Archive for the ‘Visas’ Category

Paying By the Numbers

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

A presenter is refusing to pay one of our artists who has an O-1 visa, but does not have a Social Security Number. Does a foreign artist who is performing in the U.S. under an O-1 also have to get a Social Security number in order to get paid?

Many presenters and venues—particularly those affiliated with university or other academic institutions—have an affinity for imposing arbitrary policies and procedures and insisting that they are legal requirements. To be fair, many of those presenters and venues are merely passing along edicts that have been dictated to them by other departments and offices within their labyrinthine institutions who are more familiar with hiring snow plow services than with engaging non-U.S. artists.

Non-U.S. artists are not required to obtain anything other than an appropriate artist visa (usually, but not always, either an O or a P visa) in order to be authorized to perform legally in the U.S. Whilst it is not uncommon for presenters and venues to insist that a non-U.S. artist have either a Social Security Number (“SSN”) or the SSN’s evil twin, an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (“ITIN”), as an additional condition for an artist to be paid, that is not a legal requirement. More often than not, it is merely a requirement of the presenter or venue’s finance department or booking software which cannot physically write a check without having either a SSN or ITIN. Provided the artist has an appropriate artist visa, he or she is legally permitted to be paid and, unless there is an express contractual provision to the contrary, the presenter is legally required to honor an engagement contract and to pay the artist for services performed.

SSNs and ITINs have absolutely nothing to do with work authorization or immigration law. Rather, they are creatures affiliated with U.S. tax obligations and tax returns. An artist will need either an SSN or an ITIN to file a U.S. tax return, which artists are required to do—especially if they want a refund of any engagement fees that might have been subject to 30% withholding. However, if the artist elects not to file a U.S. return and just let the IRS keep their money, that’s entirely at the discretion of the artist. The failure or an artist to have a SSN or ITIN cannot be used as an excuse by a presenter or venue to pay the artist or otherwise honor a valid engagement contract.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

When It Comes To Visas: Plan For The Worst And Hope For The Best

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

We got our P visa for a group returned because it included the tour manager. USCIS is saying we need to file a separate petition and get a separate union letter for him. But USCIS has approved prior P petitions with everyone on the same petition. Is this something new? This would mean another petition and another union fee. Also, we have heard that USCIS is taking 8 weeks to review petitions. Is this true? The group cannot afford to premium processing fees for two petitions.

It’s almost impossible to choose amongst the many frustrating aspects of the U.S. immigration laws pertaining to visas for artists and performers. The high fees for poor service? Having to provide documentation that The New York Times is a “major publication”? Trying to explain to a USCIS examiner that an orchestral conductor is, in fact, a “lead role”? The regulatory presumption that the U.S. Government (which has never significantly supported any artistic endeavor ever since Abraham Lincoln died in a theater) is in a better position that an artistic director to determine who is and who is not a “distinguished artist”?  However, it’s the unpredictability of the entire process that most people fail to appreciate with sufficient magnitude.

It has always been the rule that a petition for a P-1 visa can only include the actual performers in the group. Any support staff—tour managers, general directors, production managers, stage crew, administrative personnel, and even artistic directors and choreographers (unless they will also be performing)—must be listed on a separate petition for a P-1S visa. Unless someone is actually performing in front of the audience, do not list them as part of a P-1 petition.

The frustration in your case is that the USCIS apparently approved your prior P-1 visa petitions where you included the group’s tour manager on the same petition as the performers. While this saved you both time and money in the past, it was also a mistake on the part of the USCIS. It’s not uncommon for USCIS to treat similar petitions or even prior petitions from the same artist or group inconsistently, approving some and rejecting others. The problem, in addition to poorly trained, underpaid, and overworked USCIS examiners, is that unlike other legal proceedings—and, yes, filing a visa petition constitutes a legal proceeding just like filing a lawsuit—USCIS is not bound by the precedence of its own prior decisions, actions, or mistakes. In other words, just because USCIS overlooked an evidentiary requirement or interpreted an immigration regulation a certain way in the past does not mean they are under any obligation to do so in the future. Even if they approved a visa for an artist or group in the past does not mean they have to do so again. Under U.S. immigration law, USCIS is always free to apply the rules as strictly as they wish, ask for additional documentation, or even determine that a prior visa petition should not have been approved.

The “take away” from this is that you should never assume that simply doing everything you did last time will result in the same outcome. Always prepare every visa petition for every artist and every group as if it was the artist or group’s first petition, paying particular attention to understanding and satisfying all of the regulations and evidentiary requirements regardless of how absurd or inconvenient. Take no shortcuts. Overkill. Overkill. Overkill. This includes making sure that the immigration rules and procedures have not changed since you last prepared and filed a visa petition. USCIS frequently changes filing fees and updates its forms with little notice unless you go looking for it.

For example, earlier this year, USCIS updated the Form I-129 that is required for an O or P visa petition. Guess what? THEY JUST UPDATED IT AGAIN!!!  That’s right, effective August 13, 2015, there is an even newer new I-129 form. At some yet to be announced date, any petitions using any version prior to August 13, 2015 will be rejected. So you might as well start using the new form now. If you prepared a visa petition last year and tried to use the same form, it would be returned.

Always begin a visa petition by getting the newest version of the USCIS forms directly from the USCIS website:  DO NOT USE FORMS FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE AS THEY MAY BE OUTDATED. will also be your best source for any new filing fees or other updates.

For instance, were you aware that effective August 30, 2015, you will no longer be able to upgrade pending petitions to premium processing on-line? Now you are. After August 30, 2015, all premium processing forms will require physical paper I-907 forms to be sent physically to USCIS.

As for the processing times: Yes, USCIS (particularly the Vermont Service Center) is experiencing a significant backlog of 8 weeks or more for standard processing. This could change again over the next few months, but right now it is taking an outrageous amount of time. Unlike forms, never rely on the processing times posted by the USCIS Service Center themselves. They are notoriously inaccurate and misleading. Always assume that unless you have paid the additional USCIS Premium Processing Fee, a petition will take a minimum of 4 – 6 weeks and plan accordingly.

In addition to, your best source of current updates and information should be and other official sources of vetted information. An artist’s or group’s performance should be too important to trust to gossip or anecdotal surveys.

In your situation, there’s no way to avoid having to file a separate P-1S petition for the group’s Tour Manager. That’s the law and always has been. However, if your group cannot afford premium processing and they will be performing for a non-profit or educational institution, then contacting a U.S. Senator or member of Congress can “sometimes” be helpful under the right conditions, including the particular political leanings of the Senator or member of Congress. If the stars and moons align, the Senator or member of Congress can contact USCIS and request an emergency expedite on your behalf.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



The U.S. Consulates Are Back–More or Less!

Friday, June 26th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

After being unable to issue visas since June 9 due to a major computer system crash, the U.S. Department of State is now reporting that, as of June 25, 2015, 85% of the U.S. Consulates (approximately 165) are now operational and able to issue visas again.

Here is a link to the most recent status update from the State Department website:

The Department of Stating is further reporting that all consulates are now scheduling interviews, even if they are unable to issue visas.  If you are trying to schedule or re-schedule a visa interview, or determine if a specific consulate is able to issue visas, you should go to the consulate’s website for details and the most recent updates. You can find links to the websites of all U.S. Consulates worldwide here:


1. Just because the consulates are coming back on line does not mean artists will be able to get their visas immediately or schedule emergency appointments. There is still a considerable backlog. Currently, the consulates are giving priority to those who have been waiting since June 9 and to those who have immediate travel needs.

2. Having an approved visa petition does not substitute for an actual visa. If an artist is unable to get a visa issued by a consulate, sending the artist into the U.S. on a B-1/B-2 (visitor/business) visas or through the ESTA (Visa waiver) program is not a viable option.

3. An artist can apply for a visa at ANY U.S. Consulate in the world. It does not have to be the consulate listed on the I-129 or the consulate in the artist’s country of citizenship. So, if one consulate is still dealing with a backlog, try another.

4. While artists should bring a copy of their I-797 approval notice to their visa interview, original I-797 approval notices are no longer required (and haven’t been for quite some time).

5. While the U.S. Department of Statue continues to express its deepest regret and apologies for the inconvenience, far more valuable is the lesson we can all learn from the wisdom of using the lowest bidders available to address any critical issue and ensure that it remains unresolved for as long as possible.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!




Friday, June 19th, 2015

Hi everyone

I realize that this is outside of our normal blog posting schedule. However, understandably, there is a growing concern over the recent…and ongoing…computer crash that has resulted in U.S. Consulates around the world being unable to issue visas. This means that even artists who have been issued I-797 approval notices from USCIS are currently unable to get their visas from a U.S. Consulate. 

This is a worldwide problem and is not limited to only a few consulates. It is also not limited to O and P visas.

Unfortunately, there are no contingency plans. An approval notice alone cannot substitute for a visa and without the visa, an artist cannot enter the U.S. and perform (even for delayed or no payment.)  Until the computer system is fixed, visas cannot be issued.

The U.S. Department of State recently updated its website to say that they did not expect the problem to be solved before next week. Once the system is back up, priority will be given to issuing visas for medical emergencies and humanitarian cases. Sorry, concerts and performances do not qualify as humanitarian cases.

Here is a link to the current update on the U.S. Department of State Website:

For additional information, here is a link to information on the website of the U.S. Consulate in London:

Most major U.S. presenters and venues are (or should be) aware of this problem and are making their own contingency plans. Nonetheless, you should advise them of this situation if for no other reason than to make sure that everyone understands that this situation is entirely the fault of the U.S. Department of State and could not have been foreseen. (Step #1 in any crisis: assess blame.)

In the meantime, we are advising everyone to monitor the U.S. Consulate and U.S. State Department websites daily and take the next available appointment. There is no point in contacting the consulate or requesting an emergency appointment. Because this has impacted everyone worldwide, there are no emergency appointments or priority channels available for artists with concert or performance dates.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!





New O and P Visa Petition Form Effective May 1, 2015

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

Someone recently told me that there was a new form for U.S. visa petitions for artists. Is this true? If so, when do I have to start using it?

Late last year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a revised version of Form I-129—the form which is used to petition for O and P visas. While most attorneys have been using the new version of the form (edition date: 10/23/14) for several months, USCIS has been accepting both the old and new forms. That is, until now. USCIS recently announced that, effective May 1, 2015, USCIS will no longer accept the old version of Form I-129. Any visa petition submitted on or after May 1, 2015 must use the newest version of Form I-129 (edition date: 10/23/14) or USCIS will reject the petition. You can verify that you are using the correct version of Form I-129 by checking the edition date of the form at the bottom of each page of the I-129. As USCIS frequently revises forms and changes filing fees, often with little notice, you always want to download your forms directly from the USCIS website. NEVER assume a form you used before, much less a form provided by someone else, is correct.

Almost all of the information requested in the new version of Form I-129 (edition date: 10/23/14) is the same as the old form, just re-arranged in an inexplicably more confusing and complicated manner. As a result, the old I-129 form, which used to be 7 pages, is now 8 pages. The old I-129 O/P Supplement, which used to be 2 pages, is now 3 pages. You will need to read each question carefully as boxes and blanks have been moved around. There are also other hidden gems such as certain answers which must be filled in by hand where the revised form currently available on the USCIS website does not allow typed characters. (While I presume these changes and revisions make sense to USCIS, for the rest of us, it would take a herd of rabid squirrels to devise something more inane.)

The maddening inconvenience notwithstanding, there are really only two changes of any consequence worth noting, both of which are in response to what USCIS claims are increased instances of fraudulent O and P petitions:

1) The new I-129 form now requires both petitioners and anyone who prepares petitions for others to affirm that they have personally reviewed all of the information, evidence, documents, statements, and assertions in the petition and assert that everything is true and accurate. While such standards and practices have always been de rigueur for most attorneys, the new I-129 now officially places a heightened level of responsibility and liability on anyone who prepares a visa petition on behalf of someone else to assure that the petition and all evidence is accurate.

2) The new I-129 O/P Supplement now asks whether or not an artist or beneficiary has any ownership interest in the petitioning organization. This is to prevent artists and others from “self-petitioning.” While O and P beneficiaries have never been permitted to serve as their own petitioners, the previous versions of the I-129 never specifically asked this question. Now, petitioners will need to disclose whether or not any beneficiary of the petition is also an owner of the petitioner.

Whether or not there has, in fact, been increased instances of fraudulent O and P petitions remains to be seen. USCIS states that the Preparer’s Declaration has been modified to “protect the form against fraud and misuse,” noting that “visa fraud and misrepresentation, especially for employment-based petitions like Form I-129, have been the subject of a significant number of criminal prosecutions.” USCIS states that revisions to the attestation and signature sections were made at the request of the Department of Justice “to make it clear that applicants, preparers, interpreters, and representatives all have legal responsibilities with respect to the proper and truthful filing of benefit requests.” However, according to information obtained by the American Immigration Lawyers Association in fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate “found fraud in 1,499 and 723 cases respectively in Form I-129 filings, which means that approximately 0.33 percent of Forms I-129 resulted in a finding of fraud.” That’s less than 1/3 of one percent. Nonetheless, it is well known that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which controls USCIS, has always been driven more by paranoia than reality and favours draconian measures. This perception of fraud has been responsible for the increased scrutiny of I-129 supporting evidence, along with demands for more evidence, which began in 2014 and which continues to this day. As a result, the average O and P petition prepared by our office weighs about 2 – 3 pounds! At this rate, perhaps the only ones with a legitimate right to be paranoid are trees.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!




Is It Still Illegal If I Don’t Get Caught?

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

Our organization has engaged a foreign musician whose European agent is balking at the artist having to obtain an O-1 visa that we know he needs. We want to do this right, so I’m getting my ducks in line to tell him no and part of making that case is knowing what potential penalties the organization might face for allowing him to work without the proper visa. I hope there is an easy answer that you can give me off the top of your head—or maybe there is something you can refer me to that would provide the answer.

A lot of artists and their managers balk at the U.S. visa process for artists. I understand. It’s illogical, inane, impractical, unpredictable, arbitrary, and expensive…and those are just the high points. Nonetheless, it’s the one we’re stuck with.

The “easy answer” is simply that “it’s illegal.” Artists are not permitted to perform in the U.S. without an artist visa (most often, either an O or P), regardless of whether or not tickets are sold, regardless of whether or not the artist is paid or who pays the artist, regardless of whether or not the performance is for a 501(c)(3), regardless of whether or not the performance constitutes “training” or is “educational”, and regardless of just about any scenario you can conceive of. What you are really asking is: what are the consequences for breaking the law and what are the odds of getting caught?

Both United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and United States Customs and Border Patrol (USCBP) have been increasingly scrutinizing artists over the last year or so. As a result, artists who have previously managed to perform illegally in the U.S. in the past without the proper artist visa are now being caught with ever greater regularity—resulting in significant consequences for both the artists as well as the presenters and venues who allowed them to perform. Last year, a violinist who had been performing in the U.S. for the past five years without a visa was caught and is now banned from the U.S. for three years. I am aware of a conductor who was turned away at the border when the immigration official discovered that he was coming to perform by “googling” his name. Another artist was advised by his management to enter the U.S. on a visitor visa to perform a promotional tour for a new album, was detained at the airport for 5 hours, and then refused entry. His ESTA/Visa Waiver privileges have been revoked and he must now visit a U.S. Consulate any time he wants to enter the US—even as a visitor. Even more significantly, a management company was caught submitting a fraudulent visa petition to USCIS and is no longer allowed to serve as a petitioner for its own artist’s visas. Large presenters, venues, and festivals are being audited with increasing regularity to determine whether or not all artists have proper artist visas.

The consequences for employing an artist illegally are the same as for any employer who employs an illegal alien. Theoretically, this can include anything from fines and economic penalties to criminal prosecution. However, from a practical perspective, the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice lack the resources to prosecute and investigate every venue or presenter who facilitates an illegal performance. This is why most enforcement tends to be focused on the artist at the time of entry. After the artist has entered the U.S., it’s much less likely that DHS would discover the performance unless there is an audit or the performance is reported to them. Audits are much more likely to occur either in the case of larger institutions or employers who already employ foreign workers in other capacities or in the case of prominent or significant venues or performances which are more likely to garner media attention.

In short, whenever a venue contemplates employing an artist without a proper visa or an artist contemplates performing with a proper visa, it’s akin to running a red light. It’s illegal under any circumstances. Whether or not you get caught depends on whether or not there is a camera or cop at the intersection. Whether or not it’s advisable depends on the circumstances and how lucky you feel.

If cost and inconvenience is a factor, and the artist has other U.S. engagements, a potential solution might be an itinerary-based visa covering multiple engagements. I am increasingly and puzzlingly seeing artists obtaining multiple visas rather than coordinating them amongst all of the artist’s presenters. There is no reason for this other than the visa process being all too often delegated to the “new kid” in the office.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Replacement Woes

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

We are a dance company who is going to perform in March in the United States. We gave the list of names for Visa purposes last September to the venue. Now we have some changes, we have to replace two technicians who are essential for the show. They tell us there is a law that says that technicians cannot be replaced. Only artists. But how are we going to travel without our light and set technician? Is there any exception? Thank you for your news, we are quite desperate with this situation. Only if we could have one technician at least this would help. The thing is that we want to replace the technical director by another one who is unfortunately not in this visa list that the venue got for us.  If you could just confirm me that there is really nothing to do, as they said to me (they say it is a law who does not allow to replace the technicians)

I am happy to shed some light on this, though you may quickly want me to switch it off.

Members of dance companies, theatre companies, orchestras, or any other group, band, or ensemble are required to have P-1 visas to perform in the United States—yes, even if no tickets are sold and no one is paid! For the purpose of obtaining such visas, USCIS divides the members of such companies into two groups: performers and non-performers. All of the performers—dancers, musicians, singers, actors, etc—must be listed as the beneficiaries on a P-1 visa petition. All of the non-performers—choreographers, directors, tour managers, lighting and sound technicians, stage managers, etc—must be listed as beneficiaries on a P-1S visa petition.

Once a visa petition has been submitted to USCIS, no changes, corrections, or substitutions can be made to either the P-1 Beneficiary List or the P-1S Beneficiary List without filing an amended petition (which also means paying a new filing fee.) However, once a petition has been approved, if a performer needs to be replaced, then a U.S. Consulate has the authority to accept substitutions and issue a visa to one or more new performers in place of the ones listed on the original P-1 Beneficiary List provided (1) a visa has not already been issued to the performer(s) being replaced and (2) at least 75% of the total number of performers after the substitution are made will have been performing together for at least a year.

Substitutions at a U.S. Consulate are not permitted for anyone listed on the P-1S Beneficiary List. Should technicians, directors, choreographers, crew, or anyone listed on the original P-1S Beneficiary List be unable to travel or need to be replaced, the only mechanism by which to achieve this is to go back to USCIS and file an amended P-1S Petition (which also means paying a new filing fee and obtaining a new union consultation). Similarly, no substitutions are permitted for O-1 beneficiaries, O-2 beneficiaries, or in any other visa category. Everything requires either a new or amended petition.

One solution is to add additional names of potential technician and crew substitutions as part of the original P-1S Beneficiary List at the time the P-1S visa petition is filed. If it turns out you do not need the substitutions, then these folks simply do not have to apply for their visas. However, should you need them for any reason, their names will already be on the approved P-1S Beneficiary list and they can proceed directly to the U.S. Consulate and apply for their visa. This is yet one more reason why I always recommend that, when planning or booking any foreign tour, issues such as visas, taxes, and related costs and timing should be factored in at the outset and not left to last minute scrambling and panic. What’s that I hear? Crickets and whistling wind?


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Is There A Showcase Visa Exception?

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

We have arranged for one of our foreign groups to perform a showcase at the upcoming APAP conference in New York. Will they need artist visas? Obviously, we’d like to avoid that time and expense. The artists are all from Europe and could enter as visitors under ESTA. Couldn’t we just say that the performance is intended to educate presenters and the US market about the group and is, thus, “educational”?

Nice try. Please see the bailiff on the way out to make arrangements to pay your fines and penalties. While visitors to the US are permitted to attend seminars or engage in “short courses of study”, the education must be for the benefit of the visitor, not the audience. When traveling through the demented kingdom of US arts immigration, never take a circuitous route through the fire swamp of cute arguments and clever schemes on the rare occasion when a straightforward path may actually present itself.

The official rule is and has always been that artists cannot perform in visitor status (which means either entry with an actual visitor visa or entry through the visa-waiver/ESTA programme.)  If an artist performs in the US (and does not have either a student (F) visa approved for “practical training” or a similar training-based visa such as a J or M), then the artist must have either an O or P visa. It doesn’t matter if the artist isn’t being paid. It doesn’t matter if tickets are free. It doesn’t matter if the audience is enthralled, inspired, impoverished, infirmed, intoxicated, or indifferent. Any performance in front of an audience triggers the need for an O or P visa.

HOWEVER, an artist IS allowed to enter the US in visitor and/or ESTA status and perform if the performance constitutes an “audition.” Several years ago, USCIS clarified that “showcases” at official booking conferences such as Arts Midwest, APAP, etc. could qualify for this exception provided certain conditions were met:

(1) The showcase cannot be open to the public (regardless of whether or not tickets are sold or free);

(2) The performance can only be for the benefit of registered conference attendees; and

(3) The artist(s) cannot engage in any other performances while in the US.

So, if your showcase is of the variety that are held in one of the ersatz performance spaces at the Hilton and open only to official, registered conference attendees with official, multi-beribboned badges, then you are in luck. On the other hand, if your showcase is of the kind that are held around New York City in an actual performance space where the general public will be attending, but APAP conference registrants can come for free, then your artists will need O or P visas. In other words, its not enough merely to call a performance a showcase—it must be an APAP-only showcase or it doesn’t count.

If you believe that your artists qualify for the showcase/audition exception, then I would still strongly recommend that each artist travels and enters the US with a signed letter from you, on your official letterhead, confirming their entry and departure dates and confirming that all of the above-conditions are met.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!




Avoiding A Visa Interview…Sometimes…Maybe…

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I had a really interesting conversation with a consular officer at a U.S. consulate where we were having one of our groups apply for P visas. Our group has toured the U.S. many times and the officer mentioned that P class petitioners do not need to come back in for interviews if they renew their visas within 48 months of their last visa. They can just mail them in through a courier service associated with a local bank. She said that this was true in other countries as well, though the specifics are slightly different in other countries. Are you familiar with this?

Yes, I am familiar with this. What the officer is talking about is a discretionary policy whereby certain individuals under certain circumstances may not be required to have a visa interview at the U.S. consulate if they are applying for a visa in the same category as a visa previously issued to such person. However, before you get too excited, remember that nothing in the tortured realm of U.S. immigration policies and procedures is ever as simple or as straightforward as it may first seem. There are several pitfalls to be aware of.

First, this has nothing to do with avoiding the petition process. Regardless of how many O or P visas an artist may have previously held, all new O and P visas require a visa petition to be filed with and approved by USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.) The policy at issue here is whether or not, after approval, an artist may be able to avoid physically appearing at a U.S. Consulate in order for the visa to be issued.

Second, the “interview waiver” policy is determined on a consulate-by-consulate basis and it is by no means a uniform policy at all U.S. consulates. Some consulates may allow this for O and P visas, while others may allow this only for O visas, and still others may allow this for O-1 and P-1 visas, but not O-2 or P-1S visas. And others may not allow this at all. Even where it is available, a consulate might still require citizens of certain countries to come in for an interview anyway. The only way to determine which consulates do and do not allow for visa interviews to be waived under certain circumstances and, if available, the specific process for obtaining a visa without an interview, is to check the website of the specific consulate where the artist will be applying for the visa.

Third, unless there is enough time to deal with glitches and delays, I always encourage artists to appear personally even if they qualify for an interview waiver. Why? Read on…

A pianist who had multiple O-1 visas in the past did not, understandably, want to go to yet another interview at a U.S. Consulate. So, you can imagine her joy when, upon completing her DS-160 (visa application) form on the website of the U.S. Consulate, she learned that she qualified for an interview waiver. She ecstatically selected the interview waiver option on the DS-160, mailed in her passport using the courier service…and her passport never arrived at the consulate. It was lost. Ultimately, she had to obtain a new passport and apply in person, causing a delay of several weeks and the cancellation of several engagements on her tour.

Similarly, another artist who also met the qualifications for an interview waiver, mailed in his passport and, after three weeks of waiting, was informed that he was being required to schedule an interview anyway. Even where an artist meets the requirements for an interview waiver, a consulate always retains the discretion to require a personal interview under any circumstances. Unfortunately, there’s no particular requirement that they inform you of this in a timely fashion.

As fond as I am of sweeping generalizations, they are never applicable in all circumstances. For every tale of problems or delays, there are just as many positive experiences. Nonetheless, its always safe to assume that when dealing with any situation—immigration related or otherwise—in which the outcome you seek will ultimately depend upon a harmonic convergence of timing, competency, and karma, assume otherwise and plan accordingly.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



Enter the Cockroach, Stage Left

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

My artist has an O-1 visa which expires in April 2015. We want to add a new engagement in May 2015. Can we just file for a “visa extension” or do we have to file a whole new petition?

Your question contains the implication that filing for a “visa extension” is somehow a different or easier process than filing “a whole new petition.” Understandably, many people like to presume that an important government agency with a lofty name such as United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which operates under the supervision of the even loftier agency known as the Department of Homeland Security, has employed the utmost care and sophistication in crafting procedures and regulations that are efficient, coherent, and germane to its mission. Instead, USCIS is more like an absurdist play where the role of USCIS is portrayed as a giant cockroach holding a bouquet of balloons and pushing a baby carriage full of bouncing pink puppies. Oh, yes, and the cockroach is wearing a green fedora and a polka-dot bow tie. It also periodically excretes caramel apples. Nothing is what it seems!

Simply put, the term “extension” is not a short cut around the visa petition process. Anything that requires USCIS approval–amending a visa, adding time to a visa, changing support staff, correcting a mistake on a visa, etc.—requires a shiny, new visa petition, along with the requisite petition forms, filing fees, union consultation fees, documents, and evidence. There are no shortcuts. However, in practical terms, if you are dealing with a recently filed petition, then you will probably just be cutting, pasting, and copying from the recently filed petition. Aside from the fees and costs, it shouldn’t take you much time at all.

So what does the term “visa extension” actually mean? It refers to the box you check on the I-129 visa petition form. If the artist is present in the United States, doesn’t want to leave, and wants additional time added to their visa so they can stick around and perform the additional engagement, then you check box 4(c) in Part 2 of the I-129 form indicating that the artist is present in the United States and wants to “extend” his or her visa. On the other hand, if the artist is outside of the United States and needs additional time so they can re-enter the United States to perform an additional engagement, then you check box 4(a) in Part 2 of the I-129 form indicating that the artist will either enter before their current visa expires or will pick up a new visa at a consulate. Aside from checking different boxes, everything else is the same. Either way, you are still required to prepare and file “a whole new petition.”

To address what I suspect is an additional source of the terminological confusion, there is, indeed, a provision buried in the USCIS regulations that permits an individual who holds an O-1 visa to obtain a 1 year “extension.” However, this only applies to an O-1 who will be doing the same job for the same employer under the same terms as listed on the original O-1 petition. As the O-1 visa category covers more than artists, this was intended to cover a foreign individual who holds a full time job with one employer and simply wants to keep doing what he or she has been doing (ie: a corporate executive). In other words, except, perhaps, for an artistic director or administrative position, this will rarely, if ever, be applicable to a performing artist. Moreover, as the grinning cockroach will gleefully remind you, even this requires a new petition, filing fee, forms, and supporting materials, so it doesn’t actually save anyone much in terms of time or expense anyway. Like everything else in this absurdist play, its simply there to toy with your senses


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!