Archive for the ‘Licensing’ Category

If We Paid For It, Don’t We Own It?

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Dear FTM Arts Law:

I am writing on behalf of our non-profit theater group. Several years ago, one of our volunteers designed a new logo for our theater. We paid her $500. At the time, she was friends with our Artistic Director, but they had a falling out. She recently sent us a letter saying we can no longer use our logo. She claims she owns the design and we can’t use it without her permission. Although we have nothing in writing, we did pay her, so don’t we own it? Is she right?

Hell hath no fury like a volunteer scorned! Sadly, she may be right. Designs, just like scripts, music, novels, and choreography, are subject to copyright protection. Paying someone a fee to design, compose, or create something doesn’t necessarily mean you own what they create—much less acquire any rights to use it.  Except in the case of employers who, in most cases, own whatever their employees create for them, when you pay someone a fee to create or design something you are merely paying for their time. If you also want to have right to use the design or creation, you must negotiate those rights separately and have a written agreement specifying what rights are being granted. This does not necessarily mean you must pay additional fees for rights or ownership. That’s all part of the negotiation. You can certainly negotiate a single fee to pay someone to design or create something as well as transfer all rights to you or give you a license (permission) to use it, but such details must be negotiated and written down. Otherwise, all you are purchasing is an implied license for you to use it, which the creator or designer can revoke at any time. In your specific case, you paid $500 for a logo and the right to use it until the designer told you to stop—and it sounds like she just did.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Generic Forms: A Prescription For Trouble

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein


How can an organization that presents music programs, and puts some of them on the Internet, find a good general release form for artists/speakers to sign?

The tricky part about forms is not finding them, but choosing which one is right. There are lots of sources for good general release forms—the Internet, formbooks, colleagues, etc. We provide a list of formbooks that we recommend on our website However, to select the right form, you need to know what you need.

A “release” is just another word for “permission”, and, like all other contracts, it memorializes an agreement between two parties. So, in order to know what form you need, you need to know what permissions you need and what permission the other party is willing to grant. For example, if you are presenting a music program and you want a form through which a musician will give you the right to record their performance and place it on the internet, you will want a form that addresses the following issues: (1) Is the musician expecting to get an extra fee in exchange for granting permission?(2) Do you want to place the entire performance on the Internet, or just excerpts?(3) Will you be posting the performing on your own website or on other websites such as YouTube?(4) Can you leave the recording up indefinitely, or will the musician be able to tell you to take it down? (5) If there is more than one musician performing, such as a band or ensemble, will you require a release from each performer or does one person have the right to grant permission on behalf of everyone else? and, perhaps most importantly, (6) Is the musician performing his or her own music? Remember: unless the musician is also performing music he or she wrote themselves, they cannot give you permission to record it. You will need to get that permission from the composer as well as from the musicians.

There is no “generic” permission form or release that will apply to everyone in every situation. Any form or any contract is only “good” if it addresses all of the elements of your specific circumstances and successfully communicates the understanding between the parties and covers all of the necessary. It may not surprise you to learn how often I have been contacted by someone who found what they believed was a “generic” form, filled in the blanks, and found out too late that it didn’t give them the rights or permissions they needed for their specific circumstances. So, when it comes to forms, don’t go for the generic…go for the prescription you need. Before you go hunting around for the right form, first figure out what you need, then start reading and editing forms and until you get the one that fits just right.


For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit

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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Do We Need ASCAP/BMI Licenses?

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Hello Law and Disorder,

We have met numerous times at conferences, (I love going to your sessions!) and you have been very helpful with questions about our presenting contracts. We also rent our facility and I now have a question about that side.  We recently received a letter from BMI stating that a few of our rental clients have not paid their licensing fees and that we are now responsible for the fees. Can they do that?  We have it stated in our rental contract that the user is responsible of ASCAP/BMI fees, is that enough to get us out of it? If BMI can hold us accountable for the artist fees how do we protect our self in the future? I appreciate your advice, thank you.

Thanks for coming to our sessions! As for your question: Yes, they can do that! As the owner/operator of a performance space/venue, it is your legal responsibility to ensure that necessary rights and authorizations have been obtained with respect to all copyrighted music which is publicly performed in your venue. (Actually, your legal responsibility is not limited to performance rights, but extends to dramatic rights as well as any other required rights and licenses which pertain to music, images, trademarks, recordings, images, or other protected rights or materials being used or performed in your space.) In other words, while there is certainly nothing wrong with requiring your “users” to be responsible for ASCAP/BMI fees, that will not relieve you from ultimate responsibility if they fail to do so. In fact, there is no contract, release, or any other document which will protect your venue from liability should one of your users fail to obtain the necessary authorization or licenses they need for their performance. However, there are several things you can do to better manage your liability and minimize your risk:

First, you’ll not only want to ensure that your contract states that the user is responsible for all licenses and authorizations, but you’ll also want your contract to state that the user will “hold harmless and indemnify” your venue if they fail to obtain the necessary licenses and authorizations. In essence, this means that the user will have to reimburse you for any costs and expenses you incur if you are required to pay for licenses, incur legal expenses, or suffer any other damages or losses because your users failed to obtain the rights and licenses they were supposed to. (They’d probably have to do that anyway, but an indemnification and hold harmless provisions makes that obligation explicit.)

Second, there are many venues which require users to produce “proof” that they have all of the required licenses prior to the first performance date as a condition of being allowed to use the space. This gives you a chance to assess whether or not the appropriate licenses have actually been obtained.

Third, you should obtain your obtain your own blanket licenses directly from ASCAP and BMI, as well as from SESAC. These three organizations issues blanket licenses directly to venues such as yours to ensure that any music from their catalogs is properly licensed for public performances. While this will require you to keep a running account of all music publicly performed at your venue as well as to incur the license costs yourself, you can pass the costs along to your users through your rental fees. Its also the best and only way to ensure that your legal responsibility as the owner/manager of the venue is being met, at least with regard to performances licenses. You’ll still need to make sure your users obtain the other right and licenses they may require for their performances.

Lastly, I would consult with other venues of similar size and nature to your own and see if they already have licensing policies and procedures that you might be able to adopt for your own use. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel where others have already rolled it up the hill—just beware of any venue that tells you either: “We just ignore all of that stuff and haven’t been caught yet!” or “Those rules don’t apply to non-profits.” Run away!


For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit

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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Posting Musical Performances on YouTube

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

By Robyn Guilliams

Dear Law and Disorder,

What are the copyright issues in posting a performance of a piece of music on YouTube for global streaming?  And, since people can easily download YouTube content, what are the implications for the person who’s posted it, or the downloaders for that matter?

Before answering your question, I want to clarify that there are two separate copyrights in a videotape of a musical performance – the copyright in the music contained in the video, and the copyright in the video itself.  The copyright is usually owned by the creator of a work.  In the case of the musical composition, the copyright would be owned by the composer (or perhaps the composer’s publisher, if he or she has one.)  In the case of the video, the owner of the copyright would be whoever created the video (and NOT the individual performers – which is a common misconception!)

Now, on to your question…  The answer depends on who owns the copyrights to the video, and the underlying music in the video.  If you make a video of yourself performing your own music, and you post that video on YouTube, there are no copyright issues.  Because you own the music being performed, AND you own the video, you have the right to post that video on YouTube or anywhere else on the Internet.

However, the answer changes if you don’t own the music.  If the musical copyright is owned by someone else, you would need that person’s permission to perform the music (i.e., a performance license for the music), to videotape the performance (a synchronization license), AND to broadcast that video via the Internet (a performance license for the video).  Of course, it’s not necessary to have three separate documents, but you would want to be sure you have all of the permissions you need in one license!

The answer also depends on who owns the videotape of the performance.  As noted above, the owner of a video usually will be the person who creates the video.  So, if you perform your own music, but someone else records that performance, then that person will own the video, and you would need that person’s permission to post the video on YouTube.

Downloads implicate yet another potential license requirement – a distribution license!  If you don’t have a right to distribute the video – or the music contained in the video – both you and the illegal downloader could be liable to the copyright holders.

The moral here is that, before posting any audio or video recording on the Internet, be sure you have all of the necessary permissions – preferably in writing!


For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit

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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!