Posts Tagged ‘canada’

Beware of Wolves In Expert Clothing!

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

By Robyn Guilliams, Esq.   

Dear Law & Disorder,

I am a member of a band in Canada, and we do quite a few performances in the U.S. each year.  Our accountant has always told us that we don’t need to file income tax returns in the U.S., because the band is incorporated, and also because our U.S. fees are exempt from tax in the U.S. under the U.S. / Canada tax treaty.  We haven’t had any problems for the past four years, but now the IRS is contacting each of the venues for our U.S. shows, and telling them that they have to withhold tax of 30% of our gross.  The IRS also says that each band member must file individual U.S. tax returns for the past seven years, AND that our corporation doesn’t shield us from U.S. taxes.  Help!  Our Canadian accountant claims that he is an expert regarding U.S. taxes, but I’m worried he might not be.

Oh dear – I’m sorry to hear about your tax mess.  It certainly sounds as if your Canadian accountant is no expert!  I’m afraid I hear this sort of story quite often.  Many of our clients have come to us after a so-called “expert” handled their U.S. taxes (or visas) and got them into a world of trouble with the IRS (or USCIS).

The IRS is correct in telling you that any nonresident individual who works in the U.S. must file an individual U.S. tax return.  (There are a few VERY LIMITED exceptions to this rule, but none apply here.)  You may owe no tax.  Perhaps your net income was below a certain limit (or sadly, nonexistent), or perhaps you qualify for an exemption from U.S. tax under the U.S. tax treaty with Canada.  Still – you must file a return to report your income!  After a certain amount of time, you lose the right to deduct your expenses (i.e., you’ll be taxed on your gross income), and you’ll lose your right to claim a tax treaty exemption.

U.S. tax laws and regulations are extremely complex, especially concerning taxation of nonresidents.  As an example, this regulation is just one of many concerning nonresident tax withholding. Welcome to my world!

A knowledgeable tax advisor can help an individual to reduce his or her tax liability, which may save a performer or group a substantial amount in U.S. taxes.  On the other hand, an incorrectly prepared return can trigger an IRS audit!  At the moment, I’m working with five – FIVE – nonresident clients who are being audited.  In each case, the return was prepared a self-professed “expert”, and it included numerous errors, including mischaracterizations of income and/or expenses, claiming exemptions or deductions to which my client was not entitled, and failing to include required schedules and attachments.

Here are a few helpful hints for those in search of assistance in preparing a U.S. nonresident (or any other) return:

  • Check out the IRS’s “Tax Tip” on choosing a preparer at
  • Before hiring any tax preparer, check his or her credentials on the IRS website at
  • Be aware that, by law, anyone who receives payment to prepare a tax return is required to obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) from the IRS, and to sign and include their PTIN on all client returns.  A PTIN always begins with “P” and is followed by eight numerical digits.  If your preparer does not have a PTIN – run away!

I hope this is helpful to you!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!




Oh, Canada!

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

I represent a performance group from Canada who will be touring the United States. Three of the members are Canadians, but two are not. I have applied for a P-1 visa. Because the group is from Canada, can they enter the US just with the approval notice or do they first have to go to the consulate and get actual visas in their passports?  

There more to Canada than just poutine, health care, and HM The Queen on the currency. Canadians are also the only folks who are not required to have physical visas to enter the US.

Canadian artists must still file visa petitions with USCIS and be approved for either O or P visa classification. (Like artists from the rest of the world, Canadian artists cannot perform in the US as visitors—even for free!). However, once the visa petition has been approved, a Canadian artist does not have to go to a US Consulate, pay a visa application fee, and receive a physical visa in his or her passport. Instead, a Canadian artist can enter the US with only their passport and a copy of their USCIS visa approval notice. (Technically, a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer can verify the approval through the USCIS database and does not need a copy of the approval notice. However, for obvious reasons, do NOT rely on this. Artists should always bring a copy of the actual approval notice, as well as a copy of the visa petition itself, just in case.

This unique privilege only applies to Canadian citizens. It does NOT apply to Canadian permanent residents (aka “Canadian landed immigrants”) or anyone who just happens to be passing through Canada en route to the US.

So, in your case, if the three Canadian members of your group are Canadian citizens, then they can proceed directly to the airport or border-crossing and enter the US with only their passport and their visa approval notice. The other 2 members of your group will need to make an appointment at a US Consulate and go through the visa application and issuance process. Apply early…US Consulates in Canada are notoriously backed up!


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



New I-94 Process for Artists Touring the United States

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq. Dear Law and Disorder: I heard that US Immigration will no longer be giving foreign artists the little white card they used to get when an artist entered the US. The cards were stamped with the artist’s visa category and the date they had to leave. It was my understanding that we needed to make copies of those cards if we needed to extend an artist’s visa. Are we supposed to use something else instead? Is there a new process? Yes, you heard correctly. The little white card, called a Form I-94, was an artist’s official arrival/departure record. Up until recently, every foreign artist as well as all other foreign travelers entering the U.S. (except, occasionally, Canadians, depending on when and where they entered) was given a Form I-94 to fill out (most often while waiting in an interminably long line at an airport international arrivals hall), the bottom half of which was stamped with their status and departure date and returned to them by a US Customs and Border Patrol Officer (aka the border troll.) This form was also issued to those who adjusted their status while in the U.S. (ie: changed from F to O), or who extended their visas. The I-94 was used to confirm the artist’s individual’s status or visa category (O, P, F, B1/B2, etc.) and the departure date by which they must leave the U.S. When the artist left, they surrendered the I-94 either to the commercial airline carrier or to CBP directly. The I-94 information and the date of departure was then entered into a database to verify that the artist did not overstay the required departure date. As of April 30, 2013, this process became electronically automated. CBP will no longer require artists to fill out a paper Form I-94 upon arrival to the U.S. by air or sea and will no longer issue paper I-94 forms in return. Instead, CBP will gather the arrival/departure information automatically from the foreign artist’s electronic travel records and, upon entry of the artist into the U.S., will enter their status and departure date electronically. (Because advance information is only transmitted for air and sea travelers, CBP will continue to issue a paper form I-94 “at land border ports of entry”—which is government-speak for Canada and Mexico.) Similarly, when the artist leaves the US, the date of their departure will be electronically gathered, as well. Under the new process, the CBP officer will stamp the passport of each arriving artist. The admission stamp will show the date of admission, class of admission, and the departure date by which the traveler must leave. Artists wanting a hard copy or other evidence of their valid admission and immigration status will need to go to a special website ( where, using their passport numbers and names, they can access and print as many physical copies of their I-94 as they want. Officially, there is no legal reason for an artist to have a hard copy of the I-94. Officially, the electronic record and the passport stamp will serve as evidence of their valid admission and immigration status. Nevertheless, we are strongly recommending that all artists, or their managers/agents or employers, go to the website and print out a hard copy of the I-94. Why? Simple—we don’t trust CBP not to make mistakes! Plus, while CBP may no longer require a physical I-94, other government agencies still do. Despite what is stamped in an artist’s passport, an artist’s official arrival/departure record will remain the electronic I-94. If a CBP officer makes an error and the required departure date written on the passport does not correspond with the official departure date electronically entered on the I-94, the I-94 will govern. In other words, regardless of what is written on the passport, the artist MUST leave the US by the date stamped on the I-94 despite what was approved by USCIS or written on their visa. Printing out the I-94 will be the only way to verify that the I-94 reflects the correct visa category and the correct period of admission. Furthermore, having a hard copy of the I-94 will also continue to be required by employers and schools who are required by other government agencies to verify immigration status. A hard copy of the I-94 will also facilitate the process of obtaining drivers licenses and social security numbers. An equally important reason for a paper copy of the I-94 is that it would function as a backup document in the event that CBP officers cannot access the electronic record of admission due to a systems failure at the time that an artist seeks re-admission to the US after a short visit to either Canada or Mexico. A hard copy of the I-94 will also continue to be required by USCIS when an artist is currently in the US and files a visa petition to extend their visa. In such cases, the petition must include a copy of the I-94 to show that the artist was validly admitted and is currently “in-status.” CBP has issued a fact sheet that includes frequently asked questions regarding the impact of automation, visa revalidation, passenger processing times, and more. You can access that at: CBP contends that this automation will streamline the entry process for travelers, facilitate security, and reduce federal costs by saving the agency an estimated $15.5 million a year. That remains to be seen. As CBP implements the I-94 automation process, processing errors and challenges relating to the automated admissions process and accessibility of electronic records are already arising. _________________________________________________________________ For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit To ask your own question, write to All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously. __________________________________________________________________ THE OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE! The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Another Taxing Question

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

By Robyn Guilliams, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder:

There seems to be some clarification needed regarding income earned by non-US artists we represent who perform in Canada. We act as the agent for the artists, so payment is always made to us.  If an artist will be performing in Canada, but payment comes to us in the US before it is sent to the artist, is it still subject to US withholding (potentially 30%)? If an artist earns money in Canada and the payment comes to us as agent for the artist does that income get recorded in the 1042S that we provide the artist at the end of the calendar year? I am hoping you can provide me with an answer that I can forward on to my colleagues. Thanks, you guys are great!

The 30% withholding rule is applicable only to payments of “US source income”.  For compensation of personal services (e.g., fees earned by artists for performances, master classes, etc.), the test of whether or not the fees are “US income” is the location where the services are performed. Fortunately, this makes it easy to determine when the 30% withholding rule applies! IRS Publication 519 states that:

If the income is for personal services performed in the United States, it is from U.S. sources. The place where the services are performed determines the source of the income, regardless of where the contract was made, the place of payment, or the residence of the payer.

So, your nonresident artists who perform in Canada (or any other country outside the US) are NOT subject to 30% withholding. They are subject to tax and withholding in the country in which the services are performed. Even if payment for a Canadian engagement comes to you in the US, that payment will be considered non-US income, it is not subject to 30% US tax withholding, and it is not reportable on a 1042-S. However, while your artist won’t have any US tax obligations for the Canadian engagement, he or she may be subject to Canadian withholding and tax.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!