Archive for the ‘Agents’ Category

Silence Is Not Golden!

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

Help! We are a small agency. We booked an engagement for one of our artists at a venue that has now cancelled the date. We had a series of emails with the venue confirming the date and fee and then sent them a formal contract that was never returned. We followed up with more emails confirming the date and asking for the contract to be signed and returned, but they never did. The venue is now claiming that because they never signed and returned the contract, they were never obligated to do the show. Are they correct? Don’t the emails count for anything? How to we keep this from happening in the future?

When it comes to contracts, silence is never golden. If you sent a contract and it was never signed and returned, that should have been a huge red flag or at least an implicit sign that read: “Stop! Go no further! Abandon all hope ye who enter here!”

If you have a series of emails confirming the engagement, and you can show that you relied on those emails by reserving the date and by turning away other bookings for that date and you can show that the venue knew you were relying and never stopped you, then, legally, you may be able to establish that there was an implicit contractual relationship. But that’s only going to get you so far! If the venue still refuses to honor the engagement or re-book or pay a reasonable cancellation fee, then you’re going to have to decide whether or not its worth pursuing a claim by filing a lawsuit.

And, of course, it all depends on what your emails actually say. Often, I’ve seen a chain of emails between a venue and agent that confirms the engagement date and fee, but ends with the agent writing something like: “Great. So we’re all set. I’ll get a contract out to you right away.” Such language can be legally construed as making the entire deal contingent on the contract. And if the contract contains additional terms and requirements that were never previously discussed, then, the contract will be legally construed as a “counter-offer”, which the venue can then refuse.

If you’re taking the time to send out contracts, then you need to make sure they are signed and returned—and, if they are not, assume the engagement is cancelled, re-book the date and move on. I realize that the realities of time and other logistics can make babysitting contracts difficult. There are many times when situations will demand that you proceed without a signed contract. However, when you choose to do so, know that you are assuming the risk. If there is a breach or cancellation, you can’t then go back and seek the protection of a contract you never followed up on or enforce terms that were never agreed upon.

Even when you have a signed contract, there’s no guarantee that the other party won’t breach it. Contracts are not self-enforcing. They merely give you the right to go into court and present a strong argument that you are entitled to damages. More importantly, they give both parties the opportunity to share concerns and expectations and access risks and challenges to the relationship. If things do go badly, the contract is a tool through which you can make an argument. For certain, it’s not the only tool, but I’d much rather pound a nail with a hammer than my head.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

I’ll Show You My Visa If You Show Me Yours!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

First and foremost: our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone recovering from and impacted by Hurricane Sandy. From property destruction to physical injuries and deaths, it has caused immeasurable damage. For those of us in the arts industry, its also caused cancellations and logistical nightmares, but performances can always be rescheduled. Now is the time for us to work together and remember what’s important.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I am writing because I am filing a visa application for a German orchestra conductor. He has been approved for an O-1 visa for a period of two years. He has multiple engagements and will need to come in and out of the U.S. during this time. I am hoping to apply for a multiple entry visa for him, however I cannot see an option to select the times he wants to come to U.S. on the visa application. Was this something I was supposed to request on the visa petition? What do I do?

Good news! There is nothing for you to do. Except with regard to a small list of specific countries, all US visas, once issued, are automatically multiple-entry!

If you visit the website of the United States State Department at you will find the State Department “reciprocity” list. This contains the rules that govern the validity period of visas, the number of permissible entries, and fees charged for them. Its called a “reciprocity” list because the U.S. charges citizens of other countries whatever fees their countries charge U.S. citizens for similar types of visas and, reciprocally, limits the citizens of certain countries to visas as short as three months, and to visas valid for single entries only. In other words, the United States basically treats the citizens of other countries either as good or as bad as they treat citizens of the United States…diplomacy at its best!

For example, Chinese citizens are only eligible for single entry visas and their visas are only valid for three months at a time. So, even if USCIS approves a Chinese musician for an O-1 visa with a classification period of three years, pursuant to the “reciprocity” list, the consult will only grant the Chinese musician a visa valid for three months and a single entry. This means that, once the visa is issued, the Chinese musician has three months to enter the U.S. Once she enters the U.S., she can remain and work in the U.S. for the full three years of her approved O-1 classification. However, if she leaves at any time, she will need to return to the consulate and obtain a new visa before she can return. (NOTE: She will not need a new approval from USCIS. She merely needs to apply for a new visa at the consulate using her original I-797 approval notice.) Similarly, a Brazilian artist approved for a three year O-1 will be issued a multiple entry visa, but only valid for three months. During the three year period, they can enter and leave as often as they wish, but only for three months. After that, they must obtain a new visa.

In your case, there are no restrictions on German citizens. So, pursuant to the reciprocity list, if your conductor has been approved for a 2-year O-1, the consulate will automatically issue him a multiple entry O-1 visa valid for 2 years, during which time he can enter and leave the U.S. as many times as he likes during that period. There is no box or option to check because you are done.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

They Can’t Do That To Me!

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

I just got a notice that a venue where I booked one of my artists is closing. I have a written engagement contract that was signed by the venue over a year ago. The notice I received says that they have run out of money and are cancelling their season. Can they do that? Do I have a valid claim? Should I file a lawsuit? Can I alert the media? How do I send a message to other venues not to do this?

Assuming you have a valid, enforceable contract with no cancellation clause or other termination provision, then the venue had no legal right to cancel regardless of their financial situation and the venue is in breach of the engagement contract. The question is whether or not your claim is worth pursuing…or, assuming that you were acting as an agent on behalf of your artists, whether or not your artists have a claim worth pursuing.

The first course of action would be to send the venue a letter notifying it that it is in breach and will be liable for damages if you are unable to re-book the date. Then, you must make every effort to re-book the date and minimize (aka “mitigate”) damages. As a matter of contract law, your artists are not automatically entitled to the full engagement fee. Rather, if you were to re-book the date for a smaller engagement fee, your artists would be entitled to the difference. If you were to re-book the date and obtain a higher fee, your artists would not be entitled to any damages at all. Even if you are unable to re-book the date, you must be able to show that you made every effort to do so and made every effort to minimize any other losses or out-of-pocket expenses. (ie: Can you cancel or get a refund for any travel expenses? Are they any production or crew costs you can avoid if the engagement is cancelled?)

To enforce your claim, you would need to file a lawsuit. Depending upon the terms of your contract, you may be able to file the suit where you are located or where the venue is located. However, any judgment outside of the state where the venue is located would be unenforceable unless you took the judgment into a court in the venue’s state and had it recognized by that state. Regardless, getting a judgment does not mean that you will get any money. It just means you are legally entitled to money. With the judgment in hand, you would still need to “collect.” Collection would involve more court proceedings in order to levy bank accounts and attach assets. All of this would need to be done in the state where the assets are located. Also, unless your contract provides for court costs and attorneys fees, those would not be recoverable. Ultimately, whether or not you want to file a lawsuit depends on the amount of your damages and whether the time and costs of pursing the claim outweigh the likelihood of collection. Unless the venue actually owned its own performance space or has other assets to draw from, it can be near impossible to see any actual money. If the venue has no assets or files for bankruptcy, then you would get nothing…or next to nothing.

Your more immediate and practical course of action, aside from making every effort to re-book the date and mitigate damages, may be to notify the venue of your claim and then wait. The statue of limitations for a written contract varies from state-to-state, but, in most instances, you will have from 3 to 6 years to file a lawsuit. If the venue is able to re-organize and re-open before the statute-of-limitations runs out, you could revisit the matter and, if they refuse to pay or otherwise agree to a reasonable settlement, still file your lawsuit. On the other hand, if the non-profit ultimately closes, and it turns out that there are assets to distribute, they will need to seek a court approval of the distribution. You can file a creditor claim and stand in line with their other creditors at that time.

This is may also be a good opportunity to review your engagement contract. As you can see, a lot of your options in these situations depend on the enforcement tools you give yourself in your contract. Do you require non-refundable or forfeitable deposits? Are there specific liability provisions? Interest? Attorneys fees?

As for alerting the media, I realize the venue’s actions appear outrageous, unprofessional, and unethical. Nonetheless, without knowing more about the specific circumstances of this particular venue and what has led to their decision to cancel, “going public” could easily backfire on you as well as your artists. Resist the urge to go on a crusade. They are rarely successful and everyone dies. As for sending a warning to other venues, I seriously doubt most non-profits need to be reminded that contractual breaches, lawsuits, and dissolution of assets are not effective strategic plans.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

What Are You Trying To Hide?

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

I run a small management company. In addition to our commissions, we bill our artists monthly for their share of expenses (conference fees, publicity materials, etc.) One of our artists is now refusing to pay unless we provide her with an itemization of expenses. Do I have to give her one? In the past, she has always paid and never asked for an itemization before?

Do you have a written agreement with your artists that requires an itemization? I once had a manager contact me with a similar question and she was unaware that the contract she had been using for years required all reimbursable expenses to be itemized. She never did, but a savvy artist eventually called her on it.

If you have a contract that requires you to provide an itemized invoice, then you are required to do so even if the artist has never asked for one before. However, lets assume your contract doesn’t have such a requirement or…perish the thought…you don’t even have a written agreement in the first place. Why not provide an itemization anyway?

Unless you’re trying to hide something, it’s not an unreasonable request. I don’t pay my credit card bill or even a restaurant check without checking the itemized charges first. (Ok, in the interest of disclosure, I don’t do math, so I rely on my wife to check these things, but the point remains the same!) It doesn’t mean someone doesn’t trust you when they ask for an itemization. People make inadvertent mistakes and, in today’s economy, every penny counts.

I realize that preparing itemized invoices requires an additional level of record keeping and bookkeeping, but, presumably, you are already keeping track of your expenses in some fashion. Besides, when representing an artist, whether as an agent or a manager, the artist is your client. They are the ones paying for your services. If you provide an itemization and the artist still refuses to pay for reasonable expenses that were knowingly incurred on their behalf, that’s a different matter. However, in any service oriented business, a happy client is a paying client.


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All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Am I Obligated To Accept Unsolicited Emails from Managers?

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Dear FTM Arts Law:

I am the executive director of a well-established regional symphony orchestra. As with most orchestras, I frequently receive emails from managers and agents asking me to consider their artists. After a number of emails from the same manager all within the same week, I wrote and told them that I was aware of their roster and asked to be removed from their email list. He wrote back and said that because our orchestra was a 501(c)(3) and also received state funding, we were obligated by law to accept his emails. He also said that because we were non-profit, these were not “commercial” emails and we had no right to refuse his emails. Is this true?

First, someone needs to remind this manager that desperation is never a good sales technique! No, in addition to being generally obnoxious, the manager is wrong on every possible level upon which there is to be wrong in this instance.

The law the manager is attempting to reference is the CAN-SPAM act, a federal law that governs the sending of unsolicited commercial emails. This law states that anyone who receives an unsolicited commercial email has the right to request that he or she be removed from future mailings and places a number specific requirements on those who send such emails, including requiring the sender to provide an opt-out mechanism, a physical address, and to remove anyone who requests to be removed from the mailing list. It covers all commercial messages, which the law defines as “any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service.” The law makes no exceptions for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Under the CAN-SPAM act, anytime you ask someone to “buy” something or spend money, its considered “commercial.” Sending emails to promote an artist or an ensemble is just as “commercial” as sending emails soliciting donations or promoting a concert, a fundraising event, or any program where tickets are sold. As a result, any organization, for profit or non-profit, that sends such emails and fails to provide an opt-out mechanism and/or to remove someone from its email list upon request can be prosecuted for violating CAN-SPAM.

In your situation, you are the recipient of an unsolicited commercial email. The fact that you are a 501(c)(3) organization or an organization that receives public funds doesn’t alter the fact that the manager sent you an unsolicited email asking you to engage or hire an artist…and that makes it an unsolicited “commercial” email. Thus, in this case, the CAN-SPAM act protects you, not the manager, and you have every right to demand that you be removed from the manager’s email list. If he fails to comply with your request, the manager would be in violation of the CAN-SPAM act and you could report him to the Federal Trade Commission…or, at least, you would have every right to avoid his booth at APAP!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

How Do I Draft An Engagement Agreement For My Trio?

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

Dear FTM Arts Law,

I am a manager who will be writing contracts on behalf of a trio. They don’t have a corporation and there is no “leader.” They just get together and perform together. How do I handle their engagement fees so that I do not look like their employer? None of the three wants to collect the money on behalf of the others. So, that leaves me to disperse the money.  I know I must be careful not to appear as a producer or employer, so I want to be sure that I write my contracts properly, as well, handle the payment of fees.  So, when writing the actual contract, do I make it out between all three musicians and the presenter?  What if one of them is paid to his/her corporation? Does this make sense?

This makes absolute sense…and the answer is pretty easy! You want each engagement contract to be between the presenter and each of the individual members of the trio. Something like this: “Presenter hereby engages Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3 to perform at ___________.” The same engagement contract would also specify that the engagement fee would be paid directly to you “as the agent of Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3.” You can even sign the engagement contract, provided it is clear that you are signing “as the agent of Musician 1, Musician 2, and Musician 3.” (I know, you said you were their “manager”, but “manager” is a title that describes your duties. For purposes of determining liability, fiduciary duties, and other legal obligations, managers and agents are both legally considered to be “agents”).

Once you collect the fee, you can pay each of the artists directly. For you purposes, it doesn’t matter whether you pay an artist individually or pay the artist’s corporation. Nonetheless, you must issue a 1099 for the FULL FEE. In other words, if the total engagement fee is $3000, and you take a 20% commission, and everything is split evenly, then you would pay each artist $1000 and deduct a commission of $200 from each payment—but you would also issue a 1099 to each artist for $1000. Why? Because you are working for the artists, they are not working for you. If you don’t want to be perceived, either for liability or tax purposes as their employer or producer, then you need to set up the transaction so it is clear that it is the artists are paying you and you are not paying them. Technically, each artist should issue you a 1099 to reflect that they paid you a commission of $200. However, in my experience, as artists are even more adverse to paperwork and forms than managers and agents, it is highly unlikely that the artists will actually issue you the 1099. It doesn’t matter. You would hardly be the first person who received a payment without an accompanying 1099.  So long as you have issued a 1099 to each artist for $1000 and report your commissions on your income taxes, you are fine. It may drive your accountant a bit nuts, but they’ll deal with it!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!