Posts Tagged ‘petitions’

A Secret About Passports

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I have a question about a visa I am working on.  This is one of those 0-1/0-2 visa things.  The person getting the 0-1 is fine and dandy, but the person who is getting the 0-2 just got French citizenship and is waiting for her passport – hopefully here soon, but I have to get this visa petition in really soon. Can I submit a petition without a copy of her new passport, which she is waiting on? Or does that absolutely have to be in the packet? I think she has the number of the passport that’s coming, but just not the physical booklet so that she can make a copy for me.

You should submit the petition with a copy of the OLD passport. A beneficiary does not need to show up at the consulate with the same passport that was used for the petition. There are many occasions when an artist will get a new passport between the time a petition is submitted and the time they actually go in for their consulate interview. So long as they show up at the consulate with a valid passport (and the name and birth date are the same) that’s all they care about.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: USCIS does not require passport copies to be submitted with a visa petition. So you may be asking yourself: “Then why should I ever bother including a copy of the passport in the first place?” I’ll tell you—to cover your butt! More specifically, as insurance against your mistakes or, more likely, mistakes made by USCIS.

As you are doubtlessly aware, each I-129 visa petition has a section where you enter the personal information of the artist—or, in the case of a group where there are multiple artists, you attach a beneficiary list where you provide the personal information for each member of the group. A clerk in the USCIS office will use this information to prepare the I-797 receipt notice as well as the all-important I-797 approval notice.

There are many opportunities to make typos on I-129 petitions. Most commonly, USCIS requires all birthdates to be entered into the MM/DD/YY format when most other countries around the world write dates in the DD/MM/YY format. Typos can also occur in the case of multiple middle names or unusual or uncommon spellings. If the visa petition includes a copy of the artist’s passport, USCIS will cross-reference the names and personal information listed on the I-129 with the data on the passport. If there are any discrepancies, they will use the information on the passport.

When an artist goes to a U.S. Consulate to apply for his or her visa, the name and birthdate on the artist’s passport must match EXACTLY the name and birthdate written on the I-797 approval notice. While some consulates will make an effort to sort out a discrepancy, others will simply reject the application and require the artist to obtain an amended I-797—which can often mean re-filing the entire visa petition, which includes incurring new filing fees. Providing USCIS with a copy of the artist’s passport can be a critical safety check. Also, in the event USCIS makes a mistake in listing an artist’s name or birthdate on the I-797 approval notice, but was given a copy of the passport with the correct information, USCIS will issue an amended I-797 without requiring you to re-file a new petition.

It doesn’t matter whether or not the passport provided with the visa petition is current or even valid. All that matters is that, at the time the artist appears at the U.S. Consulate, he or she presents a valid passport with the same name and birthdate as on the passport included with the visa petition.

Congratulations! You have just been given a piece of arcane information known only to the highest initiates!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


Oh, Canada!

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I represent a performance group from Canada who will be touring the United States. Three of the members are Canadians, but two are not. I have applied for a P-1 visa. Because the group is from Canada, can they enter the US just with the approval notice or do they first have to go to the consulate and get actual visas in their passports?  

There more to Canada than just poutine, health care, and HM The Queen on the currency. Canadians are also the only folks who are not required to have physical visas to enter the US.

Canadian artists must still file visa petitions with USCIS and be approved for either O or P visa classification. (Like artists from the rest of the world, Canadian artists cannot perform in the US as visitors—even for free!). However, once the visa petition has been approved, a Canadian artist does not have to go to a US Consulate, pay a visa application fee, and receive a physical visa in his or her passport. Instead, a Canadian artist can enter the US with only their passport and a copy of their USCIS visa approval notice. (Technically, a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer can verify the approval through the USCIS database and does not need a copy of the approval notice. However, for obvious reasons, do NOT rely on this. Artists should always bring a copy of the actual approval notice, as well as a copy of the visa petition itself, just in case.

This unique privilege only applies to Canadian citizens. It does NOT apply to Canadian permanent residents (aka “Canadian landed immigrants”) or anyone who just happens to be passing through Canada en route to the US.

So, in your case, if the three Canadian members of your group are Canadian citizens, then they can proceed directly to the airport or border-crossing and enter the US with only their passport and their visa approval notice. The other 2 members of your group will need to make an appointment at a US Consulate and go through the visa application and issuance process. Apply early…US Consulates in Canada are notoriously backed up!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



Does The Government Shut Down Also Shut Our Doors?

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I have several visa petitions pending as well as applications for Central Withholding Agreements. What impact will the government shutdown have? Do I need to be worried?

That depends on whether or not the lack of an operational government worries you. Granted, it hasn’t been that particularly operational for quite some time. Whenever my computer becomes non-functional, I find that shutting it down and turning it back on again sometimes helps. Perhaps this will have a similar effect. In the meantime, short of accepting the fact that it may be time to consider putting HM The Queen on our stamps and currency, here’s what we’ve got to work with:

Obtaining a visa involves three government agencies: (1) United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which reviews and (theoretically) approves visa petitions; (2) The United States Department of State which operates the U.S Embassies and Consulates where artists take their petition approvals, are interviewed, and apply for visas; and (3) United States Customs and Border Patrol which monitors all ports of entry and (more often than not) admits artists into the country. Applications for Central Withholding Agreements, on the other hand, are processed by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

1.      USCIS:

Because USCIS charges fees for visa petitions, it is not entirely dependent on

Congressional funding. As a result, at least for the immediate future, USCIS will remain open and will continue reviewing visa petitions with the customary unpredictability and quirky efficiency we have all learned to expect. However, visa petition fees do not cover all of USCIS’s operational costs. As a result, if the shutdown continues, you can expect to see increasing delays and slower processing times.

In the category of “every cloud has a silver lining”, a large number of petitions for non-arts related employment visa cannot be processed because they involve other federal agencies, such as the Department of Labor, which are completely closed. As a result, at least in the immediate future, you may actually see speedier processing times for O and P petitions as USCIS examiners find themselves with less petitions to review.

2.      U.S. Department of State (U.S. Consulates and Embassies):

Like visa petitions, visa applications and interviews at U.S. Consulates and Embassies, are “fee-based” and are not entirely dependent on Congressional funding. So the good news, such as it is, is that most U.S. Consulates and Embassies will continue interviewing applicants and processing visas…so long as the buildings remain open. That’s right, while consular services may continue, the longer the shutdown continues, the more likely that that staff support, security and other services will be cut off and the buildings and embassy compounds in which the consulates are located may be forced to close or restrict access.

Another concern is that, even where USCIS has approved a visa petition, citizens from certain countries (and you know who you are) require additional security clearances and background checks before the consulate can issue the visa. As other U.S. agencies are required for such clearances and checks, if these agencies close or shutdown, the visa applications dependent on these clearances cannot be processed.

As each U.S. Consulate maintains its own website, the best advice is to continually visit the website of whichever U.S. consulate you need to determine whether or not that consulate is open and functional. You can link to all consulate from the Department of State’s website:

3.      U.S. Customs and Border Patrol:

As their functions constitute law enforcement, CBP officials are considered “essential personnel.” As result, all borders and ports of entry will remain open and fully operational and there should be no immediate impact on the ability of visa holder to enter the U.S. However, as the shutdown progresses, staffing could may become more limited, resulting in longer lines and grumpier than usual CBP inspectors—especially given that “essential personnel” have the honor of being required to work without the requirement of being paid. Accordingly, you should plan connecting flights accordingly.

One additional note of concern is that the CBP website will not be maintained during the lapse in appropriations. As you may know, since May 1, CBP has no longer been issuing physical I-94 cards to indicate when an individual entered the U.S. and the length of their approved stay. Instead, that information is being entered electronically and, should someone need to verify that they are legally present in the U.S., they can use the CBP website to print out a copy of their “digital” I-94 card. Because approximately 6,000 CBP positions, primarily held by technicians and support staff, are impacted by the shutdown, the website will not be available. You should also expect delays in updating the system once it comes back on-line.

4.      Internal Revenue Service:

It should come as no surprise that the CWA program is considered “non-essential” and, as a result, the program was shut down along with the rest of the government. All processing of applications has stopped and will not resume until the government decides to re-open. At which time, you can expect a delays as the IRS agents attempt to catch up on the backlog. In the interim, engagement fees not covered by a CWA or other applicable withholding exemption, will be subject to 30% withholding.

Obviously, this is an ever changing situation and may have changed already by the time you read this. What has not changed, and is unlikely to change, is that when planning U.S. tours and performances of non-U.S. artists, you should always plan as far in advance as possible and allow as much time as possible. While we will continue to provide updates as they become available, you should also regularly monitor for the latest news.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Visa Envy: Why Is Yours Longer Than Mine?

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq. I am writing you about a question we have in regards to the length of stay that USCIS grants for O-1B visas.  In the past few years, it has been our experience that USCIS will not grant 3 year visas for a time period that has gaps from anywhere to 3 to 6 months between engagements.  Therefore, for our artists, we have been applying for month long visas, or three month long visas, etc, which has started to become prohibitively expensive for them, and rather inconvenient and time consuming for us. We were told by an artist that is moving off of our roster that his new manager will be applying for a 3 year visa for him, regardless of the fact that this particular artist has gaps of 6 or more months between engagements, or no engagements at all after a certain point.  So our question is, has the USCIS policy changed, or worse, do you think it’s possible that the artist’s new manager has some kind of connection or agreement with USCIS that we do not? Artist visas are not defined by length, but by type: O-1 visas for individual artists, P-1 visas for groups, and P-3 visas for culturally unique individuals or groups. The length of the visa validity period depends on how many engagements and other activities (rehearsals, production meetings, receptions, etc) the artist or group has in the United States—up to 1 year of engagements for P visas and up to 3 years of engagements for O visas. Officially, USCIS will approve a single visa validity period where all the engagements constitute “a continuous event”, such as a tour. However, in its inimitable predilection for unhelpfulness, USCIS has no specific definition of “a continuous event” and no policy on the minimum or maximum length of “gaps” between engagements and activities. Rather, USCIS examiners are given complete, unfettered discretion when it comes to determining whether a gap between engagements is too long and will require filing separate petitions. Let’s say, for example, that an artist has an engagement in October 2013 and their next US engagement is not until April 2013 and the manager files a visa petition requesting a validity period of October 2013 through April 2013. USCIS could either approve the visa for the entire length of the validity period requested, notwithstanding the six month gap between engagements, or it could only approve enough time to cover the October 2013 engagement and require the manager to file a new, separate petition for the April 2013 date. When dealing with this issue, anecdotal evidence and actual experience is your best guide. While I have known USCIS to approve visa petitions even with large gaps between engagements, more often than not it will “cut off” a visa validity period where there are more than 3 – 4 months between engagements or activities. My general advice is to keep gaps as short as possible. As for shortening gaps, or even extending the length of an entire visa validity period, consider this: you are not limited to including in your visa petition only engagements dates that have signed engagement contracts. You do not have to provide a signed contract to support each engagement. Instead, USCIS will accept any written confirmation of an engagement, including unsigned term sheets, deal memos, emails, confirming letters. Even if a date is still under negotiation, so long as you are holding that date on the artist’s calendar, it can be including on the visa petition along with an accompanying written confirmation that the date is being held. In addition, you can also provide a list of the artist’s non-US engagements and explain that when the artist is not performing in the US it is because the artist will be performing elsewhere in the world. I can assure you that USCIS has no special deals with your ex-artist’s new manager. According to your question, your ex-artist is merely claiming that his new manager “will be applying” for a 3 year visa for him. “Will be applying” is not the same that as “has obtained.” If the artist has large gaps in his itinerary or lacks 3 years of engagements, he will be receiving a Request for Evidence (RFE) or a visa denial, not an O-1 with a validity 3 years. Don’t believe everything you are told, especially by disgruntled ex-artists who want you to believe they have moved to greener pastures. __________________________________________________________________ For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit To ask your own question, write to All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously. __________________________________________________________________ THE OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE! The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Responsibility…Its Not Just About Visas

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law & Disorder:

We are facing a visa problem for one of our Russian singers.  She is supposed to sing in the United States at the end of February with a US Orchestra. Now it turns out that the orchestra is neither willing to apply nor to pay for the visa fees that would be a total of $1800 ($250 for the AGMA union consultation, plus $325 to USCIS, plus another $1,225 to USCIS to have the approval notice expedited) and the artist does not want to pay this big fee for just one engagement of 8 days. The visa petition is ready to be mailed, but now we are wondering if there is a way of reducing the costs. The singer has been to the US many times to perform, and is a member of AGMA. On the top of the visa petition, she will also have to pay $190 for an interview at the US Embassy in Moscow. Would there be a way of getting her a visa without having to pay all these costs (or at least pay less?) Help!

If the singer is a current AGMA member, AGMA may waive its $250 consult fee, but you’ll need to contact AGMA directly to confirm their current policy. Otherwise, sadly, there is no way to reduce the costs you have listed.

USCIS charges a basic filing fee of $325 for standard processing. USCIS standard processing times can vary wildly, and change without notice. USCIS has recently been processing petitions within 3 – 4 weeks of filing, sometimes even sooner. However, if you can’t take the risk, you will, indeed, need to pay an additional fee of $1225 for premium processing in exchange for which USCIS will guarantee to review the visa petition within 15 days of filing. (Remember, “review” does not guarantee “approval.” USCIS can always review the petition and still return it, asking for more evidence or supporting materials.) While there is a process by which you can ask for an “emergency expedite” and waive the premium processing fee, this is reserved for instances of true “emergencies” (ie: an ill performer requires a last minute replacement). Financial hardship won’t qualify as an “emergency.” There is also no mechanism by which to avoid the $190 visa application fee required to be paid to the consulate. (Some consulates charge even more.)

What makes this situation truly unfortunate is that all of this could have been avoided. When a non-US artist is engaged to perform in the US, who will bear the artist’s visa costs, along with who will take responsibility for preparing and filing the artist’s visa petition, is something that can and should be negotiated at the time of the engagement. I encounter far too many situations where artists are booked and, while fees and travel arrangements are discussed at length, no one discusses any of the other details that are critical to a successful engagement—such as visas and tax withholding. Managers too often assume the opera companies, orchestras, or presenters will handle it, the opera companies, orchestras, and presenters assume the managers will handle it, and the artists assume that they are paying a 20% commission for “someone” to handle it so they don’t have to. Remember, there are no industry standards!

While it won’t necessarily help your current dilemma, the solution in the future is quite simple: if you are a manager or agent, no matter how badly you want to book an engagement for your foreign artist, before you do so, confirm with the presenter or venue whether or not the artist already has a visa, will require a visa, and/or who will pay and petition for the visa. If you are an opera company, orchestra, or presenter, no matter how badly you want to book a particular foreign artist, always ask their manager or agent whether or not the artist already has a visa, will require a visa, and/or who will pay and petition for the visa. While you’re at it, you might as well negotiate and confirm everything else, too: licensing, cancellation terms, recording rights, etc. A lot of angst could be avoided if each party in an engagement contract makes it their responsibility to discuss with the other party all contingencies and potential problems that could arise. Avoiding an empty stage and an unhappy artist is everyone’s responsibility.





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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!