those for the first time during COVID?), and other issues that everyone ignores until something goes horribly wrong, at which point they all start arguing over what they assumed these terms meant.
A contract in and of itself will not protect you. Contracts are not self-enforcing. There is no scenario in which a signed paper talisman with the right magic words will allow you to sleep embraced in the amble bosom of self-delusion that everyone will do what they are supposed to do, people will not act in their own self-interest and still claim the moral high-ground, and nothing can go wrong. Signatures do not guarantee that dates will not get cancelled even if the contract specifically says it is non-cancellable or even that you will get the fee everyone agreed upon.
If a date gets cancelled or you do not get paid, your signed contract merely becomes a coupon redeemable for a lawsuit to enforce it. However, are you really going to sue anyone? Is there such a significant amount of money at stake that it’s worth the cost and time, financially as well as emotionally? Are you willing to subsidize a trial lawyer’s $11,000 Japanese NEOREST toilet just for the self-satisfaction of proving a point? Do you ever want to work with that venue or artist again?
So why bother? What are contracts for?
Contracts are for managing expectations, both your own and the other party’s, by spelling out ALL of your concerns and requirements (not just the “fun stuff”) before music is composed, airline tickets are purchased, or recordings made. Contracts are for discovering and discussing unexpressed assumptions. Contracts are for planning and assessment. Contracts are for reading and discussion. Contracts are for knowing what the other party is and is not willing or able to do, and then deciding whether you can compromise or whether you are willing to proceed and accept the risks. Contracts are for starting a conversation and ending in a relationship.
If you’re just tossing unread papers back and forth through Docusign so you or your contract administrator can tick that box off the list, don’t complain when the artist trashes the dressing room and refuses to perform upon failing to find their gummy bears. 

Dear Law and Disorder:

Actual questions we get asked and the answers people actually don’t want

“Non-Profit By-Laws Made Simple” 

Dear Law & Disorder:
We are forming a non-profit. Can you recommend a good template for by-laws? We just want to keep it simple so we can get it set up right away and get started. We’ve already got some people willing to donate as well as serve on our board.
Aside from an outhouse erected on a popsicle stick over a tidal bore, non-profit institutions are, perhaps, the most precarious and dysfunctional of all structures ever conceived within which to conduct business. Without a strong set of by-laws, carefully and thoughtfully crafted to address your unique mission, stakeholders, goals, and challenges, your non-profit is likely to perish from such commonly fatal non-profit diseases as Foundersitis, Administrative Staff Infection, Systemic Committee Infarction, Micromanageitis, Consultant Dependency, Strategic Streptococcus, and Gangrenous Board Members.
Your by-laws are the foundation upon which your organization will be built. They determine how your non-profit is structured and managed. They will describe the roles, expectations, duties, and responsibilities of board members. It will set forth how decisions are made and conflicts resolved. At the same time, like strategic plans and business plans, by-laws are not commandments fixed in stone. They will provide a steady hand of direction within a flexible mechanism for addressing growth, challenges, and situations as they arise. In other words, whilst by-laws do not require a constitutional convention, they are also not something to be crafted with speed and indifference.
Assuming you are serious about forming a sustainable business and not merely hoping to circumvent having a viable business plan by hoping to supplement your income through a quick influx of donations and grants, you should gather as many different samples of by-laws from as many different organizations that have similar missions as yours. Analyse them to see how the successes, failures, and experiences of other organizations may apply to your own. Remember, when forming a non-profit, it is the board members who will ultimately control and run the organization, not you. So, just because someone wants to donate money does not mean they should also serve on the board. Ideally, those persons who are already willing to serve as your initial, founding board members should also be interested and committed enough to assist you in the process of crafting the by-laws.
Whether you are forming a Children’s Vuvuzela Choir or the Wilma Schiddy Centre for the Arts, simplicity kills the soul—or, in this case, a non-profit. 


Breaking the News!

Are Union Strikes Force Majeure Events? 

When concerts and performances started falling during COVID, it sent everyone into a delirium over whether, how, when, why, if a pandemic constituted a Force Majeure event allowing an engagement contract to be cancelled without penalty. As no one was happy with answers, everyone began re-drafting their contracts to deal with future pandemics.

Hollywood’s current Writers Guild of America strike has spotlighted yet another hidden Act of God: labour strikes. Many “standard terms and conditions” give a party the right to cancel a contract in the event of a labour strike. This means that if you are engaged to perform as a soloist with an orchestra and the orchestra goes on strike, the orchestra can terminate your engagement contract without penalty. This can apply to any situation where a union strike might impact the resources needed to fulfil a contract—such as booking an event at a university-based venue and the teacher’s union goes on strike or being booked to perform and your sets and props cannot be delivered due to a trucker’s strike. Imagine my own surprise when, as a person whose wife had to show him how to change the windshield wiper fluid in my car, I woke up one day as a member of an adjunct faculty and also found myself a member of United Auto Workers…which then went on strike!

You can read more about this issue HERE


Artist Visa News & Nausea 

• The Status of Proposed Petition Fee Increases.
There have been no new updates from USCIS regarding its proposed fee increases and other changes. Whilst our crystal ball remains cloudy, the runes tell us to expect “some” changes, we just don’t know when or to what degree. In the meantime, all fees remain the same and there remain no limits to the number of beneficiaries that can be listed on O-2 or P petitions.
• COVID Vaccinations Are No Longer Required To Enter The US
Effective May 12, 2023, the Biden administration lifted the requirement that non-US citizens and non-US residents have COVID vaccinations to enter the US. However, ye who enter here will continue to be required to abandon all hopes.
• No More Passport Entry Stamps
Also this month, US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) confirmed that it will be implementing “stamp-less entries” for everyone arriving in the US. This means that when you enter the US on a visa, you will no longer receive a physical stamp and handwritten notation in your passport. Instead, your date of entry, your visa status, and the date by which you must leave will hereinafter ONLY be recorded on a digital entry/exit form called an I-94 which will ONLY be available on-line at the CBP I-94 Website .
Whilst CBP has been recording entry/exit information on digital I-94 forms for several years now, CBP officers continued to stamp passports. As it was not at all uncommon for the information on the I-94 to be incorrect, having a physical stamp meant that before you left the airport you could check and confirm that all of your information was correct. Now, for example, if you have a visa that expires on June 30, but the I-94 says May 30, you will need to leave by May 30 regardless—but you won’t know that a mistake has been made in your record unless you dash to the I-94 website as soon as you leave the immigration area and make sure your I-94 is correct. If it is not, you will need to find the CBP officer lurking betwixt the Cinnabon and Chick-Fil-A and ask them to correct it.
• There Is Nothing Graceful About US Visas  
…and speaking of entries and exits, please note that there are no automatic “grace periods”—10 days or otherwise—added before or after the validity dates of a visa. There never have been. This has always been a myth—or, at least, mischaracterized. When an individual enters the US, CBP officers have the discretion to allow them up to 10 extra days to remain in the US as a tourist. However, it is the burden of the visa holder to make the request to a CBP officer upon entry to the US. The extra dates are not automatically given.
If the officer approves (and they usually do), the approved extra days MUST be reflected on the I-94. So, if you want to claim the 10 extra days: (1) You must request the extra time; (2) the CBP officer must approve the request; and (3) the additional days must be reflected on your I-94 entry/exit form. However, as discussed above, as entry/exit information will henceforth only be recorded digitally, you will need to check the I-94 website before you leave the airport to make sure the extra days are reflected on the I-94. Otherwise, even if the officer verbally approved the extra days, you will be required to leave the US by whatever date is listed on the I-94.
The better practice is that if you know you or your artist plan to hang around after your show to attend the Toadlick County Monster Truck Mash-Up and Watermelon Bake-Off, just add those extra days onto the visa petition so your visa will be valid for the full time you want to be in the US. You can always still ask for the extra days on top of that to get even more extra time.
• Current USCIS Service Centre Processing Times:
Vermont Service Centre:      Standard processing: 6 – 8 weeks
                                              Premium processing: 9 – 10 days      
California Service Centre:    Standard Processing 3 – 4 months
                                              Premium Processing 13 – 14 days



Deep Thoughts

“Try not to focus too much energy on whether you can trust someone else. When a bird lands on a branch, it doesn’t trust that the branch will never break. It trusts its ability to fly away if it does.”





Send Us Your Questions! 

Let us know what you’d like to hear more about.
Send us an email, post on Facebook, mail us a letter, dispatch a messenger, raise a smoke signal, reach out telepathically, or use whatever method works for you.

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a threatening email, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about or one size fits all!


Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023


Performing Arts Division

February 22, 2023 




We have until MARCH 13, 2023 to file public comments and objections to USCIS’s proposal to artist visa petition fees to nightmarish levels.

As a reminder, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the consummate embodiment of incompetency, capriciousness, and paranoia spawned from the feted nether loins of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has proposed the following:

>>>The standard processing fee for O-1 and O-2 petitions would increase from $460 to $1655 per petition.

>>>The standard processing fee for P petitions would increase from $460 to $1615 per petition.

>>>O-2, P-1, and P-1S petitions would be limited to 25 people per petition.

>>>The Premium Processing Fee would remain at $2500 per petition, but the petition would be processed in 15 business days as opposed to the current policy of 15 calendar days.

If these proposals are implemented:

  • It would cost an individual performer in any field of arts and entertainment $1615 plus an applicable union consultation fee of $250 – $1000 to file a visa petition and then another $190 to apply for a visa stamp at a U.S. Consulate.
  • It would require a typically sized orchestra or other large group of 70 members (including staff/crew) to file 4 petitions at a total cost of $6460 in USCIS filing fees, plus union fees, and visa stamp application fees. If premium processing were required, that would cost an additional $10,000 (4 petitions x $2500).



However, we have only a short window to file objections.

Whilst national and international organizations throughout the arts and entertainment industry are preparing comments and objections on behalf of their members, it is just as critical that everyone from the entire biosphere of arts and entertainment—classical, jazz, theatre, ballet, rock, hip-hop, circus, multi-media, druidic poets, zither players, agents, presenters, promoters, venues, and even weary arts lawyers, regardless of where you are located in the world—submit their own individual, personal comments and objections as well. Now is not the time to hope others in your field speak for you. Also, other industries and sectors, such as technology, sports, and finance are more than willing to pay additional fees to get the people they want.

We’re on our own here folks.

We need to inundate USCIS with a sufficient deluge of objections and comments that it will require an ark for a haggard band to survive and repopulate their cubicles. We need to let them know we are here and what’s at stake.

Comments can be filed online through the Federal Register Portal by the extended deadline of March 13, 2023. 

(Please remember that any comments submitted through the Federal Register portal will be viewable by the public. So, while trendy these days, avoid threats of violent reprisals or uprisings.)

When commenting, please don’t just object or make generalized remarks about the importance of the arts, culture, and rainbows. They don’t care. It is essential to provide specific examples on the actual, real life impact these proposals will have, such as:

  • Artist X comes each year to perform at the Y International Festival. If these fees are implemented, the artist will not be able to afford to come and, without international artists, the festival will close.
  • Group X is booked regularly by venue Y. It sells out, bringing in $___ revenue to the venue and the community. If the group cannot afford to enter, this will all be lost.
  • Benevolent Foundation X underwrites performers from diverse cultures around the world to perform for children and others in U.S. communities that would otherwise not get exposed to them. If these fees are implemented, there will not be sufficient funding to continue these programmes.
  • Why is USCIS proposing fee increases without committing to any improvements to the visa process to make it more efficient, consistent, and reliable?

For additional ideas and suggestions on comments, the Performing Arts Visa Working Group (PAVWG), an ad hoc coalition of national and international performing arts organizations led by the League of American Orchestras dedicated to improving opportunities for international cultural exchange, CLICK HERE. 

PAVWG is intentionally not providing any templates or forms because we need USCIS to read each comment and not discard form-letter entries.

In addition to submitting comments and objections to USCIS, U.S. Citizens should share them with their Senators and members of Congress as well—except, perhaps, those of you in Florida, Texas, Georgia, and other states whose representatives will just view the fee increases as a nifty way to discourage the demonic hordes of non-U.S. artists who would otherwise poison the U.S. with their fiendish ideas of affordable health care, paid vacations, clean water, and similar signs of the approaching apocalypse of the end times. We recommend using THIS PLATFORM  created by our friends at the League of American Orchestras to paste a copy of your comments to share with your U.S. Senators and member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Lastly, we are also asking everyone to spread the word on whatever social media platforms you frequent with the tag #OpposeTheFeeIncrease

Coming Attractions

Hopefully, in March we’ll be able to focus on topics other than artist visas, including recent updates on non-compete clauses, handling engagement fee deposits, and other important, but less volatile matters.



Deep Thoughts

“Don’t give up! I believe in you all.
A person’s a person, no matter how small!
And you very small persons will not have to die
If you make yourselves heard! So come on, now, and TRY!”

Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears A Who


Send Us Your Questions! 

Let us know what you’d like to hear more about.
Send us an email, post on Facebook, mail us a letter, dispatch a messenger, raise a smoke signal, reach out telepathically, or use whatever method works for you.

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.





The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a threatening email, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about or one size fits all!


Artist Visa Updates, Force Majeure Clauses, Streaming Licenses, and Deep Thoughts

Thursday, December 8th, 2022



Performing Arts Division

December 8, 2022



> Artist Visa Updates <

> Force Majeure Clauses <

> Streaming Licenses <  

> Congratulations! <

> Deep Thoughts < 

Artist Visa Updates 

Current USCIS Service Center Processing Times

Vermont Service Center:

Standard Processing: 4 – 6 weeks

Premium Processing: 9 – 10 days

California Service Center:

Standard Processing: 2 – 4 MONTHS!

Premium Processing: 13 – 15 days!

  Most US Consulates continue to experience significant backlogs with regard to visa stamp appointments. Some have no interview appointments for 60 – 90 days whereas others are granting interview waivers, but with no consistency between one consulate and another. Please factor this in when making bookings and budgets. In other words, if your conductor isn’t performing in the US until April 2023, but has only set aside 2 days in early January when he can make himself available to apply for a visa, start looking for a guest conductor. Specific information for each consulate can be found on that consulate’s website…and except for citizens of certain countries, anyone can apply for a US visa stamp at any US Consulate.

  As of August 11, 2022, USCIS no longer requires petitioners to submit a duplicate copy of Form I-129 or a duplicate copy of any supporting documentation unless USCIS specifically asks for it. (Whilst I’d like to think this was to diminish the impact of deforestation on climate change, it’s more likely due to the fact that Sauron has discontinued his policy of allowing USCIS to toss its extra paper into Mount Doom.)

•  USCIS has issued a new edition of the I-907 form. Starting January 30, 2023, USCIS will only accept the 11/03/22 edition. There are no changes. It’s the same form with a different date at the bottom. However, accomplishing this critical assurance of national security required two filibusters, three Congressional hearings, and an armed insurrection at the Golden Corral in Bent Fork, Arkansas which dared to close its Sunday buffet an hourly early.

  Yes, it is still possible to obtain artist visas for Russians. So long as they can get to a U.S. consulate, there are no bans or restrictions on Russians. The challenge is that there are no US Consulates in Russia, some EU countries will not allow Russians to enter, and the EU won’t allow any Russian planes to fly over its airspace. So, they just need to get to a consulate. If they are already in the EU, then they get to face the same visa insanity as everyone else.

Legal Issue of the Month:

Force Majeure Is Not The Same as Cancellation

If an engagement contract contains no option for cancellation or termination, then it cannot be cancelled or terminated without mutual consent. Otherwise, whichever party cancels will be in breach and potentially owe damages to the other party. Parties can always negotiate cancellation clauses under which either party can cancel an engagement under certain circumstances and by paying cancellation fees; but, if they don’t, they remain forcibly conjoined.

However, Force Majeure/Acts of God clauses are something different. These are contract clauses which say that if something happens beyond the control of either party (typically, fire, flood, illness, royal demise, etc.) which makes it impossible for one of them to honour the contract, then that party can void the contract without owing damages or fees to the other. In other words, whereas a cancellation clause may require a party to pay bail to cancel a concert, a Force Majeure/Act of God clause is like a “get out of jail free card.”

Parties can use a contract to define exactly what constitutes Acts of God (ie: a hurricane as opposed to a backed up toilet, illnesses supported by a doctor’s note, etc.). However, because of COVID, the economy, and genera insecurity, we are seeing more and more instances of parties trying to squeeze cancellation penalties or payments into Force Majeure/Act of God clauses. Presenters are claiming that poor ticket sales or lack of funding should be considered God’s fault whereas artists are claiming that if even if the concert hall is overrun by zombies, they are entitled to non-refundable deposits and penalties if the venue cancels. While parties should take every opportunity to explore and negotiate cancellation clauses with as many draconian conditions as they could possibly want, these are not Acts of God/Force Majeure clauses.

Why is this anything other than a miniscule, legalistic subtlety? Because if a party cancels an engagement contract because of a legitimate inability to present the engagement that could not otherwise have been foreseen, a court will not enforce penalties or damages regardless of what the contract says. Moreover, most state and local municipalities (particularly colleges and universities) are prohibited by State Law from having to pay non-refundable deposits or fixed cancellation fees, regardless of the reason for the cancellation. So, like everything else, if you believe the only force that separates your orchestra from insolvency is divine intervention, you’re going to need to talk this one through.

Dear Law & Disorder:

Actual Questions we get asked and the answers people don’t want! 

Streaming Rights & Licenses

Dear Law and Disorder:

We have two questions with regard to live streaming some of our concerts and recitals. We, of course, have paid the ASCAP and BMI licenses/fees to cover the rights for live performances. Does paying those licenses for live performances also cover streaming the concert live? The other issue involves archiving the recordings of the concerts, or leaving them on the website for a time after the concert so patrons (e.g., parents of students or any other interested parties) can view the concert at a later date if they had a conflict the day of the original concert and were unable to watch it live. Would this practice also be covered by the licenses or fees we’ve already paid? Is this a grey area in which the law has not yet caught up with the technology, or would this practice be a violation of copyright?

ASCAP and BMI are two of the many Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) which issue licenses to present live performances. Whilst some licenses for live performances also cover the right to stream the concert live, others do not. As with all rights, you only get what you ask and/or pay for. So, if your license also included the right to stream live concerts, then your license covers that. On the other hand, if you only paid for live concerts, then it does not. You need to check the license terms and agreement you received from ASCAP and BMI. (However, not all composers/songwriters below to ASCAP or BMI, so you may need licenses from other PROs as well.

With regard to the issue of “archiving the recordings of the concerts”, the good news is that it is not a grey area at all. The bad news for you may be that it is not a grey area at all. Making any audio or audio/visual recording of a concert is not covered by PROs at all. Such rights must be obtained from the performers and, unless they are performing their own, original music, the right to record the music must be obtained directly from the composer/songwriter or their publisher. There is no “inherent right” to make a recording of any performance or composition at any time under any circumstances for any purpose without the permission of (a) the composer/songwriter of the music and (b) the performers themselves.


It is with exhilarating enthusiasm that we congratulate Monica Felkel, a legendary icon of the classical music and performing arts industry, on the establishment of her own boutique management and consulting firm.

Monica Felkel Creative Partners provides Artist Management, Artistic & Strategic Consulting, and Project Management & Development.


“Everything we do is guided by a passion for classical music and the performing arts and a commitment to providing each artist and cultural institution with the support, guidance, expertise, and innovation they need to achieve their artistic goals and aspirations.”
Monica J. Felkel, President

We look forward to working with her and her distinguished roster of creative partners in offering her clients a comprehensive range of services and expertise unparalleled in the field.



Deep Thoughts 



“Everyone seems normal, until you get to know them.”



Send Us Your Questions! 

Let us know what you’d like to hear more about.
Send us an email, post on Facebook, mail us a letter, dispatch a messenger, raise a smoke signal, reach out telepathically, or use whatever method works for you.

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a threatening email, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about or one size fits all!


Backlogs at US Consulates, New USCIS forms, Contract Entirety Clauses, and Board Term Limits

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Performing Arts Division

June 16, 2022


» Backlogs at US Consulates «
» New USCIS forms «
» Contract Entirety Clauses «
» Board Term Limits «

Current USCIS Service Center Processing Times:

Vermont Service Center: 
Standard processing: 4 – 8 weeks
Premium processing: 9 – 10 days

California Service Center: 
Standard Processing 2 – 4 MONTHS! 
Premium Processing 13 – 14 days!

US Consulates Are Significantly Backlogged!
The current slow down at the California Service Centre notwithstanding, the real bad news is that many—not all, but many–U.S. Consulates continue to experience significant backlogs. Artists approved for visas are finding that it can take weeks or months to have their visa stamps issued by a U.S. Consulate. Just within the last few weeks, an artist approved for an O-1 visa found she could not get an appointment for a visa stamp at the Paris Consulate until January 2023!

Whilst some consulates have expanded their interview waiver programme, many continue to be wildly inconsistent with regard to how this is implemented, including whether to grant interview waivers at all. For example, an artist was recently informed by the U.S. Consulate in London that, though he qualified for an interview waiver, it could take “several weeks or months” before he would be able to submit the application and get his visa stamp. Others have found it has taken 3 – 4 weeks for Consulates to return passports with visa stamps. Consulates also continue to be wildly inconsistent in how they grant requests for emergency appointments, with arts visas, of course, sedimenting to the bottom of the bin.

Whilst it is still “officially” possible for anyone, regardless of citizenship, to apply for a visa at any U.S. Consulate in the world where one can get an appointment, some consulates—purportedly to manage workload—are only accepting applications from citizens or residents of the country in which the Consulate is located.

In response to manifold complaints and queries from all sectors, the U.S. Department of State has issued several urgently indeterminate statements, a synopsis of which essentially being as follows:

“Yes, we know there’s a problem. We are very sorry. We are doing our best. We have a lot on our plates rights now. We are currently implementing many solutions which, due to national security, we cannot divulge other than to re-assure you in the vaguest possible terms that these new solutions will be more effective than our previous solutions which in hindsight should have been seen as imprudent in the expectation of their efficacy. Will it help if we continue to blame COVID? We care about you. Really. Every effort is being made towards prioritizing a scheme pursuant to which visa applications will be prioritized based upon a system of discretionary prioritization. The wizard says go away!”

Devastatingly, we are increasingly encountering engagements having to be cancelled or rescheduled where visa petitions were approved, but artists could not get their visas in time to travel. As such, please take this into consideration when planning your timelines and budgets. If you are planning anything for fall 2022 which depends upon a non-US artist, you would be wise to (1) check the current application procedures and timelines for the consulate where the artist will be applying for their visa stamp and (2) seriously consider premium processing at the outset so as to get the petition approved quickly and allow for as much time as possible for the visa stamp application process.

USCIS Has Issued Updated Forms

On May 31, 2022, USCIS released new editions of Form I-129 (used to file for O and P visa Petitions) and Form I-907 (for Premium Processing). Both of these forms are identical in all respects to the prior forms, except with new dates at the bottom. Why did they bother, you say? What was the point? No point. They’re just a bunch of crazy kids.

Legal Issue of the Month:
Contract Entirety Clauses

Look out for what are sometimes called “superseding agreement” or “entirety” clauses. They appear in almost all contracts, usually buried amongst the “legalese” that no one wants to read. They usually say something like this: “This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement.” It means that emails and discussions are not binding once the contract becomes binding.

So, if you had a series of emails with a presenter confirming that your artist must have a dressing room free of feather pillows, but that never made it into the final engagement contract, and the contract contains an “entirety clause”, then she’s going to need some extra-strength Zyrtec. I encountered this situation in the context of travel arrangements, but the issue is the same–and, no, sending me the chain of emails and texts did not help two days before the date! 

Dear Law and Disorder
Actual Questions We Get Asked and The Answers People Don’t Want


Dear Law and Disorder:

We are a small non-profit that runs a performing arts center. In up-dating our by-laws, its been recommended that we establish term limits for our directors and officers, as well as a formal nominating committee. Do we really need such formalities? We’re very small and don’t have any other committees. Can’t the board itself select its own members and officers? And it seems a mistake to force directors to leave when they are willing to continue to serve on our board. What do you recommend to your clients?

While I am a strong advocate of fixed terms, I never recommend term limits for board members. Why? Because among the most challenging aspects of running a successful non-profit is finding and keeping healthy board members who through wealth, work, or wisdom (as opposed to whining, wasting staff time, or wrongheadedness) contribute to the success and productivity of the organization. Once you are lucky enough to find such pearls, the last thing you want to do is force them to leave! However, at the same time, you need to have a mechanism through which malignant board members can be removed. Such members, if left to metastasize, can quickly chase all the healthy ones away, burn out the staff, and poison the entire operation. Fixed terms where board members can then be re-nominated and re-elected provides you with such flexibility.

On the other hand, term limits for officers can be more appropriate. Why? Because with no term limits, even a beloved president or board chair can quickly become a feared dictator that no one wants to cross, or, just as worse, a benevolent, but ineffective leader who spurns all attempts at needed growth or change. At the end of the president’s term, they can still serve on the board, but no longer gets to wield the mace of supreme authority. Also, in my experience, I have found that those you most want to serve as board presidents or chairs will also be those who do not want to serve more than a few years year whereas those you want to avoid will be those looking to establish a hereditary fiefdom.

Deep Thoughts

“The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by a period of worry and depression.”
John Harvey Jones.”

Send Us Your Questions
Let us know what you’d like to hear more about.
Send us an email, post on Facebook, mail us a letter, dispatch a messenger, raise a smoke signal, reach out telepathically, or use whatever method works for you.


GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.



The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a threatening email, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about or one size fits all!


Tuesday, January 4th, 2022

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Happy New Year! Let’s hope the 2021 we wanted finally comes in 2022,

Perhaps you were as surprised as I to wake up Christmas morning to discover that the U.S. Department of State had left an actual gift in our stockings. Not too much, and not too expensive, but it’s the thought that counts.

In order to address the ongoing delays and backlogs in obtaining visa application appointments at U.S. Consulates, the Department of State announced on December 23, 2021 that it was expanding its policy of permitting U.S. Consulates to waive in-person appointments/interviews for visa applications and allowing applicants to apply for visas merely by mailing in the passport and with no in-person appointment/interview required. A such, effective immediately:

  • Anyone needing to apply for an O or P visa who has ever been issued a U.S. visa in any visa category (B, F, O, P, J, etc) at any time in the past is now eligible for an in-person appointment/interview waiver.


  • Anyone needing to apply for an O or P visa who has never been approved for a U.S. visa before is also now eligible for an in-person appointment/interview waiver provided:

(1) They are a citizen of a country that participates in the US. Visa Waiver Programme (VWP); and

(2) They have previously traveled to the U.S. at least once before under ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization).

  • Anyone needing to apply for an O or P visa who has previously been issued an O or P visa within the last 48 months of the prior visa’s expiration date is also eligible for an in-person appointment/interview waiver.

There are two important additional requirements:

(1) The visa applicant’s O or P petition must be approved by USCIS by the time they submit their passport to the consulate; and

(2) The visa application must be submitted at the U.S. Consulate located in the country of which they are a citizen or permanent resident. It is still possible to apply for a visa any ANY U.S. Consulate in the world. However, you will not be eligible for an in-person appointment/interview waiver unless you apply at the U.S. Consulate located in the country where you are a citizen or permanent resident.

As always, U.S. Consulates set their own procedures and policies with regard to how they implement directives from the Department of State. So, the process for requesting an in-person appointment/interview waiver will vary from consulate to consulate, even with regard to consulates within the same country. However, in general, to apply for a visa and request an in-person appointment/interview waiver, the applicant should:

(1) Go to the website of the U.S. Consulate located in the country of which they are a citizen or permanent resident to check for updates and specific policies.

(2) Complete a DS-160 and pay the application fee.

(3) Follow the instructions for requesting an in-person appointment/interview waiver.

Whether or not an in-person appointment/interview waiver will be granted will continue to remain at the discretion of the U.S. Consulate. In general, any applicant who has ever been refused a visa in the past will not qualify, unless that refusal was overcome or waived, and there can be no apparent or potential ineligibilities. Also, due to ongoing staff shortages U.S. Consulates around the world as a result of COVID and the insidiously prolific variations of its mephistophelian offspring, some U.S. Consulates may limit the visa categories eligible for in-person appointment/ interview waivers as well as limit the number of total waivers they are able to process in all categories any given time

For those interested in reading the actual U.S. State Department announcement, click here on the helpful government information specialist:

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.





The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty or threatening email to someone, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about.

THE NIE WALL TO COME DOWN …and more good news!

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

It’s so rare that I get to share anything positive in the world of artist visas that I still find myself wondering if I have inadvertently fallen through the matrix into someplace where it is not 2021.

The White House announced today (Monday, September 20, 2021) that in “early November” it would be lifting the current U.S. COVID travel ban with regard to fully vaccinated travellers having to obtain a National Interest Exception (“NIE”) waiver in order to enter the U.S. from the European Schengen Area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City), the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South Africa, India, and China.

We do not yet know WHEN in November this will happen…and whether or not the AstraZeneca vaccine will be recognized (as it is currently not recognized as an approved vaccine in the U.S.—but, when it does, it means that artists who are fully vaccinated and hold valid visas can immediately fly into the U.S. without having to endure the agony, uncertainty, and aggravation of obtaining an NIE…leaving only the agony, uncertainty, and aggravation of everything else, but at least, we’re used to those bits.

Artists who have been approved for visas, but still need to obtain an actual visa stamp from a U.S. consulate will still need to deal with significant backlogs and long waits for appointments at most U.S. Consulates. However, there is some light peeking through the clenched butt cheeks of the dark lord in that area as well….

With the NIE process potentially behind us, U.S. Consulates will be able to devote more staff to processing visa applications and will start making more appointments available. In addition, we are seeing more and more consulates granting interview waivers to those who have been issued a visa in the same category anytime within the prior 24 – 48 months. (Every U.S. Consulate handles this differently, so check the website of your specific consulate to find out.) For those who do not qualify for interview waivers, you will need to request expedite appointments. We do not know how consulates will prioritize such requests, but arguing dramatic and catastrophic consequences in support of your request is always best.

In more personal news…..

We are delighted to announce and welcome a new addition to the team at GG Arts Law: Harrison Weinstein. In the role of Artist Services Assistant, Harrison will be providing an additional level of support services to our artists and clients in areas such as contract servicing and administrative support.

Harrison is an accomplished, New York City-based freelance photographer whose work focuses on using photographs to reflect the times we currently live in and how they reflect American ideology. Employing subject matter such as architecture, light, place, and community, either in a single image or sequenced in a series, he explores the blurred lines of our existing economic and social class levels on a local and national scale. His critically acclaimed work has been recognized in numerous publications, including The New York Times, as well as exhibited at such galleries and venues as The International Center of Photography Museum in New York. In addition, having grown up in a musical family, he was exposed to music throughout his life, specifically jazz, and his images capturing a wide range of artists, musicians, and performers in both portraiture and live performance hang in several private and corporate collections and have been used in numerous promotional campaigns. Harrison received his BFA in Photography and Video at The School of Visual Arts in New York City and has worked under such world renowned photographers such as Pari Dukovic and Jan Staller.

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.



The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty or threatening email to someone, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about.

USCIS Has Officially Raised Premium Processing to $2500 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 19, 2020… and an update on National Interest Waivers while we’re at it.

Friday, October 16th, 2020

The Screaming Demon Pumpkin and his festering goblins of anal carbuncles JUST announced TODAY that it was raising the premium processing fee from $1440 to $2500 effective this Monday, October 19, 2020.

Any petitions postmarked after October 19, 2020 will be returned if they do not have the higher fee. Whilst I expect this to be challenged in court, we are stuck with it until a court issues an injunction.

An injunction still remains in place on the new I-129 fees and forms for O and P petitions.


National Interest Waiver Exceptions to the Covid Travel Ban

Many of you continue to as about requesting a National Interest Waiver NIW) so that artists can fly to the U.S. from certain countries without first having to quarantine in a third country (such as Canada) before entering. While that possibility still exists, please be aware that everything is in significant flux these days. As Covid cases to continue to rise in both the U.S. and around the world, the National Interest Waiver may be discontinued at ANY time. This means that, for example, if an artist applies for a waiver and receives one for to travel to the U.S. in November, the waiver could be revoked between now and then. Worse, if the artist travels to Europe and the waiver is revoked after arrival, and the artist actually resides in the U.S. and is not either a green card holder or is not married to a U.S. citizen, they will be trapped outside of the U.S.

For as long as the option remains, NIW requests can be made either through a U.S. Consulate or at a United States Customs and Border Patrol (USCBP) office at the U.S. airport where the artist intends to arrive. Due to the Covid travel ban, many U.S. Consulates in Europe are either not taking appointments or only scheduling appointments for 6 months in the future. If an artist has been approved for a visa, but needs to get a visa stamp, they will need to make an appointment at U.S. Consulate and then request an emergency appointment and submit a NIW request. If an artist already has a valid visa, then they can request a NIW through the USCBP office at whatever U.S. airport where they intend to arrive.  

1.         Apply for a National Interest Waiver at a U.S. Consulate

Every consulate has its own rules and procedures for how to do this, but, generally:

            >>>Contact the U.S. Consulate in whichever country you are physically located    no earlier than 30 days prior to the date of travel

            >>>Explain that you have an immediate need to travel to the U.S. within 30 days and cannot quarantine in a third country

            >>>Provide a letter from your venue, presenter, employer, etc. explaining why it    is critical that you be physically present in the U.S, that your work or performance is essential to them, and that it cannot be done remotely or via       “streaming” outside of the U.S.

            >>>Agree to quarantine for 14 days after your arrival in the U.S.

You will then need remain while this is pending. If the waiver is granted, you will be sent a letter to present to an immigration officer when entering the U.S.

You will need to check the website of the specific U.S. Consulate where you intend to apply for specific instructions.

2.         Apply for a National Interest Waiver from USCBP

Contact the USCBP office at whatever U.S. airport where they intend to arrive. This needs to be done before travel and the requirements are generally, more or less, somewhat, similar as those listed above for consulates. However, of course, each airport has a different procedure and there is no oversight, so you will need to visa the USCBP website for the specific airport where you intend to apply for specific instructions.

GG Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of legal services and strategic support for the performing arts, including: Artist Visas, Taxes, and Touring; Rights & Licensing; Negotiations & Representation; Contracts; Business & Non-Profit Organization & Management; Project Management; and Strategic Consulting & Planning.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty or threatening email to someone, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about.

TODAY’S USCIS FORECAST: A Storm of Travel Ban Issues with a Cold Blast of COVID-based RFEs, and a Looming Furlough-Nado!

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

I. Consulates Are Open, But Now Refusing To Issue Visas To Applicants Who Have Been In Certain Countries

For artists who have been approved for visas, but have been waiting months to apply for them at a U.S. Consulate, many U.S. Consulates have re-opened and are beginning to issue visas. But not so fast…there continues to be a travel ban on foreign nationals entering the U.S. who have been in any of the following countries for 14 days or longer prior to their intended date of entry:

China, Iran, The European Schengen Area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City), the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), the Republic of Ireland, Brazil, and all of Middle Earth (except Mordor, because Trump is pals with Sauron!)   

Please Note: the travel ban applies to anyone who has been physically present in this countries regardless of citizenship.

U.S. Citizens and green card holders, certain family members, and other individuals entitled to “national interest waivers” and who meet specified exemptions are allowed to enter the U.S., but only through one of 15 designated U.S. airports. 

Until recently, the prevailing advice has been that for anyone impacted by the ban to apply for and obtain their visa at a U.S. Consulate, then fly to a country not on the list, wait there for 14 days, and then enter the U.S. (Of course, entry into the third country depends on that country’s entry and quarantine restrictions.)

HOWEVER….wait for it….

reports have been increasing that certain U.S. consulates are refusing to issue visas to anyone impacted by the ban regardless of whether or not they intend to travel to a third country and wait there for 14 days. Although the travel ban applies only to travel and entry and does NOT prohibit U.S. consulates from issuing visas to artists with valid USCIS approval notices, certain U.S. consulates have taken it upon themselves to go a step further, claiming that they have no way of guaranteeing that the visa holder won’t simply fly directly into the U.S.. Therefore, none shall pass.  

Click here to read a recent article about this in Forbes Magazine

As a result, if an artist has been approved for a U.S. visa, but a U.S. Consulate refuses to issue the visa based on the travel ban, then we recommend the following:

  • Travel to a country that is not on the U.S. travel ban list (such as Canada, Russia, or Barbados) and which has a U.S. Consulate that is open and issuing visas. (This is subject, of course, to that country’s own entry and quarantine restrictions. Many countries have their own strict quarantine and entry restrictions.) 
  • Schedule your visa application appointment for 14 days after you arrive.
  • Document you arrival and your 14-day stay.
  • Once you receive your visa, fly directly to the U.S. (Transit back through a travel-banned country will re-trigger then ban and you will have to start all over again.) 

II. National Interest Waiver Exceptions To The Travel Ban

Assuming an artist subject to the travel ban already has or can find a U.S. consulate willing to issue a visa, they “MAY” be able to obtain a “National Interest Waiver” and be allowed to enter the U.S. without having to quarantine first in a country not on the travel ban list. As you may imagine, the process is vague, convoluted, and labyrinthine, but broadly, there are two options to obtain such a waiver:

1.         Apply for a National Interest Waiver at a U.S. Consulate

Every consulate has its own rules and procedures for how to do this, but, generally:

  • Contact the U.S. Consulate in whichever country you are physically located  no earlier than 30 days prior to the date of travel.
  • Explain that you have an immediate need to travel to the U.S. within 30 days and cannot quarantine in a third country.
  • Provide a letter from your venue, presenter, employer, etc. explaining why it    is critical that you be physically present in the U.S, that your work or performance is essential to them, and that it cannot be done remotely or via  “streaming” outside of the U.S.
  • Agree to quarantine for 14 days after your arrival in the U.S.

You will then need remain while this is pending. If the waiver is granted, you will be sent a letter to present to an immigration officer when entering the U.S.

You will also need to check the website of the specific U.S. Consulate where you intend to apply for specific instructions.

2.         Apply for a National Interest Waiver from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP)

Under a new procedure recently put in place by the Department of Homeland Insecurity (DHS) that they didn’t both to tell anyone about unless you went looking for it, you can also apply for a National Interest Waiver by contacting one of six airports which have been authorized to issue waivers: Boston, JFK, Miami, Newark, Chicago/O’Hare, Dallas/Fort Worth, LAX. As with applying at a U.S. Consulate, this needs to be done before you travel and the requirements are generally, more or less, somewhat, similar as those listed above for consulates. However, of course, each airport has a different procedure and there is no oversight, so you will need to visa the USCBP website for the specific airport where you intend to apply for specific instructions.

III. RFEs Are Being Issued on Maintaining Status During COVID

On July 31, we sent out an email reporting a two instances where USCIS appeared to be targeting unemployed artists currently in the U.S. and who either already had O-1 classification and were merely seeking a visa extension or who were seeking to change their classification from F-1 to O-1. In each instance, USCIS issued a Request for Evidence asking for proof that the artist has maintained their status by having work or other valid employment between March 2020 and the date of the petition, knowing full well that the entire arts and entertainment industry was unemployed at every level.

We then sent out a new email on August 1, saying we have just learned of another instance.

In what can only be described as a shocking degree of cold-hearted darkness, even for DHS, more such RFEs have continued to be issued. As such, this seems to be yet another obstacle shall have to overcome.

We provided some specific suggestions on how to deal with these RFEs in our June 30 the blog post “USCIS May Be Coming After Unemployed Artists” which you can find on our website. However, in general, when filing petitions on behalf of artists who are currently present in the U.S. and who wish to remain—regardless of whether this is their first O-1 or their third—you MUST include evidence that the artist has been working or performing during the pandemic AND that their future employment requires them to be physically present in the U.S. USCIS is arguing that engagements for performances intended for streaming can be done outside of the U.S. and do not require the artist to be physically present.

IV. Furlough-nado

Did anyone see this coming? For those of you who have may have missed this news amidst the cavalcade of plagues, fires, floods, injustice, riots, fascism, and world collapse that we have come to know as 2020, USCIS plans to furlough 13,500 employees on August 30, 2020 if they do not receive a requested 1.2 billion bailout from Congress. Several U.S. Senators have urged USCIS to postpone these furloughs, not because their care about immigration, but because the most recent projections indicate that USCIS had sufficient revenue to cover all its employees through the end of the current fiscal year and still have an enough balance to start the New Year. Regardless, USCIS claims this is not nearly enough, even with the fee increases that are set to go into effect on October 2, 2020. So, without consensus from Congress on this issue (and that’s less likely than a crawfish whistling the Mozart) and the clock ever ticking, the possibility of furloughs looms ever higher.

Here’s what you need to know:

USCIS does NOT intend to shut down or cease operations! However, furloughs will slow down the processing of applications and cause noticeable delays—particularly since, in recent months, USCIS has been relatively speedy given that petitions in many non-artist related visa categories has come to a grinding halt. Also, there has been no indication that Premium Processing will not continue to be available as an option. Therefore, so long as USCIS remains operational to some degree, then, to avoid premium processing on top of the other fee increases that will go into effect on October 2, consider filing petitions for Spring 2021 engagements sooner rather than later.

And, lastly, I leave you with this…

For additional information and resources on this and other legal, project management, and business issues for the performing arts, as well as to sign up for our newsletters and follow us on social media visit OUR NEW WEBSITE:



The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty or threatening email to someone, filing a lawsuit, or basically doing anything that may in any way rely upon an assumption that we know what we are talking about.