Posts Tagged ‘crowd’

A Magic Blurb

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

We teach classes, put on concerts and run festivals.  At all of these events we take photos of the participants along with the members of our group. We want to be able to use the photos on Facebook and our website.  So I am looking for a “blurb” to put in our programs and registration forms that says we have their consent to use photos of them, without having to get actual signed releases from everyone who attends our events in case we end up using their photo.

I don’t know that there is one magic “blurb” that will cover all of these scenarios. The closest, most generic thing I can think of would be: “I understand and agree that, by participating or attending this event or program, my photograph may be taken and used to market and promote other programs and performances of _____________.”

Generally, you don’t need anyone’s permission to take a crowd shot or a photograph of someone attending a public event as there is no right of privacy when people attend public events. That would allow you to put the photograph on a website or facebook. However, if you liked a particular image of a particular individual (ie: close up or head shot) so much that you wanted to feature it alone on posters, billboards, postcards, or as part of a featured publicity campaign, then you may be intruding on rights of endorsement/publicity and would need specific permission. Also, as a general rule, if you want to take the photograph or video of audience members attending a concert, you want to put a sign or placard out front stating that photographs will be taken at this performance so that, by proceeding, they can make the decision whether or not to participate. Printing a release in the program which they may or may not even read until after the concert doesn’t accomplish anything. On the other hand, if someone is filing out a registration form for a class or workshop, that’s the perfect place to put in the necessary language so that they can actually provide their consent when they sign and return the form.