Posts Tagged ‘dispute’

Understanding Legalese

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder:

Every time someone sends us a contract, its always a lengthy document with lots of legalese that no one understands. Is there anything wrong with having a simple, one page agreement that everyone can easily understand and will sign?

A lot of people mistake “legalese” for language and terms they either don’t understand or haven’t considered. They see words on a page and immediately assume they can’t possible understand them.

This is legalese:

The party of the first part, which party has previously and hereinafter shall continue to be referred to as the Presenting Party, in and for the mutual obligations, conveyances, and other considerations contained herein, the sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does for itself and on behalf of its officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns (hereinafter the “Presenting Parties”), which the Presenting Party does herein attest, warrant, and represent that it has the authority so to represent and bind under the terms of this agreement, does herein and hereby concur, agree, and consent to prohibit, prevent, proscribe and preclude, so the best of its reasonable ability, the degree and extent of such “reasonability” to be determined herein as the term “reasonable” is defined in this Agreement hereunder, the recording and/or memorialization through any and all visual and/or audio and/or audio-visual means and methodologies now existing or hereinafter discovered, invented, or devised, including, but not limited to photography, analog and digital sound recordings, videotaping, screen captures, and any other human or machine-readable medium, the performance of the party of the second part, which party has previously and hereinafter shall continue to be referred to as the Performing Party, including, but not limited to, the performance or any portion of the performance of the Performing Party, including, but not limited to, excerpts, samplings, moments, movements, scenes, rehearsals, outtakes, or other manifestations of the performance or any portion of the performance of the Performing Party, for any purposes of any kind or nature, including, but not limited to…well, you get the idea.   

 This is not:

The Presenter agrees to prevent any unauthorized broadcasting, photographing, recording, or any other transmission or reproduction of any performance(s) or residency activity of the Artist, or any part thereof, by any means or media now known or hereafter invented, including, but not limited to audio, visual, or audio-visual means, and including any “archival” recordings, unless the express prior written consent of the Artist has been obtained.

The difference is that the first example uses unnecessary verbiage, poor grammar, and confusing structure. The second example just has a lot of detail. Don’t confuse “legalese” with “detail.” Whereas you don’t want legalese, you do want detail. Why? Because the whole point of a written document memorializing the terms of an agreement (also known as a “written contract”) is to convey information—not just to have a piece of paper that everyone signs.

Too many people want contracts that are “simple” and “brief” so that the parties will sign them, but that’s pointless. Merely having a signed contract does not mean that an engagement won’t get canceled, that commissions will get paid, artists won’t leave, or that any number of nasty things won’t happen to you. Signed contracts are not self-enforcing. If a dispute arises that cannot otherwise be resolved, the only way to enforce the terms of a contract is with a lawsuit. Lawsuits, as you know, achieve nothing other than making trial lawyers ecstatically happy and wealthy. No one in the performing arts can afford that, either personally or professionally. You don’t want to wait until a dispute arises to find out that you and the other party had vastly different assumptions about what was and was not expected and allowed. Instead, you want to make sure that everyone understands all of the aspects of a project or engagement at the outset and, hopefully, can discuss and evaluate the risks, challenges, advantages, obligations, and expectations of the relationship before they agree to it. In other words, you use a contract to educate, not to enforce.

What determines the length of a contract is the complexity of the project or engagement itself. An agreement for a single artist to perform a single recital is going to be shorter than an agreement for an orchestra to perform a world tour. Similarly, an assignment or transfer of all rights is going to be less complex than a recording agreement or an agreement to re-orchestrate an existing work.

Our industry is blessed with amazingly creative and dynamic professionals who are second to none when it comes to creating imaginative collaborations and engaging performances. However, they become slightly less than stellar when it comes to understanding the business and legal arrangements necessary to effectuate these plans. It’s one thing to discuss dates, repertoire, scheduling, and fees. It’s quite another to consider all of the various details, challenges, and misunderstandings that might come into play: will music or other copyrighted materials need to be licensed? If so, whose responsibility is this? Can either party cancel? Under what circumstances? What if someone gets sick or there is a fire at the venue? Who bears the loss of expenses cannot be recovered? Who is responsible if an artist is injured? Who is responsible for someone in the audience gets hurt? Who is responsible if an artist or crew member damages property of the venue? Who is responsible if someone from the venue damages property of the artist or show? Will visas be required for any artist? Whose responsibility is this? Is the engagement fee to be paid in dollars, pound sterling, euros, or other currency? Which exchange rate will apply? Who is responsible for taxes? Are deposits non-refundable?

This is where a contract comes into play. Yes, it takes time to create and read all of this detail. However, a detailed contract can be filled with all sorts of interesting and mutually beneficial revelations. For example, when recently negotiating the terms of an engagement for one of our own artists, I presented our engagement contract to the presenter—which contains a clause, much like the one above, prohibiting any recordings, including archival recordings. The presenter wanted to make an archival recording and assumed, incorrectly, that these were always permitted. We were able to find a workable solution and adjusted the contract accordingly. We also discovered that while the presenter had not factored in meals and transportation into the budget, we had misunderstood when the presenter actually wanted the artist to arrive. We were able to adjust all of these issues, none of which would have been discovered had we not taken the time to think through all of the various details. In the end, it didn’t matter whether or not the contract was even signed because going through the process itself allowed the presenter and I to discuss all of the details. The contract served its purpose.

In short, a more detailed contract that makes people stop and say “wait, I didn’t agree to that” or “what exactly do you mean by this?” is far better than an artificially simplistic one that everyone signs now and then squabbles about later whilst lashing out such cherished and time-worn drivel as “but that’s industry standard” or “that’s the way its always done.”


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All questions on any topic related to legal, management, and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously and/or posthumously.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!



Rattle Sabers, Not Contracts

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.   

Dear Law and Disorder

We recently had a presenter call us and cancel an engagement “due to inclement weather” because the company’s flight was canceled and they could not arrive the day before the performance as required. The company offered to fly the next day and arrive on the afternoon of the performance.  However, the presenter expressed that they were not comfortable with this because they felt the company would not arrive at the theater in time to run a tech with their team and also had the fear that the company would not arrive in time to perform. The engagement contract has a Force Majeure clause that says:

In the event that the performance of any of the covenants of this agreement on the part of the Company or the Presenter shall be prevented by…act of God, illness, physical disability, acts or regulations of public authorities or labor unions, labor difficulties, strike, war, epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of such party, such party shall be relieved of its obligations thereunder with respect to the Performance(s) so prevented on account of such cause.  If the Performance(s) shall be prevented due to a Force Majeure event, neither the Company nor the Presenter shall be under any obligation to present the Performance at a different time, except that if the Performance(s) shall be prevented for any of the foregoing causes, the Presenter shall use its best efforts to re-engage the Company within a twenty-four (24) month period on the same terms and conditions set forth herein, subject however to Company’s availability…In the event that the performance is cancelled due to Force Majeure on the Artist’s behalf, all deposit monies will be returned to Presenter. In the event that the Presenter cancels the performance for any reason other than those described in the preceding paragraph, then the Presenter is responsible for the full fee.

Do we have to return the deposit since the company was willing to fly in the next day, but Presenter decided to cancel anyway? Can we ask for the full fee? We have not yet spoken to the Presenter, but wanted to be forearmed before we do so we can stand our ground.

“Forearmed” for what? Has the Presenter asked for the deposit back? Are you planning on initiating this “battle”? A contract is a tool, not a weapon to be rattled like a sabre. If you approach this as a “battle”, here’s how it will likely play out:

Presenter: Great to see you at APAP. Thanks for the drinks. I’m afraid we’re going to need the deposit back because the artists couldn’t get here due to weather. The force majeur was theirs.

Manager: But they were willing and able to come the next day. You didn’t want to take that risk. So, you cancelled. In fact, you owe us the rest of the performance fee. And, thanks for the birthday card. That cat was adorable.

Presenter: It’s industry standard for the deposit to be returned when there is a cancellation due to weather.

Manager:  But you cancelled and its industry standard that the artist gets paid if the presenter cancels.

Presenter: The company’s flight was cancelled because of the snow. That’s a force majeur.

Manager: The weather prevented the artist from arriving the day before the concert. They could have arrived on the day of the performance. You didn’t want them, so you cancelled and the contract says if you cancel we get to keep the deposit and you owe the full fee.

Presenter: But that’s not industry standard

Manager: It’s what’s in the contract.

Presenter: We were forced to cancel the performance and refund the tickets, which didn’t sell that well anyway. I just didn’t want to say anything about that earlier because of our good relationship. We can’t take those kinds of losses. We are a non-profit.

Manager: The artist had losses, too.  And if you weren’t selling tickets, then you should have told me sooner so I could help with the marketing. If you had marketed better, the show sells itself.

Presenter: No show sells itself. Did I mention we are a non-profit?

Manager: We can’t give the deposit back and the company can’t afford to take a loss on this tour. It’s not their fault it snowed.

Presenter: It’s not our fault either, which is why we need the deposit back.

Manager: I spoke with an attorney and we will have to turn this over to legal counsel if we have to. It not personal.

Presenter: I understand. This isn’t personal on my end either, but we have a free attorney on our board and they will sue you to get our money back…and I won’t ever hire any artist on your roster again.

Manager: Fine

Presenter: Fine

…and scene…

Unless you are dealing with the cancellation of the road tour of “Spiderman”, neither of the parties will…or should…be willing to spend the money, time, and energy necessary to sue each other, so they will just stew over this, avoid each other at conferences, and write nasty things about each other on social platforms.

The point of having an engagement agreement, or any contract, much less as force majeure clause, is to identify problems ahead of time and articulate in advance how disputes will be resolved. In your case, based on the engagement agreement, both parties knew that, in the event of snow or other unforeseeable issues, either could be facing losses they might not be able to recover. A force majeure operates like an “excuse.” It gives each party the right to cancel under certain conditions without having such cancellation become a breach. However, because it isn’t a breach, neither party is going to emerge unscathed. Someone is either going to have lost out-of-pocket costs they can’t recover, or a deposit they can’t get back, or both. However, knowing this, hopefully, allows you to budget and plan for various eventualities.

In this scenario, the phrase “due to Force Majeure on the Artist’s behalf” isn’t really defined. However, a reasonable interpretation is that the cancellation of the artist’s flight constituted a force majeur event on the part of the artists—in other words, it was their flight that was cancelled. The fact that the artists were willing to travel on the day of the performance was a reasonable solution, but it was just as reasonable for the presenter not to want to take that risk. The more important issue is that the engagement agreement requires the presenter to use its “best efforts” to try and re-book the date within the next two years. That’s the first place to start. If you can find a mutually agreeable date, problem solved—you keep the deposit and they presenter pays the balance of the fee after the next performance date. (No, you can’t ask for a higher fee if it’s the same performance!) If you can’t find a date within the next two years, then its reasonable for the artist to keep the deposit, but the presenter not to have to pay the remaining fee. “Reasonable” doesn’t mean that everyone will agree or be happy. “Reasonable” usually means that everyone walks away with less than what they wanted, but more than there were probably entitled to, which, for me, is a much better solution any day than mutually assured self-destruction.


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The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!


The Power of Contractual Silence

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq.

Dear Law and Disorder


We booked an artist to perform at our theater, but ticket sales have been much lower than we expected. The show is a month away. We are a small venue with a small budget, and can’t afford to present an artist if we can’t sell enough tickets to cover the costs. We signed an engagement contract, but it doesn’t cover cancellations, unless it’s for illness or weather related. As the contract is silent on this, I offered the agent what I thought was a standard buy-out fee (25% of the total fee), but he is insisting on the full amount. That doesn’t seem fair.


What doesn’t seem fair? That you signed a contract and the agent is expecting you to live up to your end of the bargain? The whole point of a written contract is to memorialize all of the terms, understandings, conditions, and requirements of a business transaction—even if the transaction is in show business. If a party fails to abide by a term, understanding, condition, or requirement of a written contract, then that party has “breached” the contract.

Just like music is a combination of both sounds and silence, terms and requirements that are not part of a written contract are just as important, if not more important, than the ones that are. This is because only terms, understandings, conditions, and requirements that are actually written down are considered to be part of a legally binding contract. So, for example, if an artist wanted to be paid his fee on the night of the performance, but the engagement contract only states the amount of the fee and not when it is to be paid, then the presenter is not obligated to pay the fee on a specific date. Similarly, if an engagement contract doesn’t have a cancellation clause, then there is no right to cancel and neither party can cancel without the consent of the other. This means that, if the artist gets a better offer, she doesn’t have the right to cancel the engagement. However, it also means that you don’t have the right to cancel, either, just because you’re not selling enough tickets.

I frequently hear both agents and presents talk about “industry standards and customs” as a way to resolve contractual disputes or re-negotiate contracts they didn’t bother to read in the first place. Except in rare circumstances, industry standards and customs are completely and utterly irrelevant. Moreover, if you gathered four arts professionals in a room and asked them to describe industry standards and customs on any given topic, you would get four different answers! If a contract fails to address an issue or condition that is important to you, you cannot presume that you get to resolve the silence in your favor and do what you want. Rather, if the contract is silent on a specific issue, then both parties must agree on a resolution of that issue.

In your case, if your venue’s policy is to cancel an engagement if you can’t sell enough tickets, then you need to make sure that this policy is written into every engagement contract you sign. Otherwise, you have no right to do so. If you cancel, and the artist or the artist’s agent doesn’t agree to accept a lesser amount, you are liable to pay the full amount of the engagement fee—so, assuming there are no other cost savings to you in cancelling and still paying the full fee, you might as well let the show go on.


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All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Its Not The Length Of A Contract That Matters, Its How You Use It

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq. Dear Law and Disorder: I want to start getting the artists I represent to sign a written representation agreement. However, all of the models I have found are too long and complex. I definitely do NOT want a 14 page contract, more like 4 or 5 at most.  I won’t be able to get folks to sign it otherwise!  And, can the language be more simple? I like simplicity. When drafting contracts, length and simplicity should be the least important factors. Such restrictions are arbitrary. That’s like saying: “I want to drive from New York to California, but I absolutely refuse to use a car that requires tires or gas.” You’re going to have a problem satisfying your travel needs and goals. The goal of any contract is not to make it simple enough so everyone signs it. If that’s your goal, you really only need two sentences: “I agree to book engagements for you. You agree to pay me.” Let’s assume both parties sign it. What if the artist doesn’t pay you or leaves you for another agent? Contracts are not self-enforcing. If one party breaches a contract, then merely having a signed contract is not going to force them to comply. You have to file a lawsuit to enforce a contract. That’s expensive…and often pointless if the artist has no assets. Worse, if your contract is too simple and doesn’t adequately address the nature of the dispute, then the other side’s attorney is going to poke all sorts of holes in your “simple agreement” and you’re going to lose anyway. The goal of a contract is having a document that adequately addresses your concerns and issues and spells out all of the key terms so that you and your artist have a chance to review and discuss them. A meaningful contract will assist both parties in routing out any presumptions or misunderstandings before problems arise. Whether it takes 4 pages to do that or 14 pages, the length of your contract will depend on the complexity of the relationship, the length of the relationship, the needs and concerns of the parties, the amount of money at issue, and a myriad of other issues. For example, if an agent takes a commission of 20% off everything they book for the artist, do you earn your commission when the engagement is booked or actually performed? Does “everything” include 20% of reimbursements for travel and hotel expenses? Are you exclusive? Do you get a commission on engagements that the artist books on their own? And when do you get paid? And how do you get paid? Are engagement fees sent to you or do you invoice the artist? What about engagements that happen after the term? How long is the term? Can you cancel? Can the artist cancel? What if the artist decides to cancel and goes to another agent? Are you still entitled to the commission on engagements you booked? And the list goes on… Think of your contract as a checklist that you will use to facilitate a discussion with each new artist you bring on to your roster to help you decide if you want to work with them and vice versa. If there are issues that are not important to you, then you can take them off your list and remove them from your contract. However, if there are expectations or requirements that are important to you, those need to be adequately explained and detailed. Similarly, while the language you use to explain your expectations and requirements can be simple, it also needs to be appropriate. While I am the first to criticize attorneys for using overcomplicated legal babble, more often than not, a lot of language that confuses artist and agents in contracts is not necessarily “legalese”, but basic business terms and practices with which they are not familiar. Let’s face it…a lot of artists as well as agents, managers, and presenters, do not necessarily have the same business background and training as do entrepreneurs and business people in other, less fulfilling industries. That merely means there are new terms to learn, as opposed to avoid, as your business grows and matures. My point is that your focus needs to be on finding the right language to adequately explain your terms, concerns, expectations, and requirements. I’ve seen too many parties get burned because they dumbed down a contract just to make it shorter. That’s a waste of both time and money. More important, in my opinion, arbitrarily “dumbing” down a contract merely on the assumption that artists won’t understand anything more complex does a disservice to the all the inherently bright, creative, and intelligent denizens of our arts industry who merely need an opportunity to be taught. __________________________________________________________________ For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit To ask your own question, write to All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously. __________________________________________________________________ THE OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE! The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

Pre-Nuptial Management Agreements

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

By Brian Taylor Goldstein, Esq. Dear Law and Disorder: I just received an email that an artist is leaving my roster for another manger, effective in two weeks. I’ve been working with this artist for over five years. We’ve never had a signed contract because we’ve never needed one. Isn’t it customary to give at least 3 months notice? Also, the new manager is offering to let us keep our commissions on any engagements that are “contracted.” What does that mean? Everyone knows that engagements are often confirmed without their being contracts! Help! Actually, you’ve always needed a signed contract. You just didn’t realize you needed one until now. A contract is your opportunity to memorialize all the terms of a relationship…including how to get out of one. An artist/manager relationship is like a marriage and, when it ends, it’s like a divorce—all too often a bitter and nasty divorce. If there is no pre-nuptial agreement, then any disputes will be resolved by the application of legal rules and concepts. In these situations, such rules are quite basic: what you didn’t negotiate for in advance, you don’t get! Many in our industry like to believe that there exists a magic book of customs, traditions, and rules which govern everything from artist-manager relationships to engagement cancellations, and that, in the absence of a contract, this book will determine how everyone should behave. Nothing can be further from the truth. What may be “customary” for one person or situation may not be “customary” for another. Nor would you want it to be otherwise. The arts and entertainment industry is too diverse, too broad, and too delightfully fluid for that degree of uniformity. To the extent there exists a set of rules which govern relationships in the absence of a contract, such rules consist of the laws of contracts, agency, and a myriad of other legal concepts—all of which are fairly arbitrary and none of which will provide an outcome better than the parties could have devised for themselves through advanced contractual negotiation. Whether its exclusivity, the right to be reimbursed for expenses, the authority of the manager, or the calculation of the manager’s commissions, such issues need to be agreed upon…in advance…and memorialized in a written contract. If you want an artist to be required to give you three months notice before leaving your roster, that needs to be agreed upon and written down as well. (While an agreement does not have to be written to be enforceable, its very hard to prove the terms of any agreement without something in writing—especially when you’re in the midst of a bitter divorce when everyone’s memories will suddenly and conveniently become quite spotty.) In your case, without a written contract setting forth a specific length of time an artist is obligated to remain on your roster (ie: 1 year, 2 years, etc.) and without a requirement that the artist has to give you advance notice before terminating the agreement, then the artist can leave your roster whenever they want with no notice at all. As for the new manager’s offer to let you keep your commissions on any engagements that are “contracted”, this, too, is something that should and could have been defined in an artist management agreement. Otherwise, the definition of “contracted” will be the legal definition: a “contracted” engagement is one where there is an enforceable agreement (either written or oral), which means there has been an offer and an acceptance of that offer and the parties have agreed upon all key terms. While its true that engagements are often confirmed without their being contracts, a confirmation of an engagement may not necessarily constitute a “contracted” engagement. A “hold” may or may not be an enforceable contract. If the parties have agreed upon the date and the fee, it may not be “contracted” if there are other important issues that have not yet been agreed upon—ie: insurance, licensing, technical requirements, etc. In other words, what you consider to be “contracted” may or may not be what the law of contracts considers to be “contracted.” In the absence of a written agreement with defined terms and obligations, your best and most practical course of action is to accept that this is a bit of a mess and enter into a dialogue with your “former” artist and his or her new manager to come up with a mutually agreed upon list of “contracted” engagements on which you will receive your commissions. I can almost guarantee that such a list will have fewer dates that you believe is fair and more dates than your former artist and his/her manager believe is fair. However, if everyone believes they are giving up too much, its probably a fair settlement. Then, focus your time on getting agreements in place for your remaining artists. Pre-nuptial agreements are never sexy, but neither is finding yourself sleeping with the enemy. _________________________________________________________________ For additional information and resources on this and other legal and business issues for the performing arts, visit To ask your own question, write to All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously. __________________________________________________________________ THE OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE! The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!

What Attorneys Won’t Tell You

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

By Brian Taylor Goldstein

I recently attended an arts conference where there was a panel discussion on music contracts. An attorney said that artists don’t really need to read or review contracts because you can always declare them null and void later and get a new contract. Is this true?

This is why 99% of most attorneys give the rest of us a bad name. No. It’s not true. That is, its bad advice. However, there are many attorneys out there who like to believe otherwise.

You may…or may not…be surprised to learn that any attorney with even the most minimal amount of skill can create some plausible “theory” on which to sue someone else. That’s all it takes to file a lawsuit in a US court: a plausible “theory.” Your theory might be the world’s dumbest theory, but everyone is entitled to his or her day in court. And, under what’s called the “American Rule”, unless there is a contract requiring the loser to pay for attorney’s fees and costs, everyone is responsible for their own attorney’s fees regardless of who wins or loses. So, unless you and I have a contract requiring the loser in a lawsuit to pay the winner’s attorney’s fees, I could technically file a lawsuit against you right now (assuming I knew who you were) and you would have to spend your own money to defend it. (If you don’t like the “American Rule”, blame George Washington. The “English Rule”, of course, is the exact opposite!)

Because of this situation, many attorneys believe that the answer to every conflict is to file a lawsuit and use that as leverage to get a better deal. The argument goes something like this: If an artist signs a contract and later wants to get out of it, just file a lawsuit claiming that the other side is in breach. Even if the artist has absolutely no legal basis for such a claim, the other side will need to hire their own attorney, file a motion, appear in court, and have the claim dismissed. As this will cost them thousands of dollars, the other side just might re-negotiate with rather than spend all that money. Here’s the catch: the artist will ALSO have to spend all that money hiring an attorney to file the lawsuit in the first place. And if you think that a large recording label, or a successful producer, or even a presenter with access to a free board attorney is simply going to roll over to avoid a lawsuit, think again. Why? Because their own attorneys will advise them to fight.

There’s another consideration, too: your reputation. One of my clients once received a letter from an attorney who represented an artist who was part of my client’s roster. Even though his contract was not up for another year, the artist wanted to be released early so he could negotiate a potentially lucrative deal directly with one of the producers we were already working with on his behalf. His lawyer raised several legally weak arguments and threatened a multi-million dollar lawsuit. After several efforts to resolve the matter ended in screaming phone calls and more threatened litigations, we decided to release the composer, even though, ultimately, I felt we would win in court. It simply wasn’t worth it. My client had other artists and business to focus on and could afford neither the money nor the time and distraction. While you may conclude that the artist got what he wanted and won, think again. There’s more: of course, we had to advise the producer that we no longer represented the artist and what had happened. As a result, the producer determined that the artist’s talents were not worth the risk of dealing with someone who sues their way out of a dispute and selected another artist for the project. It wasn’t long before word spread that this artist would sue anyone at anytime and other producers refused to work with him either. In the end, the artist’s lawyer wound up suing the artist for unpaid attorney’s fees. Not a happy ending.

If you haven’t figured out the game yet, an attorney will always advise you to file a lawsuit. However, regardless of the outcome, only the attorneys win. So, unless you have an endless supply of money, energy, time, and spirit do not play this game! Take the time to draft meaningful contracts, take the time to read them, and take the time to establish a relationship with the people you will be working with. You may not always get what you want in a negotiation, but at least you can make an informed decision by asking questions and evaluating the pros and cons of the deal before you. While there are many reasons you might agree to unfavorable terms, believing that you can sue your way out of a bad situation is not among them…unless you’re an attorney!


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All questions on any topic related to legal and business issues will be welcome. However, please post only general questions or hypotheticals. GG Arts Law reserves the right to alter, edit or, amend questions to focus on specific issues or to avoid names, circumstances, or any information that could be used to identify or embarrass a specific individual or organization. All questions will be posted anonymously.




The purpose of this blog is to provide general advice and guidance, not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney familiar with your specific circumstances, facts, challenges, medications, psychiatric disorders, past-lives, karmic debt, and anything else that may impact your situation before drawing any conclusions, deciding upon a course of action, sending a nasty email, filing a lawsuit, or doing anything rash!